2017年8月27日 星期日

流浪者之歌 13 Siddhartha XIII

流浪者之歌 13 Siddhartha XIII

悉達多無力的拖著身體走下山,狼的拒絕讓他只能嘆息!走著走著,一個黑影閃過,他還來不及看,就感覺自己在一個濕濕黏黏的地方,看不見任何東西,只感覺到會蠕動,啊!完了!自己被狼吃進去肚子,悉達多意識到一件他根本不曾想過的事,再怎麼說他都教過狼,甚至在村民要打死牠的時候,還替牠遮掩一下,好讓牠有時間逃走,至少自己應該還不是牠的食物,至少 !


哀傷的悉達多感覺到蠕動的力量,跟一股酸性的液體,開始要鑽進身體,不行 ! 死在哪裡都可以,就是不能死在狼的肚子裡。




Still sighing with regret over being rejected by the wolf, Siddhartha wearily made his way down the mountain. As he walked along, he was suddenly enveloped within an indistinct shadow, and immediately found himself enclosed in a pitch dark place filled with a pulsating slime. “Oh no---I’ve been swallowed whole by the wolf.” He suddenly recalled the time when he shielded the wolf from the villagers’ angry blows, giving the wolf a chance to escape, telling himself in a strained voice, “And now I’ve become the wolf’s next meal! How can this be?”

Thoroughly dejected, feeling the pulsating acidic slime begin to dissolve his body, Siddhartha declared, “No way! I’m not afraid to die, but not in the wolf’s belly!”

“Never!” cried out Siddhartha with an unshakable determination permeating his body. Ever since becoming a wandering ascetic, not even once has he gotten into a conflict, but there’s no way he was going to passively allow himself to be eaten by the wolf!

Entering into a deep concentration, Siddhartha made his body as hard as steel, pressing and pressing, until he finally broke through the wolf’s stomach.

Trembling with pain and disbelief, the wolf wondered how it could be that his prey has emerged from his stomach.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak



