The Wandering Adventures of Siddhartha Episode 1
Having entered into the midst of a crowd, Siddhartha is approached by a seasoned yogi, who says, “You need to first make some merit; practicing generosity is what you need to do!”
Thereupon, Siddhartha began to actively seek out those who were suffering hardship, making every effort to provide them with whatever they needed. However, the recipients of his largesse indignantly responded with such words as, “Sure I need some help, buy I don’t want to know where it’s coming from.”
The next time Siddhartha was amongst a crowd, a yogi said to him, “You ought to lead miscreants and evil-doers onto the path of righteousness, thinking, ‘If I myself don’t rescue the beings suffering torments in the hell realms, then who will?’”
With much effort and hardship, Siddhartha finally succeeded in opening the gates of hell. But when he entered, the denizens of hell refused to be rescued, telling him, “I’ve become so accustomed to the fires of hell, that now I would find it difficult to go out and stay in a drafty place!”
The next time Siddhartha was amongst people, he chose to remain oblivious to both good and evil, but without distancing himself from the crowd.
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Ken Kraynak