2017年8月27日 星期日

悉達多的流浪故事22 Episode XX II




生命裡需要的明天,讓每個人都焦慮的想知道,明天會不會更好?就像村民常問他的「老師,我應該怎麼做,才能擺脫現在的低潮 ?」或者「老師,我去祈求有智慧,有能力的神,神會滿足我的要求吧 ?!」村民一邊說著,一邊給自己回答,悉達多大部份的時候,只是個傾聽者。


在什麼情況下,生命才會想要自己終止 ?



From his studies and observations, Siddhartha had gained some insight into the lives of others. He had discovered that most people are very busy. Each family has its own needs and ways of providing for them. But if these needs go unmet, then it’s impossible and unnecessary to think about the beginning and end of life.Life requires a tomorrow, as can be seen by the way in which people are always anxiously wondering what tomorrow has in store for them. This is why the villagers were always asking Siddhartha such questions as, “Teacher, what should I do to get past my doldrums?” or “Teacher, if I supplicate such and such a wise and powerful deity, will my request be granted?” They basically were answering their own questions as they spoke, and most of the time Siddhartha simply listened.

After leaving the village, Siddhartha realized that when he was being criticized by the villagers, he didn’t feel inclined to “make an end of life,” and that any such inclination could not have been present when he broke out of the wolf's belly.

Under what circumstances would someone want to end his own life?

Siddhartha decided to experience for himself the end of life.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak   




