2011年9月25日 星期日

佛法的思向 2 A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts 2


Dependent Origination implies all phenomenons' characteristics are Śūnyatā. (DOCS) [Translator's Note 3] This highlights that all things do not have definitive bodies [Translator's Note 4] but have definitive characteristics. The definitive characteristic of all phenomenons is that they are result of Nidānas. Because of Nidānas, serial and structural thoughts, ideas, and even all physical entities are possible. Because there is no definitive body, every efforts at change are possible, and thoughts and behaviors can run free.

『緣起性空』,人類史上最崇高的思想,悟緣起法將促使生命登上高峰!多數人悟緣起法則,人類史將邁入更自由、更進步的階段。因為了解一切皆需人自己付出努力,生命不再是祈 求式,而是前進式;也不是掠奪式,一切靠自己擁有的本事獲取!不再認為生存法則是你爭我奪,也非屈膝卑躬!悟緣起法的智慧,足以在天地間從容自在的生存,也因此將使人類更脫離原始獸性與血腥!

Principle of DOCS is the most noble idea in the human history. Understanding the principle of DOCS will allow life to reach its peak. If many people can understand the principle of DOCS, human beings will evolve to a more free, more advance stage. Because if we understand DOCS, we will understand that we will need to work for everything that we get. We will no longer need to pray for what we want, nor will we need to be predatorial. Because we know that we need to get what we want base on our abilities. We will no longer think that rule of survival is either predatory or subservient. The wisdom of DOCS is that it allows us to live freely in the world, and away from our primitive beastly nature and bloodshed.


If everything are created and destroyed due to Nidānas, then divine idea of a God is no longer possible. Practicing and understanding Nidānas provides a basis for free thinking. Free thoughts should be more than political freedom, it should also be a religious freedom as well. There are too many authoritarian religions in the world that do not allow mankind the ability to refute and retort. But mankind are more than willing to be under these religions' control, because of the idea of a God. Because if God exists to watch over us, than it follows that God is an absolute authority that cannot be disobeyed nor questioned.


Nidānas does not erect absolutes, nor does it create oppositions. The control of everything in the universe is under people's own wills. Noble thoughts are mankind's blessing, likewise, when ideal deteriorates, it is mankind that will suffer. There is no one being that can control and manipulate our destiny behind the scene.

由於人們無法正視自己的內心世界,亦不願承擔各人行為所帶來的負面價值。我個人認為推崇權威似乎是贖罪及害怕後果的心態,由此一心態創立宇宙大帝,是祈求 保護傘的降臨,亦是由他人一手擔待各人罪贖的開端,倘使人們能更有勇氣、智慧面對各人內心世界的種種,相信自由思想的開拓將使人類史更為文明。

Because mankind is unable to look at themselves in the eyes, and is unwilling to bear the negative consequences of their actions, mankind's acceptance and promotion of an authority figure can be directly attributed to mankind's wish for atonement and fear of the consequences. From this mentality, mankind created a universal God so that they can pray for the descend of a protective umbrella, and for another being to handle and forgive their sins. If mankind have the courage and wisdom to face their own inner thoughts, I believe that this will start a movement of free thoughts that can make mankind even more civilized.
[Translator's Note 3] 緣起性空 means "Because of dependent origination, all thing's characteristics are Śūnyatā." But this is a little unwieldy to use repeatedly in an article, so I'll use DOCS to represent 緣起性空.

[Translator's Note 4] 實體 can be literally translated as "real body" or "true body." I think saying all things do not have real body is strange and incorrect. "True body" captures the meaning better, so I have decided to use "definitive body" as the translation.

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