2017年8月27日 星期日

悉達多的流浪故事23 Episode XX III



進食減少讓肚子起來抗議,悉達多沒理會肚子,持續的降低飲食,大腦缺乏供給也開始罷工,悉達多也沒接受大腦的罷工 ! 更加緊微弱的力氣,訓練集中精神。



不知過了多久?鳥的叫聲喚起了他,一股強烈的疲憊感侵襲著悉達多,一直盤坐著的悉達多,啊 ! 的一聲,癱倒在坐床邊,下意識的看了一下時間,不能相信,十天 ! 整整十天,在自己沒任何感覺中,十天像幾個小時般,過去了 !


Episode XX III

Siddhartha soon set about actively making preparations to thoroughly test the end of life. He began to slowly reduce his food intake, and by doing so, he began to train himself to concentrate.

When his reduced food intake caused his stomach to protest, Siddhartha ignored its pangs and continued to eat less and less. Likewise, when his brain functioning became impaired due to a lack of nutrition, he was undeterred, mustering up whatever energy he still had, and using it to shore up his concentration.

One month passed, and then another, until Siddhartha was reduced to skin and bones, yet his body was being maintained by a certain invisible force. Siddhartha knew very well that by gradually focusing his mind he would eventually attain the rarefied state of concentration know as samādhi.

As he continued to practice in this way, Siddhartha's sense faculties became razor sharp. Occasionally, he lost consciousness and his experience of time shifted. He felt in his body that time had somehow slowed down, 

becoming so slow that it ceased to exist, even as his physical sensation became increasingly faint.          

After a long time sitting cross-legged, he noticed the chirping of the birds, and a strong sense of fatigue came over him. Uttering a long ahhhh, he collapsed beside his meditation seat, and subconsciously realized that he had been seated in the same position for ten days! Ten whole days, without feeling anything; ten days passed like a few hours!

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak   



