「空法思想」的無法證悟,在於佛性、神性兩者為何?無法釐清!前面說宇宙大帝的權威,皆屬神性;也就是相信自我之 外有另一個主宰者(大我),有時覺得大我(包含)小我是普遍被認同的想法;甚至眾生亦覺沒有大我,小我是無法生存的!
It will be difficult to differentiate between Buddha-nature and Divinity while the concept of Śūnyatā is not clearly understood. The absolute authority of a God that was discussed previously belongs in the realm of Divinity. In the realm of Divinity, the belief is that there is another being ("The Big-I"), other than I ("The Small-I"), who is in control. Sometimes, it is common to think that "The Big-I" includes "The Small-I". In the extreme, the divinity school believes that without "The Big-I", "The Small-I" will not be able to exist.
Although Buddhists like to talk about Buddha as someone who is enlightened, the Mahayana sutras constantly point to the eternal existence the Buddha-body. Is this concept Buddha-nature or Divinity? The question is better analyzed using academic approaches, so we will not discuss the issue here.
佛嘗說:「悟空法,須具大人相。」,然而何者是大人相?具體說,該是內心層面有一定的承當能力,承擔何者?比如說生、老、病、死,它是人世間生命一定的過程,但試問群生是不是人人都只接受「生」的喜悅,誰人接受過老、病、死的真相! 再說既是真相,又為什麼眾生這麼難以面對面的看待它?
Buddha once said:"Only a great man can understand Śūnyatā." But what is a great man? To speak concretely, a great man is someone who have the internal fortitude to handle birth, old age, sickness and death, everything a person will encounter in his life. But everyone is happy to handle the joy of "birth", but finds no joy when facing the truth of old age, sickness and death. If these are the truths, why is it so hard for everyone to face them?
從這一點來自我觀照內心,應該就可以為愚昧的自己,找出不具大人相的因素,人心裏層次的怯弱,足以掩蓋任何理性的存在! 假使無法克服,徒具大人的軀體,內心只是孩子般的只有取得、或一味的被保護,內心層次上當然只停留在接受,更不可能去咀嚼吸收進來的思想,甚至作出判斷,想要修法,該在內心或外相上的那一點上面駐留?
If we reflect on this point, we will see that the weaknesses in human nature is able to obscure any sense of rationality, and will cause us to be unable to find any nuggets of the great man within us. If we cannot overcome our weaknesses, even if we possess the body of an adult, our childlike nature to "want things", or the need to be protected will persist, and we will be unable to grow. Once our childlike nature is no longer able to digest new ideas, new thoughts, or even judge, would we still be able to practice Buddha's teachings?
You should ask yourself about this feeling. Every practitioner of Buddhism should understand that our weaknesses prevent expansion of thoughts. Because of our weaknesses, we are not able to inspect ourselves. Our weaknesses prevent us from pondering many ideas, not to mention the inability to investigate and research them.
But it is also unrealistic to ask a practitioner of Buddhism to summon enough courage and wisdom to face himself without delay. At this point, we will need to discuss the cultivation of the virtuous root within oneself. Why not speak of virtuous methods, such as 5 Precepts and 10 Virtues? [Translator's Note 4] Because root has a connotation of stability and can penetrate deeper to provide a strong foundation. Once the root is solidly within the ground, it can grow with stability and be less susceptible to outside forces.
If a person agrees with and accepts an ideology, but is afraid of committing to it or actually practicing it, then the "goodness" of this ideology is no longer relevant. But if a person wants to be a great man, he will need to ask questions that will help to deepen the virtuous root within him. And from this process, he will be able to develop courage and wisdom, and provide a basis for understanding Śūnyatā.
[Translator's Note 4] 五戒: 5 Precepts : No taking life; No taking what is not given; No sensual misconduct; No false speech; No intoxicants 十善: 10 Virtues: No killing; No stealing; No lust; No two-tongues; No Lie; No flattery; No Bad-Mouth; No Greed; No Anger; No Ignorance.
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2011年9月30日 星期五
2011年9月29日 星期四
讀者回饋 : 長大 Reader Contributions: Growing Up
當我遇上一件令人忿忿不平或不公平待遇時, 心中馬上習慣性的浮現"我試圖要....","我一定要...."的念頭
Whenever I encountered a situation that I felt is unfair, thoughts like "I am going to try to do..." or "I must do..." automatically came to mind.
在此時, 有二種心態需要自我釐清它的本質,
I feel that at this time, there are two internal issues that I need to be clear about.
一;真正的問題 (指心理層面) 好像是我自己分離了,"它歸它的","我歸我的"
1. The real issue (within oneself). It is like I need to separate myself from the issue. "The issue belongs to the issue." and "I belong to myself."
二;內心好像有個永遠長不大的三歲小孩 (暫且稱它為潛意識的我) 蟄伏著
2. There always seems to be a 3 years old in me that will not grow up, and always seems to be there, (I am calling this the subconscious-I for now.) hibernating.
我如果?...........不是如果! 不是假設 !,而是勇敢承受它,因為它本身跟我是同一狀態,(其中也無任何的合理或排斥)
If I? No, not "if". Not assume. But to face it with courage. Because "its" existence is in the same condition as "I". (which there is no reason to combine or separate "it" and "I".) [Translator's Note]
睿歐 Ruì ōu
[Translator's Note] Not sure what 它 is referring to. But I assume it is the issue at hand. The situation that cause the reader to feel unfair.
Whenever I encountered a situation that I felt is unfair, thoughts like "I am going to try to do..." or "I must do..." automatically came to mind.
在此時, 有二種心態需要自我釐清它的本質,
I feel that at this time, there are two internal issues that I need to be clear about.
一;真正的問題 (指心理層面) 好像是我自己分離了,"它歸它的","我歸我的"
1. The real issue (within oneself). It is like I need to separate myself from the issue. "The issue belongs to the issue." and "I belong to myself."
二;內心好像有個永遠長不大的三歲小孩 (暫且稱它為潛意識的我) 蟄伏著
2. There always seems to be a 3 years old in me that will not grow up, and always seems to be there, (I am calling this the subconscious-I for now.) hibernating.
我如果?...........不是如果! 不是假設 !,而是勇敢承受它,因為它本身跟我是同一狀態,(其中也無任何的合理或排斥)
If I? No, not "if". Not assume. But to face it with courage. Because "its" existence is in the same condition as "I". (which there is no reason to combine or separate "it" and "I".) [Translator's Note]
睿歐 Ruì ōu
[Translator's Note] Not sure what 它 is referring to. But I assume it is the issue at hand. The situation that cause the reader to feel unfair.
標籤 Labels:
Reader Contribution
快樂的原因 Reason for Happiness
Master Ban Ji wants me to write an article on why I am happy. She does know how to assign home works.
This is hard to say. I can say that it is because I understand the Truth better. But that seems cliche and seems to avoid the point. I can say that I am a better person; but that seems patronizing to you, the readers. My emotions are quicker to dissipate, and that is a good thing; especially when the emotion is the result of arguing with my wife. But that's not the reason either.
I think the real reason that I am happy is that I know that I am powerful. I don't need to any of the "dark sides" in life because I don't need them. Because I am in control of my life.
For example, if you know the world is your ATM, and you can take money out whenever you need to, and the money will never run out. Would you still be greedy?
Do you still need to have anger if you are able to avoid events that will cause you angry?
Are you still ignorant if you know the Truth?
If you can eliminate the three akusala-mūla (poisons) of Greed, Anger and Ignorance, you would be happy too.
如果您能夠消除三毒 (貪嗔痴),您也會很快樂。
But ultimately, I think I am happy because I have no fear.
This is hard to say. I can say that it is because I understand the Truth better. But that seems cliche and seems to avoid the point. I can say that I am a better person; but that seems patronizing to you, the readers. My emotions are quicker to dissipate, and that is a good thing; especially when the emotion is the result of arguing with my wife. But that's not the reason either.
I think the real reason that I am happy is that I know that I am powerful. I don't need to any of the "dark sides" in life because I don't need them. Because I am in control of my life.
For example, if you know the world is your ATM, and you can take money out whenever you need to, and the money will never run out. Would you still be greedy?
Do you still need to have anger if you are able to avoid events that will cause you angry?
Are you still ignorant if you know the Truth?
If you can eliminate the three akusala-mūla (poisons) of Greed, Anger and Ignorance, you would be happy too.
如果您能夠消除三毒 (貪嗔痴),您也會很快樂。
But ultimately, I think I am happy because I have no fear.
標籤 Labels:
Personal Experience
2011年9月28日 星期三
讀者回饋:事實與存在 Reader Contribution: Reality and Existence
I have a feeling that I do not know how to describe.
在"此有故彼有"的體會上好像有一種距離感, 分開 ,甚至是幻相 ,
It is a feeling that there seems to be a distance, a separation, even a hallucination in my empirical understanding of "If this exists, then that exist as well."[Translator's Note] However, they are often all seems to be the same, with the same existence.
在此狀態下是否能清楚了解自我運作的過程是無任何言語,權威,預設及複製 ,不是理論與表相的了解 ?
Is it possible that in this condition to understand how I "work" is not something that can be described by any language, any authority, any assumptions or any duplications, and is not something that can be understand by theories or appearances?
真正要解決問題(指心理層面)不單是急於尋求答案 ! 因為問題與自我根本是同一狀態!
在此狀態下了解自我在其中的顯現而已 !
Wanting to solve the problem of oneself (problems within oneself) is not a matter of simply looking for answers with urgency. Because the problem with oneself is in the same condition as oneself.
Understanding oneself in this condition is only one of the many phenomenons created by oneself.
我的體會 。
This is my empirical understanding.
[Translator's Note:] 此有故彼有 "When this exists, that came to be." is from Sajyukt āgama
I have a feeling that I do not know how to describe.
在"此有故彼有"的體會上好像有一種距離感, 分開 ,甚至是幻相 ,
It is a feeling that there seems to be a distance, a separation, even a hallucination in my empirical understanding of "If this exists, then that exist as well."[Translator's Note] However, they are often all seems to be the same, with the same existence.
在此狀態下是否能清楚了解自我運作的過程是無任何言語,權威,預設及複製 ,不是理論與表相的了解 ?
Is it possible that in this condition to understand how I "work" is not something that can be described by any language, any authority, any assumptions or any duplications, and is not something that can be understand by theories or appearances?
真正要解決問題(指心理層面)不單是急於尋求答案 ! 因為問題與自我根本是同一狀態!
在此狀態下了解自我在其中的顯現而已 !
Wanting to solve the problem of oneself (problems within oneself) is not a matter of simply looking for answers with urgency. Because the problem with oneself is in the same condition as oneself.
Understanding oneself in this condition is only one of the many phenomenons created by oneself.
我的體會 。
This is my empirical understanding.
[Translator's Note:] 此有故彼有 "When this exists, that came to be." is from Sajyukt āgama
標籤 Labels:
Reader Contribution
讀者回饋 Reader Contributions
Sometimes, we will get some emails from readers and these emails may be of interest to our general readerships.
So with the permission of the writer, we will re-publish these emails anonymous, unless the writer has given us permission to do otherwise.
All these reader contributions will be labeled under "Reader Contribution."
So with the permission of the writer, we will re-publish these emails anonymous, unless the writer has given us permission to do otherwise.
All these reader contributions will be labeled under "Reader Contribution."
標籤 Labels:
苦 Dukkha (commonly translated as suffering)
I have been reading Saṃyukta Āgama recently and have some new thoughts on the nature of dukkha (or commonly translated as suffering) that are often discussed in Buddhism that I would like to share.
The common Buddhism teaches that we suffer because life is transitory. One moment we are happy, the next we are sad. One moment, we are young and strong, the next we are old and decrepit. The common interpretation is that because happiness in life is transitory, then life is necessary suffering. But if you look at it from the glass is half-full perspective, you can say that life is happiness because suffering is transitory. Why are we placing more emphasis on suffering, and not on happiness?
『 因為生活中的幸福是短暫,那麼生活就是苦的』。
Just because "The Four Noble Truth" has dukkha as its element and is something we need to remove, it doesn't mean we need to do nothing but focus on impermanent dukkha in the past, now or the future.
While this interpretation is valid on some level, I believe that there are more to dukkha.
My thought here is that at one level, dukkha cannot be realized until one recognizes one's current self as compares to one's potential. One feels dukkha because one remembers he once were superman, but has forgotten how to become a superman again. It's more like grief than suffering.
A person who has lived in a cell all his life and has never ventured outside, would not think of living in an imprisonment is suffering because he never knows freedom. We, on the outside, pity him and cannot help but think that he is suffering because he does not know the freedom that we enjoy. Our view of the prisoner's dukkha is tinted with pity. Once the prison tasted freedom, he would understand that he is suffering.
可憐的「苦」,一旦嚐到自由,囚犯就會知道他一輩子都生活在「苦」 中。
Dukkha has two aspects.
From the outside looking in, we pity the prisoner and think he is suffering; dukkha with pity.
From inside looking out, the prisoner suffers because he cannot have freedom and grief; dukkha with grief.
A person who has lost his legs remembers his freedom and feels grief.
一個人失去了他的腿,但還記得他以前的自由, 這樣很「苦」。
A person who has lost his eye sights remembers the beauty of the world and feels grief.
A wealthy person who lost his fortune and is begging on the street remembers his past glories and feels grief.
A person who remember he once possessed the knowledge of the Truth, but has forgotten it, feels grief.
A person who has forgotten himself but knows that he was a better man suffers the ultimately grief.
A person who knows the Truth, and see that people of the world are living their lives totally oblivious of the Truth, cannot help but pity the world and thinks the world is full of dukkha.
Until you see a glimpse of the Truth, you won''t know what dukkha is. Once you know dukkha, you will do everything you can to get to the Truth as soon as you can.
Right now, it's all only impermanence.
The common Buddhism teaches that we suffer because life is transitory. One moment we are happy, the next we are sad. One moment, we are young and strong, the next we are old and decrepit. The common interpretation is that because happiness in life is transitory, then life is necessary suffering. But if you look at it from the glass is half-full perspective, you can say that life is happiness because suffering is transitory. Why are we placing more emphasis on suffering, and not on happiness?
『 因為生活中的幸福是短暫,那麼生活就是苦的』。
Just because "The Four Noble Truth" has dukkha as its element and is something we need to remove, it doesn't mean we need to do nothing but focus on impermanent dukkha in the past, now or the future.
While this interpretation is valid on some level, I believe that there are more to dukkha.
My thought here is that at one level, dukkha cannot be realized until one recognizes one's current self as compares to one's potential. One feels dukkha because one remembers he once were superman, but has forgotten how to become a superman again. It's more like grief than suffering.
A person who has lived in a cell all his life and has never ventured outside, would not think of living in an imprisonment is suffering because he never knows freedom. We, on the outside, pity him and cannot help but think that he is suffering because he does not know the freedom that we enjoy. Our view of the prisoner's dukkha is tinted with pity. Once the prison tasted freedom, he would understand that he is suffering.
可憐的「苦」,一旦嚐到自由,囚犯就會知道他一輩子都生活在「苦」 中。
Dukkha has two aspects.
From the outside looking in, we pity the prisoner and think he is suffering; dukkha with pity.
From inside looking out, the prisoner suffers because he cannot have freedom and grief; dukkha with grief.
A person who has lost his legs remembers his freedom and feels grief.
一個人失去了他的腿,但還記得他以前的自由, 這樣很「苦」。
A person who has lost his eye sights remembers the beauty of the world and feels grief.
A wealthy person who lost his fortune and is begging on the street remembers his past glories and feels grief.
A person who remember he once possessed the knowledge of the Truth, but has forgotten it, feels grief.
A person who has forgotten himself but knows that he was a better man suffers the ultimately grief.
A person who knows the Truth, and see that people of the world are living their lives totally oblivious of the Truth, cannot help but pity the world and thinks the world is full of dukkha.
Until you see a glimpse of the Truth, you won''t know what dukkha is. Once you know dukkha, you will do everything you can to get to the Truth as soon as you can.
Right now, it's all only impermanence.
標籤 Labels:
On the Path
2011年9月27日 星期二
分享文章的注意 A Note on Sharing Our Writings
I noticed today that there are some people sharing some of our materials with other people in their own channels. I thank you for your support. However, I would like to request that when you do so, please acknowledge the source on your channel as well. One way to do so is simply to place a link back to the article, I am sure that all social sites have this capabilities.
I feel that this is a common courtesy that any students of Buddhism should be able to perform.
I feel that this is a common courtesy that any students of Buddhism should be able to perform.
標籤 Labels:
理性與現實 Rationality and Reality
許多人應該有一種感覺、年紀愈長愈在想要什麼? 跟不想要什麼間掙扎?
"As I get older, the more I struggle with what I want and what I don't want." This must be a common feeling among many people.
除了少數人擁有選擇權外、大部分人、生在泥沼裡、擁有選擇權跟權勢與金錢無關、大部分的人總想我有了金錢與權勢、 便可以怎樣又怎樣.............、但很多觀察指向有大腦的人、應該是活的最好的人、錢需要被應用、權勢需要被管理、但人如果身陷困境時跟兩者是無關的、至少脆弱、跟無力擔當、在金錢與權勢之外、再有錢、勢的人一旦面臨脆弱一樣難堪!
Except for the few who have the choice, most people live their whole life in the swamp. Having the ability to choose has nothing to do with power and money. People always think that if they have money or power, they will be able to do what they want. But many observations have shown that people with brain live the best. Money needs to be used, and power needs to be managed.
But if a person is facing a difficulty that has nothing to do with money or power, and the difficulty cannot be solved by money or power, and he does not have the strength within him to handle the situation, he will find himself unable to face the difficulty. A person with money and power will look equally pathetic once they face a situation outside the realm of power and money.
然而我們推想一件事時、為什麼不能就事情本質去看待? 為什麼非得繞著錢、勢不可? 請正視! 人性的立足點是所有的人都一樣的。
But when people are judging a situation/thing/person, why can't people consider a situation/thing/person simply by its merit? Why do people must use money and power as an arbiter for every situation/thing/person . Please face the truth, the basis of all human nature is the same for everyone.
人如果活到有力量直接探討事情的本質、除了可以讓自己生活品質不錯以外、在精神體誰能比自己自由? 培養出自我的選擇權、智慧加能力的加持、在推開迷霧後!
If a person has the ability to directly analyze the nature of a situation/thing/person. Not only will his life improve, spiritually, he will have more freedom than anyone else. Once you blow aside the fog and constantly increase your wisdom, only then, will you be able to cultivate your own choices.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
"As I get older, the more I struggle with what I want and what I don't want." This must be a common feeling among many people.
除了少數人擁有選擇權外、大部分人、生在泥沼裡、擁有選擇權跟權勢與金錢無關、大部分的人總想我有了金錢與權勢、 便可以怎樣又怎樣.............、但很多觀察指向有大腦的人、應該是活的最好的人、錢需要被應用、權勢需要被管理、但人如果身陷困境時跟兩者是無關的、至少脆弱、跟無力擔當、在金錢與權勢之外、再有錢、勢的人一旦面臨脆弱一樣難堪!
Except for the few who have the choice, most people live their whole life in the swamp. Having the ability to choose has nothing to do with power and money. People always think that if they have money or power, they will be able to do what they want. But many observations have shown that people with brain live the best. Money needs to be used, and power needs to be managed.
But if a person is facing a difficulty that has nothing to do with money or power, and the difficulty cannot be solved by money or power, and he does not have the strength within him to handle the situation, he will find himself unable to face the difficulty. A person with money and power will look equally pathetic once they face a situation outside the realm of power and money.
然而我們推想一件事時、為什麼不能就事情本質去看待? 為什麼非得繞著錢、勢不可? 請正視! 人性的立足點是所有的人都一樣的。
But when people are judging a situation/thing/person, why can't people consider a situation/thing/person simply by its merit? Why do people must use money and power as an arbiter for every situation/thing/person . Please face the truth, the basis of all human nature is the same for everyone.
人如果活到有力量直接探討事情的本質、除了可以讓自己生活品質不錯以外、在精神體誰能比自己自由? 培養出自我的選擇權、智慧加能力的加持、在推開迷霧後!
If a person has the ability to directly analyze the nature of a situation/thing/person. Not only will his life improve, spiritually, he will have more freedom than anyone else. Once you blow aside the fog and constantly increase your wisdom, only then, will you be able to cultivate your own choices.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
標籤 Labels:
Master Bàn Jì's articles
2011年9月26日 星期一
經的看法 4 A View of Buddhist Texts 4
I feel Heart Sutra is an important Buddhist Text for validating one's empirical understanding of Śūnyatā and Nidānas for one simple reason, it is short and concise. I read it all the time to judge my progress.
There are a lot of detail explanations of the Heart Sutra on the web, or in publication, and I don't want to repeat their work. I just want to provide my high level review of the Sutra.
Heart Sutra 心經
Note: For the English version, I replaced all the inappropriate translation of 「空」 from "emptiness" to "Śūnyatā".
When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are Śūnyatā, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty.
觀自在菩薩 , 行深般若波羅蜜多時 , 照見五蘊皆空 , 度一切苦厄 ,
This is basically the essence of the Sutra. Five Skandhas is basically your body or your self. So once you can empirically understand that your self is Śūnyatā, then you will end all suffering.
Shariputra, form does not differ from Śūnyatā; Śūnyatā does not differ from form. Form itself is Śūnyatā; Śūnyatā itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness.
舍利子 , 色不異空 , 空不異色 , 色即是空 , 空即是色 , 受想行識 , 亦復如是 ,
This talks about "Five Skandhas and saw that they are Śūnyatā" in detail. It actually explains what Five Skandhas are.
Shariputra, all Dharmas have characteristics of Śūnyatā. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish.
舍利子 , 是諸法空相 , 不生不滅 , 不垢不淨 , 不增不減 ,
First, it presents the implication of All Dharmas (I consider this to mean "All Phenomenons") have characteristics of Śūnyatā. So, All Phenomenons "are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish. " Why? Because Śūnyatā means that all phenomenon's (whether they are material or not) creation, existence and destruction are results of Nidānas.
首先,這句表明「諸法空相」的意味。對我而言,「諸法」是所有的現象。因此,所有的現象是「不生不滅 , 不垢不淨 , 不增不減」。
為什麼?因為「空」 就是『一切都是「因缘」所生,「因缘」所在及「因缘」所滅』。
Therefore, in Śūnyatā there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or Dharmas; no field of the eyes up to and including no field of mind consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, and no Way, and no understanding and no attaining.
是故空中無色 , 無受想行識 , 無眼耳鼻舌身意 , 無色聲香味觸法 , 無眼界 , 乃至無意識界 , 無無明 , 亦無無明盡 , 乃至無老死 , 亦無老死盡 , 無苦集滅道 , 無智亦無得 , 以無所得故 ,
Then it goes ahead and explains the consequence of "All Dharmas have characteristics of Śūnyatā" in more detail. It does this from the surface of self, the body to our mind and finally to our nature, which is anattā.
Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva through reliance on Prajna Paramita is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana!
菩提薩埵 , 依般若波羅蜜多故 , 心無罣礙 , 無罣礙故 , 無有恐怖 , 遠離顛倒夢想 , 究竟涅槃 ,
Bodhisattva was able to achieve "Nirvana" ( In other words, understand the Truth.) because they empirically understand that "your self is Śūnyatā".
All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita. Therefore know that Prajna Paramita is a Great Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false.
三世諸佛 , 依般若波羅蜜多故 , 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩 提 , 故知般若波羅蜜多 , 是大神咒 , 是大明咒 , 是無上咒 , 是無等等咒 , 能除一切苦 , 真實不虛 ,
It says all Buddha became Buddha via first understood that their selves are Śūnyatā.
So the phrase "your self is Śūnyatā" is an important mantra to keep in mind at all time.
That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. Recite it like this:
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!
故說般若波羅蜜多咒 , 即說咒曰 , 揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶
I have read what "Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!" means in other books and websites. But since I don't know what this means, I wont talk about it.
我有讀過「揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶」的解釋和翻譯。但我不懂梵語,所以我也不知道這有沒有特別的意思。不說也好。
That's it. If you want to know more detail about the Sutra, you will have to empirically understand it. All the knowledge and direction you need to empirically understand the Sutra is already presented on this blog. The rest, you will have to work for.
You might think this explanation of the Heart Sutra is trivial, even sacrilege. Any one can write it.
But I must say that I would not be able to write this article 6 months ago. 6 months ago, I would want to do a doctoral dissertation on it; I would cross-references all the scholarly articles about the topic, and excruciatingly explain and discuss every words and every phrases. Now, I know that would be meaningless, because readers cannot empirically understand these concepts from my writings. Such an exercise will only let everyone know that I am good at studying.
但6 個月前, 我無法寫這篇文章。 那時,我只會用寫博士論文的方法來寫。我會交叉引用所有的學術文章去詳細的解釋、討論每一個詞,每一個字。現在,我知道那樣寫是毫無意義的,因為讀者無法從文章體會這些概念。只會讓大家知道我很會讀書。
Our purpose here is to walk Buddha's path, not to debate on what "walking" mean.
There are a lot of detail explanations of the Heart Sutra on the web, or in publication, and I don't want to repeat their work. I just want to provide my high level review of the Sutra.
Heart Sutra 心經
Note: For the English version, I replaced all the inappropriate translation of 「空」 from "emptiness" to "Śūnyatā".
When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are Śūnyatā, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty.
觀自在菩薩 , 行深般若波羅蜜多時 , 照見五蘊皆空 , 度一切苦厄 ,
This is basically the essence of the Sutra. Five Skandhas is basically your body or your self. So once you can empirically understand that your self is Śūnyatā, then you will end all suffering.
Shariputra, form does not differ from Śūnyatā; Śūnyatā does not differ from form. Form itself is Śūnyatā; Śūnyatā itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness.
舍利子 , 色不異空 , 空不異色 , 色即是空 , 空即是色 , 受想行識 , 亦復如是 ,
This talks about "Five Skandhas and saw that they are Śūnyatā" in detail. It actually explains what Five Skandhas are.
Shariputra, all Dharmas have characteristics of Śūnyatā. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish.
舍利子 , 是諸法空相 , 不生不滅 , 不垢不淨 , 不增不減 ,
First, it presents the implication of All Dharmas (I consider this to mean "All Phenomenons") have characteristics of Śūnyatā. So, All Phenomenons "are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish. " Why? Because Śūnyatā means that all phenomenon's (whether they are material or not) creation, existence and destruction are results of Nidānas.
首先,這句表明「諸法空相」的意味。對我而言,「諸法」是所有的現象。因此,所有的現象是「不生不滅 , 不垢不淨 , 不增不減」。
為什麼?因為「空」 就是『一切都是「因缘」所生,「因缘」所在及「因缘」所滅』。
Therefore, in Śūnyatā there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or Dharmas; no field of the eyes up to and including no field of mind consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, and no Way, and no understanding and no attaining.
是故空中無色 , 無受想行識 , 無眼耳鼻舌身意 , 無色聲香味觸法 , 無眼界 , 乃至無意識界 , 無無明 , 亦無無明盡 , 乃至無老死 , 亦無老死盡 , 無苦集滅道 , 無智亦無得 , 以無所得故 ,
Then it goes ahead and explains the consequence of "All Dharmas have characteristics of Śūnyatā" in more detail. It does this from the surface of self, the body to our mind and finally to our nature, which is anattā.
Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva through reliance on Prajna Paramita is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana!
菩提薩埵 , 依般若波羅蜜多故 , 心無罣礙 , 無罣礙故 , 無有恐怖 , 遠離顛倒夢想 , 究竟涅槃 ,
Bodhisattva was able to achieve "Nirvana" ( In other words, understand the Truth.) because they empirically understand that "your self is Śūnyatā".
All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita. Therefore know that Prajna Paramita is a Great Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false.
三世諸佛 , 依般若波羅蜜多故 , 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩 提 , 故知般若波羅蜜多 , 是大神咒 , 是大明咒 , 是無上咒 , 是無等等咒 , 能除一切苦 , 真實不虛 ,
It says all Buddha became Buddha via first understood that their selves are Śūnyatā.
So the phrase "your self is Śūnyatā" is an important mantra to keep in mind at all time.
That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. Recite it like this:
Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!
故說般若波羅蜜多咒 , 即說咒曰 , 揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶
I have read what "Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha!" means in other books and websites. But since I don't know what this means, I wont talk about it.
我有讀過「揭諦揭諦 波羅揭諦 波羅僧揭諦 菩提薩婆訶」的解釋和翻譯。但我不懂梵語,所以我也不知道這有沒有特別的意思。不說也好。
That's it. If you want to know more detail about the Sutra, you will have to empirically understand it. All the knowledge and direction you need to empirically understand the Sutra is already presented on this blog. The rest, you will have to work for.
You might think this explanation of the Heart Sutra is trivial, even sacrilege. Any one can write it.
But I must say that I would not be able to write this article 6 months ago. 6 months ago, I would want to do a doctoral dissertation on it; I would cross-references all the scholarly articles about the topic, and excruciatingly explain and discuss every words and every phrases. Now, I know that would be meaningless, because readers cannot empirically understand these concepts from my writings. Such an exercise will only let everyone know that I am good at studying.
但6 個月前, 我無法寫這篇文章。 那時,我只會用寫博士論文的方法來寫。我會交叉引用所有的學術文章去詳細的解釋、討論每一個詞,每一個字。現在,我知道那樣寫是毫無意義的,因為讀者無法從文章體會這些概念。只會讓大家知道我很會讀書。
Our purpose here is to walk Buddha's path, not to debate on what "walking" mean.
標籤 Labels:
Buddhist Texts,
Heart Sutra
2011年9月25日 星期日
佛法的思向 2 A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts 2
Dependent Origination implies all phenomenons' characteristics are Śūnyatā. (DOCS) [Translator's Note 3] This highlights that all things do not have definitive bodies [Translator's Note 4] but have definitive characteristics. The definitive characteristic of all phenomenons is that they are result of Nidānas. Because of Nidānas, serial and structural thoughts, ideas, and even all physical entities are possible. Because there is no definitive body, every efforts at change are possible, and thoughts and behaviors can run free.
『緣起性空』,人類史上最崇高的思想,悟緣起法將促使生命登上高峰!多數人悟緣起法則,人類史將邁入更自由、更進步的階段。因為了解一切皆需人自己付出努力,生命不再是祈 求式,而是前進式;也不是掠奪式,一切靠自己擁有的本事獲取!不再認為生存法則是你爭我奪,也非屈膝卑躬!悟緣起法的智慧,足以在天地間從容自在的生存,也因此將使人類更脫離原始獸性與血腥!
Principle of DOCS is the most noble idea in the human history. Understanding the principle of DOCS will allow life to reach its peak. If many people can understand the principle of DOCS, human beings will evolve to a more free, more advance stage. Because if we understand DOCS, we will understand that we will need to work for everything that we get. We will no longer need to pray for what we want, nor will we need to be predatorial. Because we know that we need to get what we want base on our abilities. We will no longer think that rule of survival is either predatory or subservient. The wisdom of DOCS is that it allows us to live freely in the world, and away from our primitive beastly nature and bloodshed.
If everything are created and destroyed due to Nidānas, then divine idea of a God is no longer possible. Practicing and understanding Nidānas provides a basis for free thinking. Free thoughts should be more than political freedom, it should also be a religious freedom as well. There are too many authoritarian religions in the world that do not allow mankind the ability to refute and retort. But mankind are more than willing to be under these religions' control, because of the idea of a God. Because if God exists to watch over us, than it follows that God is an absolute authority that cannot be disobeyed nor questioned.
Nidānas does not erect absolutes, nor does it create oppositions. The control of everything in the universe is under people's own wills. Noble thoughts are mankind's blessing, likewise, when ideal deteriorates, it is mankind that will suffer. There is no one being that can control and manipulate our destiny behind the scene.
由於人們無法正視自己的內心世界,亦不願承擔各人行為所帶來的負面價值。我個人認為推崇權威似乎是贖罪及害怕後果的心態,由此一心態創立宇宙大帝,是祈求 保護傘的降臨,亦是由他人一手擔待各人罪贖的開端,倘使人們能更有勇氣、智慧面對各人內心世界的種種,相信自由思想的開拓將使人類史更為文明。
Because mankind is unable to look at themselves in the eyes, and is unwilling to bear the negative consequences of their actions, mankind's acceptance and promotion of an authority figure can be directly attributed to mankind's wish for atonement and fear of the consequences. From this mentality, mankind created a universal God so that they can pray for the descend of a protective umbrella, and for another being to handle and forgive their sins. If mankind have the courage and wisdom to face their own inner thoughts, I believe that this will start a movement of free thoughts that can make mankind even more civilized.
Dependent Origination implies all phenomenons' characteristics are Śūnyatā. (DOCS) [Translator's Note 3] This highlights that all things do not have definitive bodies [Translator's Note 4] but have definitive characteristics. The definitive characteristic of all phenomenons is that they are result of Nidānas. Because of Nidānas, serial and structural thoughts, ideas, and even all physical entities are possible. Because there is no definitive body, every efforts at change are possible, and thoughts and behaviors can run free.
『緣起性空』,人類史上最崇高的思想,悟緣起法將促使生命登上高峰!多數人悟緣起法則,人類史將邁入更自由、更進步的階段。因為了解一切皆需人自己付出努力,生命不再是祈 求式,而是前進式;也不是掠奪式,一切靠自己擁有的本事獲取!不再認為生存法則是你爭我奪,也非屈膝卑躬!悟緣起法的智慧,足以在天地間從容自在的生存,也因此將使人類更脫離原始獸性與血腥!
Principle of DOCS is the most noble idea in the human history. Understanding the principle of DOCS will allow life to reach its peak. If many people can understand the principle of DOCS, human beings will evolve to a more free, more advance stage. Because if we understand DOCS, we will understand that we will need to work for everything that we get. We will no longer need to pray for what we want, nor will we need to be predatorial. Because we know that we need to get what we want base on our abilities. We will no longer think that rule of survival is either predatory or subservient. The wisdom of DOCS is that it allows us to live freely in the world, and away from our primitive beastly nature and bloodshed.
If everything are created and destroyed due to Nidānas, then divine idea of a God is no longer possible. Practicing and understanding Nidānas provides a basis for free thinking. Free thoughts should be more than political freedom, it should also be a religious freedom as well. There are too many authoritarian religions in the world that do not allow mankind the ability to refute and retort. But mankind are more than willing to be under these religions' control, because of the idea of a God. Because if God exists to watch over us, than it follows that God is an absolute authority that cannot be disobeyed nor questioned.
Nidānas does not erect absolutes, nor does it create oppositions. The control of everything in the universe is under people's own wills. Noble thoughts are mankind's blessing, likewise, when ideal deteriorates, it is mankind that will suffer. There is no one being that can control and manipulate our destiny behind the scene.
由於人們無法正視自己的內心世界,亦不願承擔各人行為所帶來的負面價值。我個人認為推崇權威似乎是贖罪及害怕後果的心態,由此一心態創立宇宙大帝,是祈求 保護傘的降臨,亦是由他人一手擔待各人罪贖的開端,倘使人們能更有勇氣、智慧面對各人內心世界的種種,相信自由思想的開拓將使人類史更為文明。
Because mankind is unable to look at themselves in the eyes, and is unwilling to bear the negative consequences of their actions, mankind's acceptance and promotion of an authority figure can be directly attributed to mankind's wish for atonement and fear of the consequences. From this mentality, mankind created a universal God so that they can pray for the descend of a protective umbrella, and for another being to handle and forgive their sins. If mankind have the courage and wisdom to face their own inner thoughts, I believe that this will start a movement of free thoughts that can make mankind even more civilized.
[Translator's Note 3] 緣起性空 means "Because of dependent origination, all thing's characteristics are Śūnyatā." But this is a little unwieldy to use repeatedly in an article, so I'll use DOCS to represent 緣起性空.
[Translator's Note 4] 實體 can be literally translated as "real body" or "true body." I think saying all things do not have real body is strange and incorrect. "True body" captures the meaning better, so I have decided to use "definitive body" as the translation.
[Translator's Note 4] 實體 can be literally translated as "real body" or "true body." I think saying all things do not have real body is strange and incorrect. "True body" captures the meaning better, so I have decided to use "definitive body" as the translation.
標籤 Labels:
A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts
2011年9月24日 星期六
幽默與佛學 Humor and Buddhism
Master Ban Ji called me this morning. She said that she really liked the article, "Second Change", because it was funny. She said that she would like to see more humor in my articles.
My first reaction was: Huh? You want Buddhism to be funny?
But after lunch, it occurred to me that there are no happy religions. It seems to me that all religions are serious, full of doom and gloom. In Buddhism, it's all about suffering and bad karma. In Christianity, it's all about Heaven and Hell. I am not familiar with Islamic traditions, but it doesn't seem like they are happy either.
但今天午餐後, 我想到世界上好像沒有很開心的宗教。
Any talk of salvation or Heaven all seem so far away as to conjure any sense of laughter.
No doubts that these religions can bring comfort to their faithfuls. But I am not talking about comfort. I am talking about laughter. I want to live everyday in laughter.
I can't help but wonder why this is so.
I am sure a lot of people are like me: I don't liked to be nagged, nor micromanaged. I don't want to constantly reminded that I will go to Hell or caused some bad karma. But it seems like we tolerate nagging when it comes to religion. Why is that?
I don't know the answer. But I do know that I have to live every second of my life whether I like it or not. And if I can help it, I rather be laughing every second. So I guess I will endeavor to put some humor in the blog and in Buddhism.
"Did you hear about the joke on Śūnyatā?"
"No, tell me."
"....." (我需要翻譯無言嗎?)
"Not funny." (maybe its funnier in Chinese.)
My first reaction was: Huh? You want Buddhism to be funny?
But after lunch, it occurred to me that there are no happy religions. It seems to me that all religions are serious, full of doom and gloom. In Buddhism, it's all about suffering and bad karma. In Christianity, it's all about Heaven and Hell. I am not familiar with Islamic traditions, but it doesn't seem like they are happy either.
但今天午餐後, 我想到世界上好像沒有很開心的宗教。
Any talk of salvation or Heaven all seem so far away as to conjure any sense of laughter.
No doubts that these religions can bring comfort to their faithfuls. But I am not talking about comfort. I am talking about laughter. I want to live everyday in laughter.
I can't help but wonder why this is so.
I am sure a lot of people are like me: I don't liked to be nagged, nor micromanaged. I don't want to constantly reminded that I will go to Hell or caused some bad karma. But it seems like we tolerate nagging when it comes to religion. Why is that?
I don't know the answer. But I do know that I have to live every second of my life whether I like it or not. And if I can help it, I rather be laughing every second. So I guess I will endeavor to put some humor in the blog and in Buddhism.
"Did you hear about the joke on Śūnyatā?"
"No, tell me."
"....." (我需要翻譯無言嗎?)
"Not funny." (maybe its funnier in Chinese.)
標籤 Labels:
On the Path
經的看法 3 A View of Buddhist Texts 3
Maybe it is the nature of the language, but I found Chinese version of the Buddhist Texts to be artistic, poetic and beautiful, where as English version of the Buddhist Texts reads like a philosophical text book to me, void of any emotions.
However, the Chinese version, while poetic, can be incomprehensible at times. The English version, while precise, does not inspire one to find the Truth. Both the English and Chinese versions have another common problem; their accuracy is greatly depended on the translator. A choice of an incorrect word can cause a practitioner to go down an incorrect path.
For example, the concept of Śūnyatā, the Chinese translated it to “空“, which conjures an image of "emptiness" to Chinese readers. While the emotional aspect of this translation does capture some feeling of Śūnyatā correctly, it also leads ones to think “空“ implies "nothing-ness", which is incorrect. This is the reason that I choose not to translate Śūnyatā to any corresponding English word and left it as the original Pali, so that I don't conjure up any unintended connotation in the translation.
舉例來說,Śūnyatā 在中文被翻譯為 「空」,這讓人有一個「空虛」的感覺。雖然這種感覺在某方面也正確,但它可能誤導人去認為「空」表示「沒有」,這是不正確的。所以在英文版,我選擇不翻譯 Śūnyatā。
My background as an engineer forced me to have the habit of writing as precisely as possible, because any imprecision in a technical document can cause problems later on. I have the same approach to this Blog; especially on this Blog. Because I don't want my imprecision to become an obstacle in anyone's path to the Truth. So I'll only write and translate concepts that I have some empirical understandings.
Instead of misleading you to any incorrect conclusions, I would rather you don't understand my articles.
In the previous article, I mentioned Master Yin-Shun's words: "Belief is based on emotion, Knowledge is based on rationality. A student of Buddhism needs to develop these two facets equally and harmoniously"; that is why I thought providing this Blog in both English and Chinese at the same time can help bring this balance of rationality and emotion together.
在前一篇文章,我提到印順法師的話:「信是情意的, 智是理性的,學佛的要使這二者,平衡進展到融和。」,我希望能在這部落格中達到這個目的,所以我在這部落格中同時提供中英文。希望英文的精準可以替代我中文的不足之處。
The first instruction Master Ban Ji gave me was to "elevate my emotions." I believe I have some success in this task, because now I sometime would feel like crying when watching a touching movie. Whereas before, I would never have an urge to cry in a movie theater.
To walk the path of Buddha, one must first elevate and balance one's rational and emotion self.
However, the Chinese version, while poetic, can be incomprehensible at times. The English version, while precise, does not inspire one to find the Truth. Both the English and Chinese versions have another common problem; their accuracy is greatly depended on the translator. A choice of an incorrect word can cause a practitioner to go down an incorrect path.
For example, the concept of Śūnyatā, the Chinese translated it to “空“, which conjures an image of "emptiness" to Chinese readers. While the emotional aspect of this translation does capture some feeling of Śūnyatā correctly, it also leads ones to think “空“ implies "nothing-ness", which is incorrect. This is the reason that I choose not to translate Śūnyatā to any corresponding English word and left it as the original Pali, so that I don't conjure up any unintended connotation in the translation.
舉例來說,Śūnyatā 在中文被翻譯為 「空」,這讓人有一個「空虛」的感覺。雖然這種感覺在某方面也正確,但它可能誤導人去認為「空」表示「沒有」,這是不正確的。所以在英文版,我選擇不翻譯 Śūnyatā。
My background as an engineer forced me to have the habit of writing as precisely as possible, because any imprecision in a technical document can cause problems later on. I have the same approach to this Blog; especially on this Blog. Because I don't want my imprecision to become an obstacle in anyone's path to the Truth. So I'll only write and translate concepts that I have some empirical understandings.
Instead of misleading you to any incorrect conclusions, I would rather you don't understand my articles.
In the previous article, I mentioned Master Yin-Shun's words: "Belief is based on emotion, Knowledge is based on rationality. A student of Buddhism needs to develop these two facets equally and harmoniously"; that is why I thought providing this Blog in both English and Chinese at the same time can help bring this balance of rationality and emotion together.
在前一篇文章,我提到印順法師的話:「信是情意的, 智是理性的,學佛的要使這二者,平衡進展到融和。」,我希望能在這部落格中達到這個目的,所以我在這部落格中同時提供中英文。希望英文的精準可以替代我中文的不足之處。
The first instruction Master Ban Ji gave me was to "elevate my emotions." I believe I have some success in this task, because now I sometime would feel like crying when watching a touching movie. Whereas before, I would never have an urge to cry in a movie theater.
To walk the path of Buddha, one must first elevate and balance one's rational and emotion self.
標籤 Labels:
Buddhist Texts
2011年9月23日 星期五
第二次改變 Second Change
The second change was a lot more visible to detect than the first.
One day, we were driving somewhere, and during our conversation, my wife said to me, with a very subtle undertone of anger, "You are a pig head."
某天,我在開車時,我跟太太有些小爭執。我太太對我說,「你是個豬頭。」 當時這句話包含了一個非常微妙的憤怒。
Now, as all husbands know, this is a delicate moment.
If I respond with any slight hint of annoyance or anger, a new fight might erupt.
If I respond with silence, we might avoid a confrontation at the moment, but it might still be inevitable later on.
If I respond with calmness, she may or may not be able to accept it given her current state of mind.
如果我很冷靜的應對,我太太她不一定能夠接受。 因為她那時的心理狀態不一定是很理性的。
So, in a blink of an eye, without given it any thought or miss any beat, I bleated out:
"Oink. Oink." (這是豬叫的聲音。)
Totally not expecting this sort of response, my wife burst into laughter. Me too.
And we were able to discuss and resolve the issue at hand in a fun and funny manner.
The reason that I am providing these personal experience here is not to teach you specific behaviors or methods that you can do when you have an argument with your wife. These reactions came out of me naturally, and I believe is the result of many months of the efforts spent on self-reflection. These reactions worked for us, but may not necessary work for you. (Heck, Your wife may think you are making fun of her when you make sounds of a pig. If that happens, don't blame me. You made the noise, I didn't.)
在這裡跟大家分享這些經驗,不是要教各位用具體的方法去應付夫妻的爭吵。 這些反應都是自然出現,不是用大腦想出來的。 是許多個月自我反省的結果。 對我跟我太太有用,不一定對您們有用。 (哎,您的太太也許會認為您的豬叫是在嘲笑她。 如果出現這種情況,不要怪我,是您叫的,不是我.)
If you work on self-reflection, you will eventually have your own changes and reactions that is unique to you and your situation. At that point, you will have succeeded and will be ready for the second step.
如果您努力的在自我反省,有一天,您會發現自己有所變化、不同以往的反應。 這些變化和反應,是根據您當時所處的情況自然產生的。 如果您可以做到這個程度,您對於第二步已經做好準備了。
One day, we were driving somewhere, and during our conversation, my wife said to me, with a very subtle undertone of anger, "You are a pig head."
某天,我在開車時,我跟太太有些小爭執。我太太對我說,「你是個豬頭。」 當時這句話包含了一個非常微妙的憤怒。
Now, as all husbands know, this is a delicate moment.
If I respond with any slight hint of annoyance or anger, a new fight might erupt.
If I respond with silence, we might avoid a confrontation at the moment, but it might still be inevitable later on.
If I respond with calmness, she may or may not be able to accept it given her current state of mind.
如果我很冷靜的應對,我太太她不一定能夠接受。 因為她那時的心理狀態不一定是很理性的。
So, in a blink of an eye, without given it any thought or miss any beat, I bleated out:
"Oink. Oink." (這是豬叫的聲音。)
Totally not expecting this sort of response, my wife burst into laughter. Me too.
And we were able to discuss and resolve the issue at hand in a fun and funny manner.
The reason that I am providing these personal experience here is not to teach you specific behaviors or methods that you can do when you have an argument with your wife. These reactions came out of me naturally, and I believe is the result of many months of the efforts spent on self-reflection. These reactions worked for us, but may not necessary work for you. (Heck, Your wife may think you are making fun of her when you make sounds of a pig. If that happens, don't blame me. You made the noise, I didn't.)
在這裡跟大家分享這些經驗,不是要教各位用具體的方法去應付夫妻的爭吵。 這些反應都是自然出現,不是用大腦想出來的。 是許多個月自我反省的結果。 對我跟我太太有用,不一定對您們有用。 (哎,您的太太也許會認為您的豬叫是在嘲笑她。 如果出現這種情況,不要怪我,是您叫的,不是我.)
If you work on self-reflection, you will eventually have your own changes and reactions that is unique to you and your situation. At that point, you will have succeeded and will be ready for the second step.
如果您努力的在自我反省,有一天,您會發現自己有所變化、不同以往的反應。 這些變化和反應,是根據您當時所處的情況自然產生的。 如果您可以做到這個程度,您對於第二步已經做好準備了。
標籤 Labels:
Personal Experience,
2011年9月22日 星期四
佛法的思向 1 A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts 1
A Guide To Buddhist Thoughts
半寄 撰述
Written by Master Ban Ji
The concept of Śūnyatā is Buddha's ultimate idea. We can even say that this concept is the essence of Buddhism. Whether a Buddhist is a true follower of Buddha can be determined from his/her understanding of Śūnyatā. If one doesn't know Buddha's concept, one cannot be called a Buddhist. This is not an overly rigorous view of Buddhists. This is because Śūnyatā is of the utmost importance in the world of Buddhism.
拿佛教與其他宗教比較,想要判斷佛學跟其他思想、行為有什麼不一樣的地方?「空法思想」為個中翹楚!「空法思想」的確立及認識, 有助於宗教的辯別及宗教各式不同思想的確定(許多人認同萬教同源論)。
From the points of views of other religions, Buddhism's concepts and modes of practices are complete at odd with them. As a concept, Śūnyatā still standalone at the top. Establishment and knowledge of Śūnyatā is helpful to separate religions from one another, and this difference confirms that different religions have different thoughts and patterns. (Many people think that all religions came from the same source and are basically the same.)
But Śūnyatā tends to be considered to be theoretical, mysterious and incomprehensible. Except for academic studies, Buddhists normally distance themselves from it. Here, I will try to help you look at Śūnyatā from different angles, and maybe I can contribute my meager efforts to expand the acceptance and understanding of Śūnyatā.
論及空法,緣起法的了解,為首要條件!除一般熟識的十二因緣法外,龍樹菩薩所著中觀論中八不中道的演練,亦一重要課題!在此不拿經、論點逐一做比對、或逐一演說(可參閱印順導師空之系列書籍),比照前面說法,從另一些觀點、 想法、做法提供參考,不是學術,也是學術,希望從中找出具體一點的實際修法,卻又不致背離「空法」之義太遠!
Before we can discuss Śūnyatā, we must first understand Pratītyasamutpāda(Dependent Origination)! Other than the familiar Twelve Nidānas, discourses in Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā's "Eight Negations of The Middle Path" [Translator's Note 1] are also important. However, I will not do point to point comparison or discussion of every Buddhist Texts and books on this topic. (You can look at Master Yin Shun's books on Śūnyatā. [Translator's Note 2]) I want to propose Śūnyatā from different angles for your consideration, not academic, but somewhat academic as well. In the process, I hope to find some concrete methods to practice and understand Śūnyatā, but also not stray too far from its ideal.
A Guide To Buddhist Thoughts
半寄 撰述
Written by Master Ban Ji
The concept of Śūnyatā is Buddha's ultimate idea. We can even say that this concept is the essence of Buddhism. Whether a Buddhist is a true follower of Buddha can be determined from his/her understanding of Śūnyatā. If one doesn't know Buddha's concept, one cannot be called a Buddhist. This is not an overly rigorous view of Buddhists. This is because Śūnyatā is of the utmost importance in the world of Buddhism.
拿佛教與其他宗教比較,想要判斷佛學跟其他思想、行為有什麼不一樣的地方?「空法思想」為個中翹楚!「空法思想」的確立及認識, 有助於宗教的辯別及宗教各式不同思想的確定(許多人認同萬教同源論)。
From the points of views of other religions, Buddhism's concepts and modes of practices are complete at odd with them. As a concept, Śūnyatā still standalone at the top. Establishment and knowledge of Śūnyatā is helpful to separate religions from one another, and this difference confirms that different religions have different thoughts and patterns. (Many people think that all religions came from the same source and are basically the same.)
But Śūnyatā tends to be considered to be theoretical, mysterious and incomprehensible. Except for academic studies, Buddhists normally distance themselves from it. Here, I will try to help you look at Śūnyatā from different angles, and maybe I can contribute my meager efforts to expand the acceptance and understanding of Śūnyatā.
論及空法,緣起法的了解,為首要條件!除一般熟識的十二因緣法外,龍樹菩薩所著中觀論中八不中道的演練,亦一重要課題!在此不拿經、論點逐一做比對、或逐一演說(可參閱印順導師空之系列書籍),比照前面說法,從另一些觀點、 想法、做法提供參考,不是學術,也是學術,希望從中找出具體一點的實際修法,卻又不致背離「空法」之義太遠!
Before we can discuss Śūnyatā, we must first understand Pratītyasamutpāda(Dependent Origination)! Other than the familiar Twelve Nidānas, discourses in Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā's "Eight Negations of The Middle Path" [Translator's Note 1] are also important. However, I will not do point to point comparison or discussion of every Buddhist Texts and books on this topic. (You can look at Master Yin Shun's books on Śūnyatā. [Translator's Note 2]) I want to propose Śūnyatā from different angles for your consideration, not academic, but somewhat academic as well. In the process, I hope to find some concrete methods to practice and understand Śūnyatā, but also not stray too far from its ideal.
[Translator's Note 1]: 八不中道: 中論云:『不生亦不滅,不常亦不斷,不一亦不異,不來亦不去』 I have chosen to translate 八不中道 as "Eight Negations of The Middle Path." From Mūlamadhyamakakārikā: "Not created and not destroyed, not continuous and not broken, not the same and not different, not coming and not going"
[Translator's Note 2]:I am not sure if these books are available in English yet. I am not able to find them.
標籤 Labels:
A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts
佛法的思向─中英系列版 A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts - Chinese English Version
We thought that instead of waiting for me to finish translating Master Ban Ji's book, "A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts" before making the English available, I'll publish my translation as I proceed.
要是英文讀者需要等我完全翻譯完《佛法的思向》才能讀這本書 ,恐怕要等很久。
So starting today, I'll be publish articles from the book under the label of A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts.
I will also put together a page to the right that collects these article to make looking for them easier.
要是英文讀者需要等我完全翻譯完《佛法的思向》才能讀這本書 ,恐怕要等很久。
So starting today, I'll be publish articles from the book under the label of A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts.
I will also put together a page to the right that collects these article to make looking for them easier.
標籤 Labels:
A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts
2011年9月21日 星期三
自在 Free, Unrestrained Comfort
Taiwan is a country that places important emphasis on educational quality. As a member of this island, I always felt that we, as a culture, lack some capacity for critical thought. We have great ability to learn and consume, but unable to produce and innovate.
佛教在這裡成績斐然、佛教徒在這裡願佈施、出錢、出力、令人讚嘆! 叫好!
Taiwanese Buddhists' accomplishments are impressive, their willingness to donate money and energy is laudable! Cheers!
如果這裡面再加入些思考能力、是否更令信仰的空間廣大? 進而加深個人於世上的立足點、立足點的站立穩固、會讓自己感覺修學所帶來的生命意義、你會覺得這世上竟然有一種宗教、是可以讓一般人在某一個層次精神自由! 我不知道誰可以令我自由? 但透過修學我可以給自己游刃有餘的空間。
However, if we introduce more capacity for critical thinking, would we not expand the horizon of our beliefs? From there, we can further solidify and understand ourselves and our places in the world. Once we have a solid foothold, and know who we are in the world, we will be in a better position to feel the meaning of life with learning and practice. We will be amazed to know that there is a religion in the world that will let a person be free. I don't know who can free me, but I know that I can give myself more space as result of learning and practicing.
We are living in an age of information explosion. The development of human brain has reach a level that is ready for an evolution of new thoughts. I think a lot of people are looking forward to it. I know I am.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
Taiwan is a country that places important emphasis on educational quality. As a member of this island, I always felt that we, as a culture, lack some capacity for critical thought. We have great ability to learn and consume, but unable to produce and innovate.
佛教在這裡成績斐然、佛教徒在這裡願佈施、出錢、出力、令人讚嘆! 叫好!
Taiwanese Buddhists' accomplishments are impressive, their willingness to donate money and energy is laudable! Cheers!
如果這裡面再加入些思考能力、是否更令信仰的空間廣大? 進而加深個人於世上的立足點、立足點的站立穩固、會讓自己感覺修學所帶來的生命意義、你會覺得這世上竟然有一種宗教、是可以讓一般人在某一個層次精神自由! 我不知道誰可以令我自由? 但透過修學我可以給自己游刃有餘的空間。
However, if we introduce more capacity for critical thinking, would we not expand the horizon of our beliefs? From there, we can further solidify and understand ourselves and our places in the world. Once we have a solid foothold, and know who we are in the world, we will be in a better position to feel the meaning of life with learning and practice. We will be amazed to know that there is a religion in the world that will let a person be free. I don't know who can free me, but I know that I can give myself more space as result of learning and practicing.
We are living in an age of information explosion. The development of human brain has reach a level that is ready for an evolution of new thoughts. I think a lot of people are looking forward to it. I know I am.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
標籤 Labels:
Master Bàn Jì's articles
2011年9月20日 星期二
懺悔 Repentance
Recently, Tzu Chi foundation had a performance titled "Water Repentance" in Taiwan. It's goal was to encourage people to "repent" for their "Dark Side." In the Buddhist Text of the same title, the "Dark Side" is broken down into 10 "bad karmic deeds". 3 bodily deeds of "kill", "steal", "lust". 4 deeds that originate from the mouth: "bad languages", "lie", "flattery", "two tongues". But all these 7 "Dark Sides" can trace their sources to the 3 poisons of "greed", "anger" and "ignorance".
這七種 「身口」業都是從三毒或「意」業而起,那就是「貪」、「嗔」、「癡」。
But for us, repentance is not about confession. It's not about apologizing for your misbehavior. It's not about feeling sorry for yourself or your victims. And It's not about asking for forgiveness. It's about understanding why you have the "Dark Side", why you need to use the "Dark Side," and how to change yourself so you don't need to use the "Dark Side" ever again.
Maybe I am harsh, but I believe that everyone should strive for uttering an apology to a particular misdeed once and only once. To me, if you feel really sorry about doing something, you should do your best not to do it again, and the best chance you have for preventing the same action is to understand why you did it in the first place and change yourself. Otherwise, apologizing for the same thing over and over again seems very insincere to me, and doesn't accomplish anything other than making yourself feel better.
From our point of view, repentance is also about repaying the debt owed to the victims, to make amend. Often, this is the hardest thing to do. If you lied about somebody, maybe you need to publicly apologize. If you stole someone's money, you will need to repay him, sometimes, with interests. If you killed a person, maybe you will need to repay your life to him, if not in this life time, in the next. The debt will be settled eventually, either voluntarily (i.e. you actively try to repay the debt and not trying to avoid it.), or involuntarily by the force of karma. For us, it is the best to repay your debt as fast as possible, therefore, voluntarily. Because any karmic debt will be an obstacle in your path to enlightenment.
Repentance is about asking yourself "why" as a path to change yourself.
The point of repentance is to use real actions to repay your debt to the victim of your "Dark Side".
懺悔的另一個重點是:用實際行動,還債於被害者。 不是無形的而已。
Repentance is only the beginning.
這七種 「身口」業都是從三毒或「意」業而起,那就是「貪」、「嗔」、「癡」。
But for us, repentance is not about confession. It's not about apologizing for your misbehavior. It's not about feeling sorry for yourself or your victims. And It's not about asking for forgiveness. It's about understanding why you have the "Dark Side", why you need to use the "Dark Side," and how to change yourself so you don't need to use the "Dark Side" ever again.
Maybe I am harsh, but I believe that everyone should strive for uttering an apology to a particular misdeed once and only once. To me, if you feel really sorry about doing something, you should do your best not to do it again, and the best chance you have for preventing the same action is to understand why you did it in the first place and change yourself. Otherwise, apologizing for the same thing over and over again seems very insincere to me, and doesn't accomplish anything other than making yourself feel better.
From our point of view, repentance is also about repaying the debt owed to the victims, to make amend. Often, this is the hardest thing to do. If you lied about somebody, maybe you need to publicly apologize. If you stole someone's money, you will need to repay him, sometimes, with interests. If you killed a person, maybe you will need to repay your life to him, if not in this life time, in the next. The debt will be settled eventually, either voluntarily (i.e. you actively try to repay the debt and not trying to avoid it.), or involuntarily by the force of karma. For us, it is the best to repay your debt as fast as possible, therefore, voluntarily. Because any karmic debt will be an obstacle in your path to enlightenment.
Repentance is about asking yourself "why" as a path to change yourself.
The point of repentance is to use real actions to repay your debt to the victim of your "Dark Side".
懺悔的另一個重點是:用實際行動,還債於被害者。 不是無形的而已。
Repentance is only the beginning.
標籤 Labels:
On the Path
2011年9月19日 星期一
求 Pray for Something
In previous article, we discussed three common methods that a person can do when what is desired exceeds his capability. Actually, in Eastern civilization, there is a common fourth way, and that is to "pray for" it. This is not to say that it doesn't happen in Western civilization, but in modern time, it is not as much a public phenomenon in the West as it is in Asian cultures.
In Asian culture, it is often that a person would go to a temple that is affiliated to some deity to "pray for" something. The usual process is that they go to the temple, and pray to the deity for their desire, and if the wish is granted, how they would repay the deity for this favor. The desire can be money, love, good test scores, and even a child. Whatever one can wish for, one can always find a deity that specializes in granting that particular wish.
什麼都可以「求」 :錢財、愛情、功名...甚至一個孩子。
This seems like a good deal, if the prayer is answered. I can offer a deity thousands of dollars worth of "gifts" in return for a good husband, a good grade, a winning lottery ticket even a new born.
These deities can offer things that money cannot buy.
But if the prayer has been answer, and people received desired items, do they ever think about where these items came from?
And do these items actually belong to them, or are they just renting them?
And do people think that the "gifts" that they offer to a deity are the only price that they are paying?
Is it possible that in the process of "Praying For", they are offering more than they bargain for without realizing it? Is the items received really free?
Why would these deities do such a seemingly lopsided deal?
Do they know something that we don't?
In our Buddhism world view, there is no free lunch in the world. Everything has a cost. How much something cost depends on the method you use to acquire it. The best and surest way to acquire something one cannot currently afford is to increase one's ability, because in the end, you will always get to keep your abilities no matter what.
任何事物都有代價。您使用的方法,決定一件事物的代價 。
In Asian culture, it is often that a person would go to a temple that is affiliated to some deity to "pray for" something. The usual process is that they go to the temple, and pray to the deity for their desire, and if the wish is granted, how they would repay the deity for this favor. The desire can be money, love, good test scores, and even a child. Whatever one can wish for, one can always find a deity that specializes in granting that particular wish.
什麼都可以「求」 :錢財、愛情、功名...甚至一個孩子。
This seems like a good deal, if the prayer is answered. I can offer a deity thousands of dollars worth of "gifts" in return for a good husband, a good grade, a winning lottery ticket even a new born.
These deities can offer things that money cannot buy.
But if the prayer has been answer, and people received desired items, do they ever think about where these items came from?
And do these items actually belong to them, or are they just renting them?
And do people think that the "gifts" that they offer to a deity are the only price that they are paying?
Is it possible that in the process of "Praying For", they are offering more than they bargain for without realizing it? Is the items received really free?
Why would these deities do such a seemingly lopsided deal?
Do they know something that we don't?
In our Buddhism world view, there is no free lunch in the world. Everything has a cost. How much something cost depends on the method you use to acquire it. The best and surest way to acquire something one cannot currently afford is to increase one's ability, because in the end, you will always get to keep your abilities no matter what.
任何事物都有代價。您使用的方法,決定一件事物的代價 。
標籤 Labels:
On the Path
2011年9月18日 星期日
黑暗面 The Dark Side
The "Dark Side" are thoughts and actions that will lead to negative Karma.
We choose not to use the word "Evil", or "Wrong" to describe these actions because these words can cause us to fall into the trapping of absolute morality.
These actions that manifest from the "Dark Side" are not "Wrong" in the moral sense.
According to Buddha's teaching, these "Dark Side" actions are "wrong" because they lead to suffering. Since suffering is to be avoided, "Dark Side" is to be avoided.
「黑暗面」 不見得是道德上的「錯」。
我們稱這些業報為「惡」,因為 「惡」業報導致痛苦。
What causes us to choose the "Dark Side"?
One idea is that it is because people are ignorant; ignorant of the teaching of Buddha and Karma. While true, this is easy to fix.
But the problem is that Karma are sometime hard to observe,
because negative Karma does not happen right after the "Dark Side",
so people are easily skeptical about it.
I believe that the true reason that the "Dark Side" manifests itself is
"when we want some thing that is beyond our capabilities."
If there is a gap between your desire and your capabilities, you will be tempted to use "Dark Side" temporary to increase your capability in order to satisfy your desire.
For example, if you don't have enough money to buy a car, you might resort to stealing to get more money.
我覺得真正的理由是「當我們沒有能力得到渴望的東西或情感」,「黑暗面」 就有可能出現。
If the problem is the gap between "cost of desire" and "capability", then if the gap is closed, "Dark Side" will not occur. You can lower your "want" or you can increase your "capability".
兩個方法 ,降低您的「欲望」或增加您的「能力」。
"Reducing Wants" is the easier path and is advocated by most tradition Buddhists.
Live simply and avoid temptations are two of the most common advices.
While reasonable and laudable, there is another way to close the gap, and that is to increase your "capability."
For example, if money is the goal, one can work more hours, learn better and useful skills. If you want to be a better athletes, you will need to spent more time training. Basically, you improve yourself.
但還有另外一個方法來縮小這個 差距,那就是增加您的「能力」。
All three methods have their own costs.
Self improvement requires efforts and time. Self improvement sometime even requires sacrifices.
For example, you might have less time to go see movies if you have to study.
Self improvement's cost is here and now, very visible, like paying cash.
"Dark Side's" cost is unknown and later, like paying with credit card.
"Reducing Wants" has a cost too, and that is your standard of living.
However, if you can tranquilly accept lower level of living, the cost is very little; but if you can not, then your discontent will one day surface to become the "Dark Side."
比如說,您需要上課,可能就無法去看電影。「改變自己」 的代價是顯而易見的、是付現金的。
「減少欲望」 的代價非常小;
If you do not believe in Karma, then "Dark Side" will come naturally to you.
If you have no wants, then you do not have to fear the "Dark Side."
However, if you are a normal human being, how you balance this equation is entirely up to you.
如果一個人沒有「欲望」, 他也不必去擔心「黑暗面」。
Buddhist Texts teach us the Truth, so we know the consequences of our actions and not due to ignorance.
Buddhist Texts also teach us that achieve Enlightenment is the ultimate power boost to one's capabilities.
We choose not to use the word "Evil", or "Wrong" to describe these actions because these words can cause us to fall into the trapping of absolute morality.
These actions that manifest from the "Dark Side" are not "Wrong" in the moral sense.
According to Buddha's teaching, these "Dark Side" actions are "wrong" because they lead to suffering. Since suffering is to be avoided, "Dark Side" is to be avoided.
「黑暗面」 不見得是道德上的「錯」。
我們稱這些業報為「惡」,因為 「惡」業報導致痛苦。
What causes us to choose the "Dark Side"?
One idea is that it is because people are ignorant; ignorant of the teaching of Buddha and Karma. While true, this is easy to fix.
But the problem is that Karma are sometime hard to observe,
because negative Karma does not happen right after the "Dark Side",
so people are easily skeptical about it.
I believe that the true reason that the "Dark Side" manifests itself is
"when we want some thing that is beyond our capabilities."
If there is a gap between your desire and your capabilities, you will be tempted to use "Dark Side" temporary to increase your capability in order to satisfy your desire.
For example, if you don't have enough money to buy a car, you might resort to stealing to get more money.
我覺得真正的理由是「當我們沒有能力得到渴望的東西或情感」,「黑暗面」 就有可能出現。
If the problem is the gap between "cost of desire" and "capability", then if the gap is closed, "Dark Side" will not occur. You can lower your "want" or you can increase your "capability".
兩個方法 ,降低您的「欲望」或增加您的「能力」。
"Reducing Wants" is the easier path and is advocated by most tradition Buddhists.
Live simply and avoid temptations are two of the most common advices.
While reasonable and laudable, there is another way to close the gap, and that is to increase your "capability."
For example, if money is the goal, one can work more hours, learn better and useful skills. If you want to be a better athletes, you will need to spent more time training. Basically, you improve yourself.
但還有另外一個方法來縮小這個 差距,那就是增加您的「能力」。
All three methods have their own costs.
Self improvement requires efforts and time. Self improvement sometime even requires sacrifices.
For example, you might have less time to go see movies if you have to study.
Self improvement's cost is here and now, very visible, like paying cash.
"Dark Side's" cost is unknown and later, like paying with credit card.
"Reducing Wants" has a cost too, and that is your standard of living.
However, if you can tranquilly accept lower level of living, the cost is very little; but if you can not, then your discontent will one day surface to become the "Dark Side."
比如說,您需要上課,可能就無法去看電影。「改變自己」 的代價是顯而易見的、是付現金的。
「減少欲望」 的代價非常小;
If you do not believe in Karma, then "Dark Side" will come naturally to you.
If you have no wants, then you do not have to fear the "Dark Side."
However, if you are a normal human being, how you balance this equation is entirely up to you.
如果一個人沒有「欲望」, 他也不必去擔心「黑暗面」。
Buddhist Texts teach us the Truth, so we know the consequences of our actions and not due to ignorance.
Buddhist Texts also teach us that achieve Enlightenment is the ultimate power boost to one's capabilities.
標籤 Labels:
On the Path
一路上 On The Path
From today on, I'll begin a series of articles that will be labeled On The Path. One intent of these articles is meant to give a different interpretation on many traditional Buddhist thoughts and concepts, in an attempt to stimulate every one's brain, including mine.
I'll not to go over the traditional interpretation in detail, except to differentiate.
This does not mean that the traditional interpretations are incorrect, I am just try to look at the other side of the same coin. But sometime, I ended up seeing the edge.
The other intent is to share my experiences as I walk the Path.
I'll not to go over the traditional interpretation in detail, except to differentiate.
This does not mean that the traditional interpretations are incorrect, I am just try to look at the other side of the same coin. But sometime, I ended up seeing the edge.
The other intent is to share my experiences as I walk the Path.
標籤 Labels:
On the Path
2011年9月17日 星期六
經的看法 2 A View of Buddhist Texts 2
When I wrote that you shouldn't be obsessed with every words and every sentences in the Buddhist Texts, I don't mean not to read them. Nor do I mean not to think about the meaning of those Buddhist Texts.
Master Yin Shun in The Way To Buddhahood: Instructions From A Modern Chinese Master (Google this for commercial availability of English version.) wrote: "Belief and Knowledge are both necessary for students of Buddhism. ... Belief is based on emotion, Knowledge is based on rationality. A student of Buddhism needs to develop these two facets equally and harmoniously, because 'Belief without Knowledge will increase ignorance';'Knowledge without belief will increase flatter'. Even thought to Buddhism, these two are the same, but some students will prefer Belief based learning; others will prefer Knowledge based learning. So even though the ultimate goals are the same, there will be preference to one or another, and separate students of Buddhism into two categories." (note: This is not the official translation from the English version. This is my own translation.)
「信與智,是學佛所不可缺少 的功德。‧‧‧
信是情意的, 智是理性的,學佛的要使這二者,平衡進展到融和。因為『無慧之信,增長愚 癡』;『無信之慧,增長諂曲』。佛法說信智一如,但在學者的根性來說, 有是重信的,一切以信為前提而進修的;有是重智的,一切以智為前提而進修 的。所以雖然究竟的目標一致,但下手時,信與智不免偏重,形成了佛弟子的 二大類。」
In other words, the path to Buddha-hood has many roads and many methods.
I know a traditional Chinese doctor; she started from simply reciting the name of the Buddha, to reciting the Buddhist Texts. After 20 years, she have very good understanding of Buddhist Texts. I also know some volunteers from Tzuchi acquire wisdom from doing recycling and volunteer works. However, they all have a commonality, that is, they "do" every day: near good and wise people, do good deeds, face suffering and keeping Buddha in their heart and mind.
To us, their path is a more traditional path.
我認識一個中醫,她從一開始單純只是唸佛到深入誦經,二十幾年來對佛經也有了很好的詮釋和體會。我也認識一些慈濟志工,他們可以從做環保中很有智慧的修行。這些人有很重要的共通點,那就是每天都在「行」: 接近善知識、持續做善事、面對苦難和唸佛。對我們來說他們走的是比較傳統的路。
Our path differs from theirs in that we seek to directly the dark side of our nature to generate power that will help to propel us to acquire the Truth. We think our method is direct and suit us well. Therefore, we thought that there might be others out there that might like to walk the path with us.
Master Yin Shun in The Way To Buddhahood: Instructions From A Modern Chinese Master (Google this for commercial availability of English version.) wrote: "Belief and Knowledge are both necessary for students of Buddhism. ... Belief is based on emotion, Knowledge is based on rationality. A student of Buddhism needs to develop these two facets equally and harmoniously, because 'Belief without Knowledge will increase ignorance';'Knowledge without belief will increase flatter'. Even thought to Buddhism, these two are the same, but some students will prefer Belief based learning; others will prefer Knowledge based learning. So even though the ultimate goals are the same, there will be preference to one or another, and separate students of Buddhism into two categories." (note: This is not the official translation from the English version. This is my own translation.)
「信與智,是學佛所不可缺少 的功德。‧‧‧
信是情意的, 智是理性的,學佛的要使這二者,平衡進展到融和。因為『無慧之信,增長愚 癡』;『無信之慧,增長諂曲』。佛法說信智一如,但在學者的根性來說, 有是重信的,一切以信為前提而進修的;有是重智的,一切以智為前提而進修 的。所以雖然究竟的目標一致,但下手時,信與智不免偏重,形成了佛弟子的 二大類。」
In other words, the path to Buddha-hood has many roads and many methods.
I know a traditional Chinese doctor; she started from simply reciting the name of the Buddha, to reciting the Buddhist Texts. After 20 years, she have very good understanding of Buddhist Texts. I also know some volunteers from Tzuchi acquire wisdom from doing recycling and volunteer works. However, they all have a commonality, that is, they "do" every day: near good and wise people, do good deeds, face suffering and keeping Buddha in their heart and mind.
To us, their path is a more traditional path.
我認識一個中醫,她從一開始單純只是唸佛到深入誦經,二十幾年來對佛經也有了很好的詮釋和體會。我也認識一些慈濟志工,他們可以從做環保中很有智慧的修行。這些人有很重要的共通點,那就是每天都在「行」: 接近善知識、持續做善事、面對苦難和唸佛。對我們來說他們走的是比較傳統的路。
Our path differs from theirs in that we seek to directly the dark side of our nature to generate power that will help to propel us to acquire the Truth. We think our method is direct and suit us well. Therefore, we thought that there might be others out there that might like to walk the path with us.
標籤 Labels:
Buddhist Texts
2011年9月16日 星期五
經的看法 1 A View of Buddhist Texts 1
Maybe it is because the way I learn Buddhism differs from most traditional Buddhists, I think my view on Buddhist texts is drastically different than most Buddhists. I thought I share my view on Buddhist Texts in case anyone finds it of any interest. But these views are based on my current understanding, and I will modify these views as I progress in my understand of Buddhism.
1. Buddhist Texts are not always correct.
The people who wrote and translate Buddhist Texts may not have sufficient understanding and experience of the content of Buddhism. So the Buddhist Texts that we read today may not be completely valid. Within the same Text, there maybe exist both correct and incorrect contents. This is not to say that all Buddhist Texts have problems, some may not have any issue at all.
It takes sufficient level of empirical understanding of Buddhism and logical thinking to be
able to separate them.
2. Some contents of Buddhists Texts uses Socratic style method to show a concept. Some present Buddhism world view and concepts, and some are accounts of personal experiences. Real teaching of methods are few and far in between and are often cryptic.
3. So it is rather pointless to obsess over every single words in Buddhist Texts for us novices. These texts are there for you to validate your own understanding and experiences, not to argue with each other about what they mean.
The problem with Buddhist Texts as a textbook is that they present an answer to a very complex problem without very much derivation, because much of the derivation occurs within oneself and is difficult to explain with words.
Reading Buddhist Texts sometime feels like reading a treatise on Quantum Mechanics without understanding any the complex mathematics behind it. I might know all the words used in the treatise, but I don't necessary know what the words meant in the context. So I end up knowing cool concepts like "quantum entanglement", but I don't really know what it really meant in our lives and how to apply it. I end up having the knowledge, but not the understanding. So why obsess over the words when I don't understand it. I should go learn the math first.
有時候,我讀佛經的感覺跟我在讀一本量子力學的論文是一樣的。我可能認得所有的字,但我不知道這些字在量子力學有什麼意思。因為我完全不了解量子力學的數學。讀完之後,我或許會知道像“量子糾纏”這樣一個聽起來很酷的概念, 但我不知道這個概念在生活中代表什麼意思以及如何應用它。讀這樣的書給我一些知識,可是我無法理解及應用這些知識。所以為什麼我需要被一些我不明白的字和知識給纏住呢?
Therefore, our method give you some simple and basic knowledge, and some home works to help you get some personal empirical experiences with some concepts in Buddhism first. When you have a basic feel of the concepts, then we can work on the next step.
同樣的道理,我們在這裡所說的法門先給您一些基本知識跟功課,希望能幫助您有所體悟。當您有了 體會,就會有能力去做下一步。
Buddha and his disciples have put together a collection of texts that told us the Truth, what it looks and feels like. When you reach a new level of understanding, you will resonate with new and different parts of Buddhist Texts.
1. Buddhist Texts are not always correct.
The people who wrote and translate Buddhist Texts may not have sufficient understanding and experience of the content of Buddhism. So the Buddhist Texts that we read today may not be completely valid. Within the same Text, there maybe exist both correct and incorrect contents. This is not to say that all Buddhist Texts have problems, some may not have any issue at all.
It takes sufficient level of empirical understanding of Buddhism and logical thinking to be
able to separate them.
2. Some contents of Buddhists Texts uses Socratic style method to show a concept. Some present Buddhism world view and concepts, and some are accounts of personal experiences. Real teaching of methods are few and far in between and are often cryptic.
3. So it is rather pointless to obsess over every single words in Buddhist Texts for us novices. These texts are there for you to validate your own understanding and experiences, not to argue with each other about what they mean.
The problem with Buddhist Texts as a textbook is that they present an answer to a very complex problem without very much derivation, because much of the derivation occurs within oneself and is difficult to explain with words.
Reading Buddhist Texts sometime feels like reading a treatise on Quantum Mechanics without understanding any the complex mathematics behind it. I might know all the words used in the treatise, but I don't necessary know what the words meant in the context. So I end up knowing cool concepts like "quantum entanglement", but I don't really know what it really meant in our lives and how to apply it. I end up having the knowledge, but not the understanding. So why obsess over the words when I don't understand it. I should go learn the math first.
有時候,我讀佛經的感覺跟我在讀一本量子力學的論文是一樣的。我可能認得所有的字,但我不知道這些字在量子力學有什麼意思。因為我完全不了解量子力學的數學。讀完之後,我或許會知道像“量子糾纏”這樣一個聽起來很酷的概念, 但我不知道這個概念在生活中代表什麼意思以及如何應用它。讀這樣的書給我一些知識,可是我無法理解及應用這些知識。所以為什麼我需要被一些我不明白的字和知識給纏住呢?
Therefore, our method give you some simple and basic knowledge, and some home works to help you get some personal empirical experiences with some concepts in Buddhism first. When you have a basic feel of the concepts, then we can work on the next step.
同樣的道理,我們在這裡所說的法門先給您一些基本知識跟功課,希望能幫助您有所體悟。當您有了 體會,就會有能力去做下一步。
Buddha and his disciples have put together a collection of texts that told us the Truth, what it looks and feels like. When you reach a new level of understanding, you will resonate with new and different parts of Buddhist Texts.
標籤 Labels:
Buddhist Texts
2011年9月15日 星期四
第一個改變 First Change
The first time that I changed my behavior due to the Method was subtle. I didn't even know I was doing it or what. It just came natural.
我第一次改變自己的習性,是一個很自然、很微妙的經驗。 這個改變我很久之後才知道。
As most married people know, husband and wife occasionally fight over the most trivial things. Things that any rational observer would say, "Are you guys idiots? Why are you fighting over such a thing?"
結婚過的人都知道,夫妻都會為瑣碎的事情吵架。 任何理性觀察者都會罵說 :「你們是白痴嗎?為什麼要為這種事吵得那麼厲害?」
Few months after I initiated the method, during one of our fights, I suddenly had a thought: "Why am I doing this? Do I enjoy fighting with her?" But I was fighting and perished this ling of questioning. Afterward, I of course reflected on the fight and anger.
修行開始後,過了幾個月,有次我跟我的太太吵架。 在吵架當中,突然心中有了一個念頭:「我為什麼要這樣做呢?我喜歡嗎?」 但那時我很生氣,就消滅了這個念頭。 結束之後,我開始反省這個吵架和憤怒。
The next time, during the fight, another set of thoughts came to me: "It seems like we are following a formula in our fight. I know if I do A, she will do B, then I can do C, so she will do D...etc. It seems like I will only be satisfied if I see all of her expected reactions, namely, B, D...etc." This thought strike me as odd. Because this means that I continue the fight because I need to see her reactions. If I don't see her expected reactions, I would not be satisfied, and I would continue fighting. Then the reason I fight with her is to satisfy my "habits." Because, I do not get any satisfaction from fighting, because I feel sad at the end as well.
下一次,在吵架當中,又有了另一個念頭:「我們好像是照方程式在吵架,如果我做A,她會做B;那麼我可以做C,因此她將做D...等,似乎我需要這樣做才會滿意。 也就是說我需要看到心中所預期的反應,即B,D...等,按照這樣的模式,吵架才會結束,但問題並沒有解決,之後我們還是會為了類似的問題在吵 架。」 對我來說這很奇怪,我們是為了各自的習性在吵架;而不是為了我自己,畢竟吵完之後我也不會很開心。
We fought few more times, and this idea came out during those times. But I was actually afraid, afraid of change. So I did nothing, and let the fight came to the predictable end that I knew it would. Afterward, I would reflect on my fear.
我們又吵了幾次,這個想法也一直出現在吵架當中。 但是我害怕改變,所以,我什麼也沒做,只是讓這個架吵到已經預知結果,然後就結束。 每次我都會反省自己的恐懼。
Finally, one day, during the fight, I did A, and she did B. Instead of doing C, I told her this idea. I told her that I could do C, and then you would do D and so on. I told her that it would not go anywhere and I don't want to continue because it was no fun at all. I do not need to feed my "habit". That time, the fight ended differently.
終於有一天,在吵架當中,我做了A,我太太也做了B,但是我沒做C,我告訴她這個想法。 我告訴她,我可以做C,然後妳會做D..等,這樣下去不是辦法。 我不想繼續吵下去,因為跟妳吵架一點都沒有樂趣。 我不想讓自己這個習性一直存在。 那次吵架有了不同的結果。
I know, I know. You have all read this before in some self-improvement book somewhere. Actually, so did I, probably many many years ago. But in all these time of fighting, this knowledge did not helped in any way, because it is hard to think of this sort of thing during a fight. This is what we mean by knowledge and empirical understanding. From the book, I gain the knowledge that this is the reason we fight. From self-reflection, I empirically understand that the knowledge is correct. It is hard to apply a knowledge when one is emotional. Only the knowledge that is empirically understood can help in emotional times.
我知道、我知道。 你們都看過類似這種建議跟想法, 很多年前我也看過那類的書。 但這麼久的時間以來,在多次的吵架中,這知識對我沒有任何幫助。 在吵架當中,一個人很難去想這種事。 這就是知識和體會的差別。 從書中,我得到該如何解決吵架的知識。 從自我反思,我體會了這個知識。 在情緒高潮的時候,大腦的知識是很難被運用到的。 在那時候,只有心領神會(體會)的知識能幫您。
From that day forward, our fight all ended unpredictably. I think we both are trying not to fight at all.
We still fight, but fewer and shorter. And sometime, our fight even ended up with laughter, instead of tears.
當然還是會吵架,但吵架的時間變短、次數變少了。 甚至有時,我們的吵架是用笑聲結束的,而不是眼淚。
我第一次改變自己的習性,是一個很自然、很微妙的經驗。 這個改變我很久之後才知道。
As most married people know, husband and wife occasionally fight over the most trivial things. Things that any rational observer would say, "Are you guys idiots? Why are you fighting over such a thing?"
結婚過的人都知道,夫妻都會為瑣碎的事情吵架。 任何理性觀察者都會罵說 :「你們是白痴嗎?為什麼要為這種事吵得那麼厲害?」
Few months after I initiated the method, during one of our fights, I suddenly had a thought: "Why am I doing this? Do I enjoy fighting with her?" But I was fighting and perished this ling of questioning. Afterward, I of course reflected on the fight and anger.
修行開始後,過了幾個月,有次我跟我的太太吵架。 在吵架當中,突然心中有了一個念頭:「我為什麼要這樣做呢?我喜歡嗎?」 但那時我很生氣,就消滅了這個念頭。 結束之後,我開始反省這個吵架和憤怒。
The next time, during the fight, another set of thoughts came to me: "It seems like we are following a formula in our fight. I know if I do A, she will do B, then I can do C, so she will do D...etc. It seems like I will only be satisfied if I see all of her expected reactions, namely, B, D...etc." This thought strike me as odd. Because this means that I continue the fight because I need to see her reactions. If I don't see her expected reactions, I would not be satisfied, and I would continue fighting. Then the reason I fight with her is to satisfy my "habits." Because, I do not get any satisfaction from fighting, because I feel sad at the end as well.
下一次,在吵架當中,又有了另一個念頭:「我們好像是照方程式在吵架,如果我做A,她會做B;那麼我可以做C,因此她將做D...等,似乎我需要這樣做才會滿意。 也就是說我需要看到心中所預期的反應,即B,D...等,按照這樣的模式,吵架才會結束,但問題並沒有解決,之後我們還是會為了類似的問題在吵 架。」 對我來說這很奇怪,我們是為了各自的習性在吵架;而不是為了我自己,畢竟吵完之後我也不會很開心。
We fought few more times, and this idea came out during those times. But I was actually afraid, afraid of change. So I did nothing, and let the fight came to the predictable end that I knew it would. Afterward, I would reflect on my fear.
我們又吵了幾次,這個想法也一直出現在吵架當中。 但是我害怕改變,所以,我什麼也沒做,只是讓這個架吵到已經預知結果,然後就結束。 每次我都會反省自己的恐懼。
Finally, one day, during the fight, I did A, and she did B. Instead of doing C, I told her this idea. I told her that I could do C, and then you would do D and so on. I told her that it would not go anywhere and I don't want to continue because it was no fun at all. I do not need to feed my "habit". That time, the fight ended differently.
終於有一天,在吵架當中,我做了A,我太太也做了B,但是我沒做C,我告訴她這個想法。 我告訴她,我可以做C,然後妳會做D..等,這樣下去不是辦法。 我不想繼續吵下去,因為跟妳吵架一點都沒有樂趣。 我不想讓自己這個習性一直存在。 那次吵架有了不同的結果。
I know, I know. You have all read this before in some self-improvement book somewhere. Actually, so did I, probably many many years ago. But in all these time of fighting, this knowledge did not helped in any way, because it is hard to think of this sort of thing during a fight. This is what we mean by knowledge and empirical understanding. From the book, I gain the knowledge that this is the reason we fight. From self-reflection, I empirically understand that the knowledge is correct. It is hard to apply a knowledge when one is emotional. Only the knowledge that is empirically understood can help in emotional times.
我知道、我知道。 你們都看過類似這種建議跟想法, 很多年前我也看過那類的書。 但這麼久的時間以來,在多次的吵架中,這知識對我沒有任何幫助。 在吵架當中,一個人很難去想這種事。 這就是知識和體會的差別。 從書中,我得到該如何解決吵架的知識。 從自我反思,我體會了這個知識。 在情緒高潮的時候,大腦的知識是很難被運用到的。 在那時候,只有心領神會(體會)的知識能幫您。
From that day forward, our fight all ended unpredictably. I think we both are trying not to fight at all.
We still fight, but fewer and shorter. And sometime, our fight even ended up with laughter, instead of tears.
當然還是會吵架,但吵架的時間變短、次數變少了。 甚至有時,我們的吵架是用笑聲結束的,而不是眼淚。
標籤 Labels:
Personal Experience,
文章 (Atom)