悉達多修學的學問,都是教人把有形的一切,做個終止。因為擁有,讓人擔心,擁有一切的時候,人不放心,怕會失去,失去一切的時候,更慘 !
The main thing Siddhartha has learned is about how to end whatever is
visible . Possessing them brings worry; even if you had everything
you could possibly want, your worry would be even greater, since you would have
all the more to lose!
Worrying about losing your possessions can disrupt your
sleep and appetite, and can even make you forget what day it is! The struggle
to get things and keep them is the source of a lot of anguish. In such a state
of affairs, the only hope for inner peace is to cut off one’s attachment to
these things.
When he first encountered this teaching, Siddhartha was
so excited that he forgot to eat and sleep. He wished that he could quickly end
all the suffering in his life. After gaining sufficient knowledge in this area,
he wanted to let the whole world know that suffering can be ended.
However, since he was still in the early stages of his
teaching career, he encountered criticism from the villagers. Although he had
no opportunity to give formal teachings in the village, from his interactions
with the villagers he had some understanding of how they thought.
Who was ready to make an end of all this?