2017年8月27日 星期日

悉達多的流浪故事26 Episode XX IV



當悉達多與迦南多討論生命的時刻,悉達多發現自己的思考開始敏捷,以前跟隨指導者的日子,是一股腦的吸收指導者給他的教導,那些教導他很少去想,怎麼做才能達到指導者說的境界,現在迦南多會質疑他說的話 ? 甚至堅決否認生命可以終止,迦南多想要的世界是一種乾淨的淨土,不是終止。生命可以在淨土裡得到延續,決不是終止,迦南多說。



Episode XX IV

On the road leading to a town, Siddhartha came upon a wandering sādhu named Jananda. Impressed with Jananda’s erudition and extensive knowledge of spiritual matters, Siddhartha decides to stay with him so as to have an opportunity to increase his understanding.

While discussing with Jananda various topics relating to spiritual practice, Siddhartha’s ability to think becomes more nimble. While studying with his root teacher, the approach was to passively and unreflectively take in what he was taught, without considering just how one was to attain the states of being his teacher was describing. With Jananda it was different; Jananda called into question what Siddhartha had been previously taught, including the idea that life could be brought to an end. Instead, Jananda aspired to attain a type of pure land, wherein life could be extended indefinitely.

Due to the ongoing after-effects of his recent entry into deep samādhi, Siddhartha was unable to fully respond to Jananda’s questions. Yet he clearly felt that there was something different about his mind when he was interacting with others. While living alone, he answered his own questions, but now, as he listened to Jananda speak, he followed along, leading Siddhartha to reevaluate how he interacted with others.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak   



