Note: Added Deed and 業
This glossary provides a listing of simple definition of important concepts in our discussions. For each entry, there will be additional links to discussions of these concepts in our blog.
Phenomenon (現象)
We use the word “Phenomenon” to represent the creation, existence and destruction of a phenomenon that can be observed in the world, such as destruction of a physical object, inception of a thought or a behavior.
Śūnyatā (空)
Śūnyatā are often translated as “emptiness” in English. However, in Buddhist teaching, Śūnyatā is definitely not “emptiness”, “void”, or “nothingness”. Śūnyatā means that all phenomenons' (whether they are material or not) creation, existence and destruction are the result of Nidānas. Therefore, all phenomenons are dependent on other phenomenons and cannot be considered to exist as a unity and standalone.
Pratītyasamutpāda (緣起)
Nidānas (因缘)
In English, it can be simply defined as “causation.” However, in Chinese's interpretation, there are two components to the “causation”, Yin (因) and Yuán (緣). Yin is a “possibility” of a phenomenon and Yuán is the per-requisites (elements and conditions) that are necessary for a phenomenon to occur. If both the possibility and the per-requisites for a phenomenon come together, then this phenomenon will occur. For example, in order to create a dish, we need a “motivation to make the dish” (Yin), the “ingredient for the dish” (Yuán, elements) and “some one to make the dish” (Yuán, conditions).
一個現象產生的條件跟元素都符合了。Pratītyasamutpāda (緣起)
Pratītyasamutpāda means dependent origination. A phenomenon's origination has all the dependencies fulfilled.
初果: 須陀洹 斷三結(身見 戒取 疑)
二果: 斯陀含 斷三結 貪 瞋 痴薄
三果: 阿那含 斷五下分結 (身見 戒取 疑 貪欲 瞋恚 )
四果: 阿羅漢 斷五上分結(色愛 無色愛 掉 慢 無明 )
Stages of Enlightenment (果位)
There are 4 stages of enlightenment that defines progressive stages of enlightenment. These stages are:
First Stage: Sotāpanna,Abandon 3 Fetters (elimination of identity view, ritual attachment, doubt)
Second Stage: Sakadagami,Abandon 3 Fetters(elimination of greed, anger, ignorance)
Third Stage: anāgāmi,Abandon 5 lower Fetters(elimination of identity view, ritual attachment, doubt, sensual desire, ill wills)
Fourth Stage: arahant, Abandon 5 upper Fetters(elimination of material rebirth lust, immaterial rebirth lust, conceit, restlessness, ignorance)
The English translation of the elements in parenthesis are provided by Wikipedia and I cannot confirm their accuracy yet.
Empirical Understanding
Understanding with both the brain and the body.
身體跟腦的了解 請參考 體會的意思
Normally, 業 is translated as karma. However, in our blog, 業 means "action that was accomplished", so "deed" is used to translate this word to mean "that which is done."
Normally, 業 is translated as karma. However, in our blog, 業 means "action that was accomplished", so "deed" is used to translate this word to mean "that which is done."