I would like to discuss my understanding of Buddhism. From the ancient time to today, many many people, regardless of their country of origin, have spent their entire lives attempting to study and practice Eastern philosophy to no avail. Due to difficult scriptures and methods. If even people who have devoted their lives have problem understanding them, how could ordinary people comprehend Buddha's words?
Consequently, the world of Buddha's quickly become mystical, unapproachable, not to mention almost impossible to practice.
然而我們在大部分佛經裡一再看到智慧的提出、那到底是智慧太昂貴? 或是指路的地圖根本畫錯、
However, we have repeatedly seen in the majority of Buddhist Texts that put forward the Wisdom of Buddha. So is Buddha's Wisdom too expensive, or the maps that show the way incorrect?
在我過去的修學裡、面對這些我一再嚼盡腦汁深思、一路遍尋相關書籍、哲學的、文學、歷史、醫學、宗教比較、外加實地演練、演練經文的法義、測試自我對它 的承受能力、一遍又一遍、
In my past studies, I pondered these questions, while searching for clues in related areas, such as philosophy, literature, history, medicine and comparative religion. Furthermore, I practiced and thought about the methods defined in the Buddhist Texts, tested my ability to tolerate them, over and over.
在卸下對權威的看法、及國際間佛學研究、一再的推出新研究下、對法終於有了一些屬於自己感受,也就是禪師追求的說自己的法、不是釋迦牟尼的法、這是一種痛快、我費盡心血才有的一點體會、(不然 !那有元那小子在那裡逍遙 !)
After I was able to detach myself from the authoritative views and international researches on Buddhism, I was able to repeatedly try out new researches of my own. Finally, I have a little bit of my own epiphany about Buddha's method. This is the "Personal method" that Zen-Masters are fond of pursuing, and not "Sakyamuni Buddha's method." A little of empirical understanding as the result of painstaking research gave me great satisfaction. (Did she say I am free and unfettered? She and I must have different understanding of what 逍遙 means.)
Thanks to the development of Internet, I am able to share this with everyone. Of course, if you disagree, I thank you for reading.
半寄 Master Ban Ji