2011年9月2日 星期五

空跟因緣 2 Śūnyatā and Nidānas 2

In the previous post of the same topic, we have shown that all phenomenons depends on other phenomenons for their life-cycle and that all phenomenons can be Nidānas for other phenomenons.


Science has made tremendous progress since the time of Buddha to show us the Nidānas behind many physical phenomenons. Science is so good at it that it has advanced the explanation of physical phenomenons to subatomic and quantum levels; the level that we cannot easily see with our naked eyes, and the level that we cannot easily fathom without high level mathematics. Science are good enough to control and create Nidānas in order to create new phenomenons.

從佛陀的時代到現在,科學有了巨大的進步,讓我們了解許多物理現象的「因缘」。 科學先進到可以用很難懂的數學和不是很容易看得到的東西,比如原子和量子,來解釋物理現象的「因缘」。 科學甚至能控制「因缘」,去創造新的現象。

Concepts of Śūnyatā and Nidānas are common knowledge among most people in the world as it applies to physical phenomenons. Most of us would accept them if given different terminologies. However, none of us give this any thought as we live our lives, mainly because we don't need to. Scientists and Engineers have done the work for most of us. Scientists' search for the Truth has provided us with a more comfortable physical and material life, likewise, our search for the Truth in human nature will provide us a better mental and emotional life.

對世界上大多數人來說,「空」和 「因缘」這樣的字眼很難讓大家接受這樣的概念。 但是如果我們換個字,大家就能比較了解。 尤其在物理現象上。 但這些概念對我們的生活沒有太多影響,因為我們不需要常常將這些概念放在我們的心上。 科學家和工程師已經用這些概念改變了我們的生活。 科學家在尋找物理真相的過程中為我們提供了更舒適的物質生活。 同樣的,我們在尋找人性真相的過程,也會為我們提供一個更好的精神和情感生命。

However, if we want to learn the Truth through the path of Buddhism, we will need to develop the knowledge and personal experiences of our body and mind as they relate to Śūnyatā and Nidānas. Just as scientists spent significant portion of their lives to study and understand physical realm, we need to expect the same amount of efforts in our search for Truth in the human realm.

但是,如果我們想透過佛學去了解真相,我們需要開發自我的「空」跟「因缘」 的知識和體會。 正如科學家們花了很多時間跟精神去學習和理解物理世界,我們也需像他們一樣努力的在人世間尋求真相。

We will try to explain the concepts and provide knowledge relating to these concepts, but the experience and acceptance of these concepts can only be through personal experiences and reflections.


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1 則留言:

sabrina7899 提到...


若能了解因緣所生法, 那麼哲學上或是宗教上所謂"初始點"的難題就可迎刃而解.

就像橢圓形的運動跑道, 任何一點, 都可以是起點, 也可以是終點, 在橢圓形的運動
所以, 依照"空", "緣起"來修行, 其令人振奮的地方就在於你可以隨時開始, 隨時進
入因緣所生法的人生觀, 體會"我"這個現象,
也是其他現象因緣的組合, 我們可以真正自我選擇光明或是黑暗, 我們將了解自我的
因緣所生法的修行讓我們隨時注意現象的組合, 也對於既成的現象能有反省修正的能
