悉達多在狼的身體裡邊忙了很久,看到「原始」的骨髓、腦漿,有些部份看起來跟人很類似,難怪 ! 牠懂得如何變成人 「但站起來當個人這部份沒有」,有些部份甚至會震動,激動的腦筋已經在構思──等傷口好了,應該如何覓食,才不會被撞破肚子。
沒錯 ! 面對狼的結果是,狼從來沒有說過,我要證悟(牠只是來借衣服穿),除了牠的詭詐外,其餘的想像.........──來自於人類的自作多情。悉達多在狼的身體裡,大大的舒了一口氣,被侵襲过的腦袋平靜下來,還好 ! 自己沒有放棄面對狼,不然,也是跟那些行者一樣,只能靠著書本摸索,更可能是很離譜的想著是不是自己,根本沒教好狼 ? 然後 ! 讓自己一直在指責自己。
到底修學是為了完美人格? 還是覺悟人性?
Remaining in the wolf's body for a long time, Siddhartha
sees the wolf’s bone marrow and brain in their original form, which look very
similar to those of humans. “So that’s how he’s able to turn into a human
being, except for standing upright.” Some parts of the wolf’s body were
vibrating, as he excitedly thought about how to find some food after the wound
Everything he had taught the wolf when in the form of a
human had left not even a trace in the wolf's brain.
He finally had gotten to the bottom of all the theories
various yogis had been debating for so long. If a wolf can't stand erect, then
it simply can’t understand human language. Thus there is no point in expecting
it to do something beneficial for humans.
That's it! The key to understanding the wolf is to realize that he never said he wanted to attain enlightenment; all he wanted was some clothes to wear. And apart from his deceit, the rest of his character is a mere projection of our own imaginations. Still in the body of the wolf, Siddhartha breathed a big sigh of relief, calming his frazzled nerves. Fortunately, he had not given up on dealing with the wolf. Otherwise, he would be like those yogis who rely solely on books. Or perhaps it was he himself who had missed the mark, in that he had never really taught the wolf anything, and thus had only himself to blame.
Ever since he had become a wandering mendicant, he had
become accustomed to thinking that he had a lot of shortcomings, but never got
around to finding out what they were and where they came from.
Is the aim of spiritual practice perfection of one’s
personality, or is it ultimate realization of human nature?
Thereupon Siddhartha fell into a state of deep