2017年8月27日 星期日
悉達多的流浪故事 Episode XXX II (The Final Episode)
書名:悉達多的流浪故事(人性與狼的奇遇記) Siddhartha 作者:半寄
悉達多的流浪故事32( 完結篇)
悉達多回到他待過的村莊,村民很久沒看過他,大家都想知道他去了哪裡?在修學什麼功課 ?
Episode XXX II (The Final Episode)
When Siddhartha finally returns to the village, everyone
wants to know where he has been and what sort of practice he has been doing.
This strikes Siddhartha as ironic, since he had no
intention to talk about what he has learned, but simply wanted to test himself
and see what it would be like to be amongst lots of people again.
How can this sort of feeling be conveyed to others?
Siddhartha thinks of the changing causes and conditions
in the study and practice of emptiness. Through his spiritual practice, he has
transformed himself and how he interacts with others; he has a whole new life
and a new way of using his sense organs.
In a way, it all seems quite humorous, but in the end, how
could such an experience be put into words?
Perhaps all that can be done is to flash a knowing smile
when the flower is picked up and held aloft.
In the air is silence.
Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事31 Episode XXX I
The habits formed in daily life bring a sense of
stability, but can also be oppressive. In the constant passage of time formed
of events past, present, and future, those who want tomorrow have joyful
expectations; those who don’t want time to pass by wallow in the past; and
those who want the present fully apply themselves to the job at hand.
Pondering all the things encountered in life, whether
wanted or not, Siddhartha finally realized that we can find happiness in them,
or get trapped by them.
“I just want you to have a little freedom,” Siddhartha
continued to say to his body. “Now you finally have enough strength to not be
dragged about by the wheel of time.
“Wandering is quite good. You have seen a lot of things
with your own eyes, and you have even grappled with a wolf. If not for
wandering, how could you have possibly learned so much?”
Siddhartha's brain and body thank each other for their respective
efforts, providing him with enough freedom to attain some insights which are
modest but unshakable, and as nourishing as nectar, bringing about a calm and
composed approach to life.
---Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事30 Episode XXX
總算,費了那麼大的力氣,把自己搞定,滄桑喔 ! 沒想到搞定自己,「這件小事」,竟然很滄桑。
Episode XXX
Siddhartha clearly felt that there was something different
about himself. A force that could not be easily shaken had emerged in his
heart. It became increasingly clear that the knowledge taught to him by his root
teacher was something that had to be practiced, rather than worshiped like an
In the past, he had little understanding of the self-entanglement
and complex interpersonal dynamics that so often left him so very confused and at
a loss as to how to proceed.
“In the past, whenever you got sick,” Siddhartha said to his body, “I worried that you would never recover. And when you were studying, I worried that that if you didn’t do well and get good grades, then later on you wouldn’t be able make as much money as others make, so I started to feel that you were beyond hope. Ever since I became aware of your existence, apart from a few moments of happiness, I have been constantly worrying about you. And as I took you along on my wanderings, I continually thought about how it might be possible to make an end of my troubles and bring peace to body and mind.
悉達多的流浪故事29 Episode XX IX
悉達多像發現新大陸般,狂奔的吼叫,我終於懂了,終於 !
Episode XX IX
There are elements within the elements. Dismantling them layer by layer, when the elements are complete,then they can be combined. When the elements disperse, so
does the individual and the world. An object exists because its elements are
present, and it will disappear when these elements are absent. Within this
process, it is emptiness that is the medium. Without emptiness, there could
only be fixed entities, without the possibility of change, combination, or
As if he had discovered a new continent, Siddhartha ran
wildly, shouting, “Finally, I finally understand!”
It is this emptiness that accounts for all diversity.
Emptiness is what’s essential, not making an end of things.
Siddhartha looked at his body, realizing that samādhi
does not reveal its true nature; rather, it is emptiness that reveals the true
nature of the body. At this moment, his body seemed somehow both familiar and
foreign at the same time.
Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事28 Episode XX VIII
Episode XX VIII
Siddhartha thought hard about the material basis of the
body, as well as how the sense organs make contact with their respective
During this period, he somewhat understood that the
survival of the body is of little significance. Even though he might use his samādhi
to extend the lifespan of his physical body, there were still limits. Also, from
his experience of samādhi, he knew that it was impossible to live totally
isolated from others, and through his discussions with Jananda he gained a new
understanding of the nature of interpersonal relationships.
Staying alive requires material support, though the
amount can vary depending on the individual. “So, inasmuch as we depend on
these things to stay alive, there is no freedom,” thought Siddhartha as he
walked along, grappling with problems, finding their solutions, and discovering
new perspectives. His experience of samādhi had transformed his sense
faculties, and with little effort he could directly touch joy, anger, sorrow, and
“Emptiness” arose in Siddhartha's senses for the first
Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事27 Episode XX VII
Episode XX VII
With regards to conflict and differences of opinion,
Siddhartha now reacted differently, bringing a smile of joy to his face. As for
being reborn in the pure land, while it sounded all very good, he wasn’t sure
it was the answer he was looking for. Thus he wasn’t interested in being reborn
in the pure land, and wondered if it was even possible.
Nor was Jananda able to say what would happen to the body
if it lacked the elements that support it. Soon Siddhartha decided to try to analyze
these factors in an attempt to break through his current understanding of the
body. Thus he began to think about how he might enter the next stage of his
Siddhartha found that discussing things with a
like-minded companion, even one with different views, helped him to clarify his
ideas, which is something he lacked while living the life of a solitary
Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事26 Episode XX IV
當悉達多與迦南多討論生命的時刻,悉達多發現自己的思考開始敏捷,以前跟隨指導者的日子,是一股腦的吸收指導者給他的教導,那些教導他很少去想,怎麼做才能達到指導者說的境界,現在迦南多會質疑他說的話 ? 甚至堅決否認生命可以終止,迦南多想要的世界是一種乾淨的淨土,不是終止。
Episode XX IV
On the road leading to a town, Siddhartha came upon a wandering
sādhu named Jananda. Impressed with Jananda’s erudition and extensive knowledge
of spiritual matters, Siddhartha decides to stay with him so as to have an
opportunity to increase his understanding.
While discussing with Jananda various topics relating to
spiritual practice, Siddhartha’s ability to think becomes more nimble. While
studying with his root teacher, the approach was to passively and
unreflectively take in what he was taught, without considering just how one was
to attain the states of being his teacher was describing. With Jananda it was
different; Jananda called into question what Siddhartha had been previously
taught, including the idea that life could be brought to an end. Instead, Jananda
aspired to attain a type of pure land, wherein life could be extended
Due to the ongoing after-effects of his recent entry into
deep samādhi, Siddhartha was unable to fully respond to Jananda’s questions.
Yet he clearly felt that there was something different about his mind when he
was interacting with others. While living alone, he answered his own questions,
but now, as he listened to Jananda speak, he followed along, leading Siddhartha
to reevaluate how he interacted with others.
Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事25 Episode XX V
Episode XX V
The joy he felt in his body made Siddhartha reluctant to increase his food intake, fearing that it would interfere with his concentration.Afterwards, whenever Siddhartha was amongst others, he
discovered that he had a certain kind of stability that allowed him to remain
unperturbed in all circumstances. He could no longer get caught up in a piece
of clothing, and the joy generated by samādhi allowed him to happily get along
with himself.
Nonetheless, a few days later, he became aware that he
still hadn’t made an end of things.
Around the same time, Siddhartha discovered that fasting
reduced his control over his body and mind, and made it difficult to walk very
far. Moreover, his ability to contemplate was impaired, and in his interactions
with others all he could do is listen. His world had been reduced to the
comfort that comes from samādhi.
He had earlier thought that attaining a certain level of samādhi
would reveal the mystery of life and bring about a kind of spiritual rebirth.
However, he was still subject to the endless vicissitudes of life, and he had
yet to make an end of all suffering.
The organs of the body are like tools, and the experience
of trance made Siddhartha realize that without the sense organs, the mind has
nowhere to dwell, setting it adrift. Even when one’s concentration is solid, since
it is ephemeral, it can’t be made the basis for developing one’s capacity for
As Siddhartha gradually increased his food intake, his
body steadily gained strength. With the experience of samādhi under his belt,
he set out in search of answers to his remaining questions.
Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事24 Episode XX IV
而悉達多卻發現,經過「入定」的訓練,身體的感覺起了變化,那不再是一般靜坐後的寧靜而已,是一個小孩轉變成大人的觸覺,小孩的身體像被脫下來的衣服,不再適合穿在大人的身上,好奇妙的感覺啊! 悉達多驚奇的叫著,完全忘記肚子的叫聲。
While in samādhi, the body consumes very little energy.
It wasn't until he collapsed that Siddhartha realized
that his stomach had begun to protest again, for even when in a state of
suspended animation, his body still remained sensate.
Through his training in samādhi, Siddhartha’s sense
faculties had changed. It wasn’t merely the sense of tranquility which comes
from sitting in meditation. It was more like a child growing up and exchanging
the clothes he had outgrown for those of an adult. “Amazing!” declared Siddhartha,
completely forgetting the sound of his stomach.
Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事23 Episode XX III
進食減少讓肚子起來抗議,悉達多沒理會肚子,持續的降低飲食,大腦缺乏供給也開始罷工,悉達多也沒接受大腦的罷工 ! 更加緊微弱的力氣,訓練集中精神。
不知過了多久?鳥的叫聲喚起了他,一股強烈的疲憊感侵襲著悉達多,一直盤坐著的悉達多,啊 ! 的一聲,癱倒在坐床邊,下意識的看了一下時間,不能相信,十天 ! 整整十天,在自己沒任何感覺中,十天像幾個小時般,過去了 !
Siddhartha soon set about actively making preparations to thoroughly test the end of life. He began to slowly reduce his food intake, and by doing so, he began to train himself to concentrate.
When his reduced food intake caused his stomach to protest,
Siddhartha ignored its pangs and continued to eat less and less. Likewise, when
his brain functioning became impaired due to a lack of nutrition, he was
undeterred, mustering up whatever energy he still had, and using it to shore up
his concentration.
One month passed, and then another, until Siddhartha was
reduced to skin and bones, yet his body was being maintained by a certain
invisible force. Siddhartha knew very well that by gradually focusing his mind
he would eventually attain the rarefied state of concentration know as samādhi.
becoming so slow that it ceased to exist, even as his
physical sensation became increasingly faint.
After a long time sitting cross-legged, he noticed the
chirping of the birds, and a strong sense of fatigue came over him. Uttering a
long ahhhh, he collapsed beside his meditation seat, and subconsciously
realized that he had been seated in the same position for ten days! Ten whole
days, without feeling anything; ten days passed like a few hours!
Master Ban Ji
悉達多的流浪故事22 Episode XX II
生命裡需要的明天,讓每個人都焦慮的想知道,明天會不會更好?就像村民常問他的「老師,我應該怎麼做,才能擺脫現在的低潮 ?」或者「老師,我去祈求有智慧,有能力的神,神會滿足我的要求吧 ?!」村民一邊說著,一邊給自己回答,悉達多大部份的時候,只是個傾聽者。
在什麼情況下,生命才會想要自己終止 ?
From his studies and observations, Siddhartha had gained
some insight into the lives of others. He had discovered that most people are
very busy. Each family has its own needs and ways of providing for them. But if
these needs go unmet, then it’s impossible and unnecessary to think about the
beginning and end of life.
After leaving the village, Siddhartha realized that when
he was being criticized by the villagers, he didn’t feel inclined to “make an
end of life,” and that any such inclination could not have been present when he
broke out of the wolf's belly.
Under what circumstances would someone want to end his
own life?
Siddhartha decided to experience for himself the end of
Master Ban Ji