2011年9月7日 星期三

四果討論 Discussion on Four Stages of Enlightenment

初果: 須陀洹 斷三結 (身見 戒取 疑)
二果: 斯陀含 斷三結 (貪 瞋 痴薄)
三果: 阿那含 斷五下分結 (身見 戒取 疑 貪欲 瞋恚 )
四果: 阿羅漢 斷五上分結(色愛 無色愛 掉 慢 無明 )

Four stages of Enlightenment:
First Stage: Sotāpanna,Abandon 3 Fetters (elimination of identity view, ritual attachment, doubt)
Second Stage: Sakadagami,Abandon 3 Fetters(elimination of greed, anger, ignorance)
Third Stage: anāgāmi,Abandon 5 lower Fetters(elimination of identity view, ritual attachment, doubt, sensual desire, ill wills)
Fourth Stage: arahant, Abandon 5 upper Fetters(elimination of material rebirth lust, immaterial rebirth lust, conceit, restlessness, ignorance)


I want to try to use modern language to explain these hard to understand worlds, and I hope that I can help people realize that the worlds of Enlightenment is not mysterious at all. The meaning of the word "Buddha" is "Someone who is enlightened." or "Someone who fully understands." So if there is a human being who was able to "fully understand", then the world of enlightenment that was understood can be discussed and pursued by people.

佛涅槃後一百年,阿羅漢四果的討論,竟然延伸到肉體還有無排泄物的問題! 是可笑還是無知! 既然討論已到那樣,何不用現代的想法,開闢一條生機,這是我的拙見。

100 years after Buddha's Nirvana, the discussion about "4 Stages of Enlightenment" was reduced to arguments of whether the body of the enlightened person can have human excrement. Isn't this ridiculous? I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Given this level of discussion, what is wrong with using modern thinking to create a new understanding? Why persist on using old languages? That's my humble opinion.

四果內容的大意是人世間的自我執著,道德的認同疑問,界定,對佛說因果世界的懷疑,真相的無法透視,理性與完美的極端追求,種族的歧視 ……在證悟果位後自然得到瓦解。

The basic idea of enlightenment is that all the questions and doubts about the definitions of common morality, Buddha's world view of karma, the inability to see the Truth, extreme pursuit of perfection and rationality, racial discrimination … etc will all be neutralized once enlightenment has been achieved.

對佛陀說因果世界會懷疑,是因為現在做好事或做壞事,效果是不會馬上出來的,好,壞都要通過緣的成熟,也就是時間的催化,才會看到結果,但時間是多久? 誰也答不出來,所以會不相信。

People often suspect the world of karma presented by Buddha. This is because people cannot immediate see the effects of doing "good deed" or "doing bad deed" on the "do-er". For karma to present itself, there must be sufficient time to pass for Yuán (緣, Conditions) to be satisfied. How much time? This is a question that no one can answer, so most people do not believe in Karma. 

道德的界定、區分,大家一定覺得奇怪,為什麼這樣說?其實道德是很難下定義的。第一、世界各個國家、民族對道德的認定標準都不一樣,第二、縱使集很多的討論,答案不見得令人滿意,比如:在古代你或妳會贊成貞節牌坊嗎? 在近代同志的婚姻,器官的移植,究竟是對,或錯。

Everyone must be wondering why there are difficulties with the definition of absolute morality. First, every country, every culture have different standard. Second, even after many discussions with participants from many different cultures, the answer to the question of absolute morality may not be acceptable to most people. For example, legalization of homosexual marriages and organ transplants, are these right or wrong?

很多人性所延伸的道德爭議,在進入果位的世界後證悟者本身應該是了然於心的、前面說過,證悟過程必得面臨黑暗面,如果黑暗面一、一被修持者本身克服,那人性是什麼? 誰比他或她清楚。

Many ethical issues that arise from human nature can be understood by the enlightened person. I have mentioned previously, the person on the path to Enlightenment must face the "dark side." If the "dark side" can be conquered by the enlightened person, then who will be better than the Enlightened to understand human nature.


Please consider Enlightenment with wisdom.

色愛、無色愛、是一種禪定,四禪天的禪定世界,(一般人認識的精神世界),指修行人在修到可以擺脫大部份肉體 ,物質的牽制 ,束縛後(尤其是專門坐禪的人)肉體會產生一種輕快,悅愉,那樣的感受會讓人浸在裡面耽溺,不想再走了,甚至更用力去追求更輕安,舒適的感受,證悟的大難題在於已經擁有人間少有的感受後,再次放手往高處攀爬,超越!

[Note: on some level, this is about the world of zazen/jhana/meditation and I don't fully understand it. But I will try to translate this the best I can. Common translation of 色愛 appears to be "material rebirth lust" and 無色愛 to be "immaterial rebirth lust". I don't think they are correct. I'll use "physical delight" and "spiritual delight" for 色愛 and 無色愛. I translated 精神世界 as spiritual world, but do not mean the world of ghosts. Spiritual here means human spirit.]

"Physical Delight" and "Spiritual Delight" are part of fourth stage of jhana one achieves through zazen/jhana/meditation (This is what most people recognize as the spiritual world.)

"Physical Delight" and "Spiritual Delight" are physical sensations a practitioners might feel in their body if they can remove themselves from most body or physical attachment. (This is true especially for people who specializes in zazen/jhana/meditation.) This type of delightful sensation can cause one to be addicted to it and no longer have the will to improve. A crux for achieving enlightenment is the willingness to give up rare delightful feelings in the human world and continue to move forward.

精神世界絕美的追求,是多少高手的想望,藝術的,音樂的,科學的,甚至是體育的。如果用絕美來引述精神,相信清楚很多,順道一提 : 禪修是可以推升絕美的追求

Pursuit of absolute beauty/perfection in the spiritual world is the goal of many talented professionals in art, music, science even sports. If the pursuit of enlightenment can be described as the pursuit of absolute beauty/perfection, I think many people will understand. By the way, Zen Practice can raise the level of the pursuit of absolute beauty/perfection.

半寄 Master Ban Ji
