若能了解因緣所生法, 那麼哲學上或是宗教上所謂"初始點"的難題就可迎刃而解. 因為所有現象的生滅及存在都需要依靠其他現象。所有現象也都可以成為其他現象的「因缘」。
(If one can understand that every phenomenons are created according to Nidānas, then the questions about Origins posed by religion and philosophy can be easily resolved.)
就像橢圓形的運動跑道, 任何一點, 都可以是起點, 也可以是終點, 在橢圓形的運動跑道說哪一點是起點似乎就沒有意義了. 所以, 依照"空", "緣起"來修行, 其令人振奮的地方就在於你可以隨時開始, 隨時進入因緣所生法的人生觀, 體會"我"這個現象, 也是其他現象因緣的組合, 我們可以真正自我選擇光明或是黑暗, 我們將了解自我的遭遇都是由於自我的選擇. 因緣所生法的修行讓我們隨時注意現象的組合, 也對於既成的現象能有反省修正的能力.
(Just like a circular track, every point can be the start and finish. On a circular track, the question of Origin is meaningless. Therefore, to practice according to Śūnyatā and Nidānas means that you can start any time to realize the phenomenon that is "I." This is an exciting realization. Śūnyatā and Nidānas also means that we can choose the "light" or the "dark", and we will understand that all our experiences are results of our own choices. Practicing Śūnyatā and Nidānas lets us constantly noticing how phenomenons come together, and let us review and revise existing phenomenon.)
對嗎? (correct?)
半寄 提到... (Master Ban Ji) [Note: I remember seeing her answer, but somehow it got deleted.]
對 (correct)
電蚊燈 提到...
與潛意識對話的意思指的是與自己的習慣來戰鬥,比如說壞脾氣,愛忌妒,沒耐心,爭名愛利,說長道短等等,是嗎? 簡而言之就是調整修正損人不利己的事情,對嗎? 因為講潛意識會覺得好像要透過催眠才行!(開玩笑地).不過,與自己的內心奮戰似乎不太容易,就前文講的因緣所生法,修正負向的黑暗面(黑暗面也是緣起 的),就有展現光明面的可能,我們不需急求於探知什麼是光明面(因為光明面也是緣起的),修正黑暗面的同時,光明面也就能如人飲水,冷暖自知了,對嗎?
(Talking to the subconscious means to combat one's bad habits? Like bad temper, jealousy, talking others behind their back...etc, correct? Talking to subconscious seems to require hypnosis (joking). But it seems to be difficult to fight with oneself. As mentioned in the previous comment regarding Śūnyatā and Nidānas, correcting the "dark" will provide the possibility of developing the "light". We don't need to know what is "light" because once the "dark" is eliminated, "light" will present itself.)
半寄 提到... (Master Ban Ji)
叫電蚊燈的. 可以改放大燈: (哈):潛意識沒那麼深奧" 常跟自己對話的人會懂 . 當然不是逃避式的對話 .以下的一切是如人飲水了 半寄
(Subconscious is not that mysterious, people who often have discourse with themselves will understand. The rest you will know when you get there.)
電蚊燈 提到...
(There are a lot of books out there that teach people how to talk to oneself and to correct one's subconscious. Then, during the conversation with oneself, other than honesty, how does one apply Śūnyatā and Nidānas?)
半寄 提到... (Master Ban Ji)
電蚊燈: 是有很多相似點,但想向上攀登的人,還是得踏穏第一步,才能再帶入第二階段,第二階段加入無我‧無常觀,但請先熟讀因緣法要義再說,如中觀今釋(或中觀論 原文),佛法的思向,先勾出自己對法義的熟悉,再談深入觀法,如同佛教徒對中觀論也不陌生,整個佛法都懂更好,基礎愈雄厚愈有本錢往上爬。半寄
(There are many similarities. But anyone who wants to improve oneself must have a stable foundation before they can start the second step. Second step adds the concepts of anattā and anicca. But you need to understand the concept of Nidānas first, from studying article such as A Modern Interpretation of Mūlamadhyamakakārikā or the original text of Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. You must first be familiar with the concept of Nidānas before you can apply it. Of course it is better to understand the entire Buddhism, the better the foundation, the higher you will go.)
元 提到...
I want to add that knowing about the concept of anattā (not-self) before completely understand Nidānas can result in a lot of misconceptions that can be hard to correct.
電蚊燈 提到...
(Getting good at talking to oneself, to know and correct oneself, to have some understanding of one's subconscious, know and control one's emotions when interacting with the world, these are important foundation that is necessary before one can begin to studying Śūnyatā and Nidānas and how to apply them. Before that, the whole thing can easily become an academic study, correct?)
半寄 提到... (Master Ban Ji)
沒錯!我想做的是一個啟發者,學問是一定要的,但佛經浩瀚何時入門,這也是為什麼只提一些相關法要出來探討的原因? 是希望有心人早日入佛法義,而不在經與經間打轉,窮耗心力卻苦無入門處,當然我不敢言有何能力帶別人通往何方? 也不想帶誰去何方!? 有智慧的人最終將知道自己的皈依處,何須旁人的指向!我只願意啟發。 半寄
(That is correct. I want to be someone who inspires. Knowledge is necessary, but Buddhism is a vast study and can be intimating; that's why we only raise a few related concepts for discussion here. We have this blog hoping to help some people practice Śūnyatā and Nidānas, and not to spent their time spinning within the Buddhist Texts not knowing how to begin to practice them. Of course I don't want to say that I can take any one to any particular place either; I don't want to take any one anywhere. Wise people know exactly where they need to end up, and doesn't need other people's help. I am only willing to inspire.)
ang5 提到...
(In my subconscious, there are oxygen, fuel and heat; fire of different shape, size, luminosity and color; also me. Right? The that "I" is also result of different combinations. Right?)
[Note: I am not sure what the author meant by 排列組合, so combination is the best that I can come up with.]
ang5 提到...
師父的文章說「因緣」往往隱藏在自己的潛意識深處,我覺得這些「因緣」原本是沒有經過排列組合的存在。當排列組 合起了作用,才產生了「電蚊燈」師兄所說的自己的習慣(壞脾氣,愛忌妒,沒耐心,…),所以「跟我們的潛意識對話」應不是外顯為修正自己的好、壞習慣。可 不可以解釋為「確認各個元素和條件排列組合前的樣貌」?
(These articles said that Nidānas often hides within one's subconscious. I feel that these Nidānas originally did not undergo permutation/combination. The bad habits mentioned in the previous comment will manifest themselves when permutation/combination occurs. Can it be explained as "identify the a-priory appearance of every elements and every conditions before them are combined?"
半寄 提到...
ang5 : 你的問題.元的留言已給答案 ˋ 稍後他有更好的說法ˋ不過這個想法很好玩ˋ我想反問你組合前怎麼【確認】ˋ先假設自己的喜ˋ或怒嗎?拜託!又不是機器要製造產品ˋ可以先計算單位ˋ你一定 是工程師ˋ請正視你的感官ˋ會不會跟你說我要確認因素ˋ感覺還沒完全上來前?哈哈
[Note. I think Master Ban Ji answered both comments together here.]
(Your question was already answered by Yuan. Later, he will have better explanations. But this is an interesting concept. I like to ask you how do you "identify" before "they" combines. "Do you presume your happiness or anger?" Please, we are not something about to be assembled by machines with pre-computed quantities. You must be an engineer. Will your sense organs tell you "I want to confirm Nidānas" before you sense stuff?)
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