With much difficulty, Siddhartha stopped eating shengzhi,
whereupon he finally realized why the villagers liked it so much: It was
relatively easy to grow and simple to prepare. Some time after he stopped
eating shengzhi and began eating a variety of foods, his breadth of mind began
to expand, and he remembered why he had set out wandering in the first place.
He also thought about the teachings he had received and now intended to share,
and the wolf’s gluttony, whereupon he realized that his understanding of the
motivations of people was quite limited, not to mention those of the wolf. Yet,
all along he thought he could change the way people think, and could even
transform the wolf into a man.
He finally realized that he was unclear about lots of things,
including the full import of what his original teacher taught him.
Demanding perfection leaves a wandering ascetic in a
state between man and animal.
These threads of thought were like a wound trying to heal, difficult to endure, hard to grasp---familiar thoughts, and an unfamiliar self.
Now was the time for Siddhartha to recommence his life as
a wandering ascetic.
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Ken Kraynak