Conceptually, Śūnyatā is simple to define; all phenomenons' creation, existence and destruction have dependencies that needs to be satisfied. These dependencies are called Nidānas.
「空」的定義很簡單,所有現象的生滅及存在都需要依靠其他現象,這些依靠需要被滿足,現象才能發生。 我們稱這些依靠為「因缘」。
For examples, to create and maintain a fire, it needs oxygen, fuel and heat. However, having these 3 elements is necessary but not sufficient to create and maintain a fire. There are additional conditions that must be met; there must be enough oxygen, the heat must be hot enough and that these 3 elements must be in close proximity of each other at the same time. At any moment in time, missing any of these elements, or failure to meet these conditions will immediately resulted in the destruction of fire. These elements and conditions are the Nidānas for existence of fire.
舉例來說,一把火需要氧氣,燃料和熱量。 不過,只有這3個元素還不能讓我們起火。 一些附加條件也必須得到滿足; 必須有足夠的氧氣,熱量一定要夠熱,這3個元素必須同一時間在同一個空間。 不管何時,當這些元素或這些條件不能被滿足,火立即滅。 我們稱這些元素和條件為「因缘」。
Furthermore, we can observe that while in existence, the fire flicks and dances with time due to changes in its environments and the amount of fuel, oxygen and heat that are available to the fire.
Which is to say that the fire is changing because of changes in its Nidānas.
此外,火在燃燒的時候我們可以觀察火焰。 由於環境的變化和燃料,氧氣和熱量的改變導致火的閃爍和搖曳。 火是無時無刻在改變,因為它的「因缘」也是無時無刻的改變。
The fire that we see at one moment is different than the fire that we see at the next moment. We might consider this fire to be the same fire for our convenience, but they are clearly not the same fire because they have different shape, size, intensity and color distribution just based on the observations that we can make with our naked eyes.
我們這個時刻看到的火跟下一個時刻看到的火是不同的。 也許您會說這是同一把火,是因為我們習慣這樣的說法。 但它們顯然是不一樣的,因為它們有不同的形狀,大小,亮度和色彩的分佈。 這些「不同」也只是我們的肉眼能觀察到的地方而已,但其實火的不同之處還有肉眼觀察不到的地方。
Likewise, the elements that the fire needs require their own Nidānas for existences as well, and will change as their Nidānas changes. For example, the heat of this moment needed by the fire was produced by the fire consuming the fuel and oxygen at the previous moment. The fuel is slowly been consumed by the fire, and unless replenished, it will eventually be destroyed by fire.
同樣的,火的元素也需要有自己的「因缘」才能存在。 火的元素也會依自己的「因缘」變化而變化。 舉例來說,這一刻的火所需要的熱量是上一刻的火在消耗燃料和氧氣時產生的。 燃料也慢慢被火消耗,除非燃料一直在補充,否則燃料最終也會用盡。
However, fire is also Nidānas for creation of other phenomenons; smoke, ash, light and heat for example.
但火也是其他現象的「因缘」。 以煙,灰,光熱為例。 因為火會造成煙、灰和光熱。
From this, we can make the leap and infer that all phenomenons depends on other phenomenons for their life-cycle and that all phenomenons can be Nidānas for other phenomenons.
由此,我們可以推斷,所有現象的生滅及存在都需要依靠其他現象。 所有現象也都可以成為其他現象的「因缘」。