2017年8月27日 星期日

流浪者之歌6 Siddhartha VI

流浪者之歌6 Siddhartha VI(悉達多的流浪故事)


好多的賢者,大學問家都來過這個村莊,剛開始村民個個興奮異常的迎接他們的到來,何等的榮耀 ! 才讓群賢聚集在我們的村裡。

大學問家一個個施展他們的學問,村民一天到晚都在忙著吸收教學的內容,每個學者都說 : 這個太重要了,不學 ! 你們會變成低等動物,大家聽說不學習,會變成低等動物個個開始不分晝夜的學

一年一年的累積,好累喔 ! 村民彼此說著,累到老師是誰都看不清了!





The village for which Siddhartha served as the spiritual guide had a long history as a seat of learning, attracting lots of erudite scholars keen on deepening their knowledge and passing it on to others.

Everyone living in the village was proud of its reputation as a center of scholarship, so much so that only virtuous pundits were allowed to stay there.These learned scholars taught their respective subjects day and night, as all the villagers eagerly listened. Each lecture began and concluded with such words as, “If you don’t learn this well, you will be reborn as a lowly creature,” thereby making everyone even more intent on their studies. Some imparted practical knowledge useful for making a living; others taught how to turn an animal into a human being; others taught the proper way to sit and stand; still others instructed their pupils in how to learn the secrets of the universe by observing water.

In this way, year after year, the villagers sedulously accumulated such a surfeit of knowledge that they began to confuse one teacher for another!      

Eventually, some began to wonder if there might be some kind of food one could eat to enhance the functioning of the brain, obviating intensive study of abstruse subjects and bringing about rebirth on a higher grade of existence.  

For the purpose of discussing this issue, the villagers convened a meeting, at which it was agreed that only shengzhi would be eaten in the village, so as to increase the efficiency of their studies, allowing them more time and energy for other things.

Thus they promptly set about planting shengzhi, which soon became their staple food.

Master Ban Ji

 Translated by Ken Kraynak









