2017年8月27日 星期日

悉達多的流浪故事 Episode XXX II (The Final Episode)

書名:悉達多的流浪故事(人性與狼的奇遇記)   Siddhartha  作者:半寄

悉達多的流浪故事32( 完結篇)

悉達多回到他待過的村莊,村民很久沒看過他,大家都想知道他去了哪裡?在修學什麼功課 ?這一次他很驚訝,自己沒有想要傳達什麼想法,只是想試驗自己,再次進入人群會有什麼不一樣的感覺 ?








Episode XXX II (The Final Episode)

When Siddhartha finally returns to the village, everyone wants to know where he has been and what sort of practice he has been doing.

This strikes Siddhartha as ironic, since he had no intention to talk about what he has learned, but simply wanted to test himself and see what it would be like to be amongst lots of people again.

Practicing samādhi has made him feel that people are at times very close, and at times far away. His experience of time and space have changed. Oftentimes, time and space seem unfamiliar, probably because even though his previous perception is gone, his new perception of time and space is still taking shape.

How can this sort of feeling be conveyed to others?

Siddhartha thinks of the changing causes and conditions in the study and practice of emptiness. Through his spiritual practice, he has transformed himself and how he interacts with others; he has a whole new life and a new way of using his sense organs.

In a way, it all seems quite humorous, but in the end, how could such an experience be put into words?

Perhaps all that can be done is to flash a knowing smile when the flower is picked up and held aloft.

In the air is silence.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak  





