2011年9月24日 星期六

經的看法 3 A View of Buddhist Texts 3

Maybe it is the nature of the language, but I found Chinese version of the Buddhist Texts to be artistic, poetic and beautiful, where as English version of the Buddhist Texts reads like a philosophical text book to me, void of any emotions.


However, the Chinese version, while poetic, can be incomprehensible at times. The English version, while precise, does not inspire one to find the Truth. Both the English and Chinese versions have another common problem; their accuracy is greatly depended on the translator. A choice of an incorrect word can cause a practitioner to go down an incorrect path.


For example, the concept of Śūnyatā, the Chinese translated it to “空“, which conjures an image of "emptiness" to Chinese readers. While the emotional aspect of this translation does capture some feeling of Śūnyatā correctly, it also leads ones to think “空“ implies "nothing-ness", which is incorrect. This is the reason that I choose not to translate Śūnyatā to any corresponding English word and left it as the original Pali, so that I don't conjure up any unintended connotation in the translation.

舉例來說,Śūnyatā 在中文被翻譯為 ​​「空」,這讓人有一個「空虛」的感覺。雖然這種感覺在某方面也正確,但它可能誤導人去認為「空」表示「沒有」,這是不正確的。所以在英文版,我選擇不翻譯 Śūnyatā。

My background as an engineer forced me to have the habit of writing as precisely as possible, because any imprecision in a technical document can cause problems later on. I have the same approach to this Blog; especially on this Blog. Because I don't want my imprecision to become an obstacle in anyone's path to the Truth. So I'll only write and translate concepts that I have some empirical understandings.


Instead of misleading you to any incorrect conclusions, I would rather you don't understand my articles.


In the previous article, I mentioned Master Yin-Shun's words: "Belief is based on emotion, Knowledge is based on rationality. A student of Buddhism needs to develop these two facets equally and harmoniously"; that is why I thought providing this Blog in both English and Chinese at the same time can help bring this balance of rationality and emotion together.

在前一篇文章,我提到印順法師的話:「信是情意的, 智是理性的,學佛的要使這二者,平衡進展到融和。」,我希望能在這部落格中達到這個目的,所以我在這部落格中同時提供中英文。希望英文的精準可以替代我中文的不足之處。

The first instruction Master Ban Ji gave me was to "elevate my emotions." I believe I have some success in this task, because now I sometime would feel like crying when watching a touching movie. Whereas before, I would never have an urge to cry in a movie theater.


To walk the path of Buddha, one must first elevate and balance one's rational and emotion self.


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