2017年8月27日 星期日

悉達多的流浪故事19 Episode X IX


悉達多沒有回去村落,想起那一段跟人群相處的日子,很多事情他從來沒弄懂過。大部份時間他都在研究經典,練習指導者教授的功課。在村莊裡還來不及說上自己所學,跟村民的互動不大,至於別人的生活,更很少去了解,一般人都在忙些什麼? 想些什麼 ?!

有時從人們的眼睛裡,悉達多看見人們在跟他說: 你還不懂我想要什麼?









Siddhartha hasn’t returned to the village, and when he thinks back on his interactions with the people there, he realizes that there were lots of things he still doesn’t understand. Most of his time there was spent on studying scriptures and reviewing what he learned in class, leaving little opportunity to discuss what he was learning. What’s more, due to his limited interaction with the other residents of the village, he hadn’t learned much about them. What was everybody so busy with? What were they thinking about?

At times, from looking into their eyes, he could hear them say, “How is it that you still don’t know what I want?”

If you don’t know what people want, it won’t be easy to get along with them.

From his experience with the wolf, Siddhartha was fully aware that he still had a lot to learn, that he needed to shift from the world of ideas to real practice, and that it was time for him to leave the self-created confines of books and imagination---there were lots of things he needed to understand as clearly as he had come to understand the wolf.Fortunately, the anguish and joy he experienced in dealing with the wolf bolstered his confidence and lent him some

calm strength to face the future.

Siddhartha had realized that spiritual practice entails directly entering into certain concepts, and that liberation is not just a concept, but something that needs to be realized in practice. He also knew that all of this has important implications for how one lives in the world.

Direct experience is irreplaceable in spiritual practice.

In looking back on the past, Siddhartha realizes that his sojourn in the village had brought him face to face with his own shortcomings.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak    


