2017年8月27日 星期日

悉達多的流浪故事28 Episode XX VIII









Episode XX VIII

Siddhartha thought hard about the material basis of the body, as well as how the sense organs make contact with their respective objects.

During this period, he somewhat understood that the survival of the body is of little significance. Even though he might use his samādhi to extend the lifespan of his physical body, there were still limits. Also, from his experience of samādhi, he knew that it was impossible to live totally isolated from others, and through his discussions with Jananda he gained a new understanding of the nature of interpersonal relationships.

Staying alive requires material support, though the amount can vary depending on the individual. “So, inasmuch as we depend on these things to stay alive, there is no freedom,” thought Siddhartha as he walked along, grappling with problems, finding their solutions, and discovering new perspectives. His experience of samādhi had transformed his sense faculties, and with little effort he could directly touch joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

“Directly! That’s it! What is there to make an end of? It has to be directly felt.” Thinking so absorbedly, it seemed to Siddhartha that he was turning into food, being dismantled and digested one element at a time. It was as if he were debating with Jananda, and he and Jananda seemed to be the same.

“Emptiness” arose in Siddhartha's senses for the first time.

Master Ban Ji

Translated by Ken Kraynak   

















