2011年9月17日 星期六

經的看法 2 A View of Buddhist Texts 2

When I wrote that you shouldn't be obsessed with every words and every sentences in the Buddhist Texts, I don't mean not to read them. Nor do I mean not to think about the meaning of those Buddhist Texts.



Master Yin Shun in The Way To Buddhahood: Instructions From A Modern Chinese Master (Google this for commercial availability of English version.) wrote: "Belief and Knowledge are both necessary for students of Buddhism. ... Belief is based on emotion, Knowledge is based on rationality. A student of Buddhism needs to develop these two facets equally and harmoniously, because 'Belief without Knowledge will increase ignorance';'Knowledge without belief will increase flatter'. Even thought to Buddhism, these two are the same, but some students will prefer Belief based learning; others will prefer Knowledge based learning. So even though the ultimate goals are the same, there will be preference to one or another, and separate students of Buddhism into two categories." (note: This is not the official translation from the English version. This is my own translation.)


「信與智,是學佛所不可缺少 的功德。‧‧‧
信是情意的, 智是理性的,學佛的要使這二者,平衡進展到融和。因為『無慧之信,增長愚 癡』;『無信之慧,增長諂曲』。佛法說信智一如,但在學者的根性來說, 有是重信的,一切以信為前提而進修的;有是重智的,一切以智為前提而進修 的。所以雖然究竟的目標一致,但下手時,信與智不免偏重,形成了佛弟子的 二大類。」

In other words, the path to Buddha-hood has many roads and many methods.


I know a traditional Chinese doctor; she started from simply reciting the name of the Buddha, to reciting the Buddhist Texts. After 20 years, she have very good understanding of Buddhist Texts. I also know some volunteers from Tzuchi acquire wisdom from doing recycling and volunteer works. However, they all have a commonality, that is, they "do" every day: near good and wise people, do good deeds, face suffering and keeping Buddha in their heart and mind.

To us, their path is a more traditional path.

我認識一個中醫,她從一開始單純只是唸佛到深入誦經,二十幾年來對佛經也有了很好的詮釋和體會。我也認識一些慈濟志工,他們可以從做環保中很有智慧的修行。這些人有很重要的共通點,那就是每天都在「行」: 接近善知識、持續做善事、面對苦難和唸佛。對我們來說他們走的是比較傳統的路。

Our path differs from theirs in that we seek to directly the dark side of our nature to generate power that will help to propel us to acquire the Truth. We think our method is direct and suit us well. Therefore, we thought that there might be others out there that might like to walk the path with us.


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