2011年9月28日 星期三

讀者回饋:事實與存在 Reader Contribution: Reality and Existence


I have a feeling that I do not know how to describe.

在"此有故彼有"的體會上好像有一種距離感, 分開 ,甚至是幻相 ,

It is a feeling that there seems to be a distance, a separation, even a hallucination in my empirical understanding of "If this exists, then that exist as well."[Translator's Note] However, they are often all seems to be the same, with the same existence.

在此狀態下是否能清楚了解自我運作的過程是無任何言語,權威,預設及複製 ,不是理論與表相的了解 ?

Is it possible that in this condition to understand how I "work" is not something that can be described by any language, any authority, any assumptions or any duplications, and is not something that can be understand by theories or appearances?

真正要解決問題(指心理層面)不單是急於尋求答案 ! 因為問題與自我根本是同一狀態!
在此狀態下了解自我在其中的顯現而已 !

Wanting to solve the problem of oneself (problems within oneself) is not a matter of simply looking for answers with urgency. Because the problem with oneself is in the same condition as oneself.

Understanding oneself in this condition is only one of the many phenomenons created by oneself.

我的體會 。

This is my empirical understanding.

[Translator's Note:] 此有故彼有 "When this exists, that came to be." is from Sajyukt āgama

2 則留言:

半寄 提到...

看來閱讀者有在用心 , 只是因緣運用的過程,
熟悉度還不強 , 但持續想下去, 就會熟悉,
一旦上手便能運用於生活中。歡迎持續分享 !

元, Yuan 提到...

Master Ban Ji said:
Looks like the reader is working diligently. He feels this way only because he is not familiar with the application of Nidānas. But if he continues, he will become familiar with it, and once proficient, will be able to apply it to life.

Thank you and hope you continue to share.

Master Ban Ji