Siddhartha IX(悉達多的流浪故事)
悉達多還記得上回離開,是為了,他想問其他人 "我的傷口為什麼一直沒有好?" 他還記得那些行者聽說他傷口沒好,趕忙著翻看經典寫的「傷口」的樣子,就是沒有人探個頭來看看他的傷口。
Although he recognized the value of this teaching, he
couldn’t help but think that he was attracted to it precisely because he was
unclear about what it meant to be a good person! He wondered about lots of
things: Are there other ways of spiritual practice? Is it enough to be a good
person, or is there more to it than that? Was it really necessary to leave
one’s family and make such a long and arduous journey to a distant ashram just
to learn how to be a good person? What does it mean to be a good person? Is
someone who ministers only to his relatives a good person? These are some of
the things he yearned to understand.
Whenever he asked a teacher about what it means to be a
good person, the reaction was complete surprise: “What sort of person could be
so daft as to ask such an impertinent question? There must be something wrong
with his brain, or perhaps he has a learning disability. A good person is
someone who does good deeds. Why bother asking such a silly question? Nobody
else does. What could this Siddhartha possibly be getting at with this line of
Siddhartha still remembers the time he left the village and
why he did so. When he asked his fellow yogis why his wound had still not
healed, they went straight to the scriptures to find out what they had to say
about wounds, but nobody actually looked at his wound.
Seeing no alternative, he dejectedly set out on yet
another journey in search of an answer.
Master Ban Ji
Translated by Ken Kraynak