2011年9月27日 星期二

理性與現實 Rationality and Reality

許多人應該有一種感覺年紀愈長愈在想要什麼? 跟不想要什麼間掙扎?

"As I get older, the more I struggle with what I want and what I don't want." This must be a common feeling among many people.

除了少數人擁有選擇權外大部分人生在泥沼裡擁有選擇權跟權勢與金錢無關、大部分的人總想我有了金錢與權勢 便可以怎樣又怎樣.............、但很多觀察指向有大腦的人應該是活的最好的人、錢需要被應用權勢需要被管理、但人如果身陷困境時跟兩者是無關的至少脆弱跟無力擔當、在金錢與權勢之外再有錢勢的人一旦面臨脆弱一樣難堪!

Except for the few who have the choice, most people live their whole life in the swamp. Having the ability to choose has nothing to do with power and money. People always think that if they have money or power, they will be able to do what they want. But many observations have shown that people with brain live the best. Money needs to be used, and power needs to be managed.
But if a person is facing a difficulty that has nothing to do with money or power, and the difficulty cannot be solved by money or power, and he does not have the strength within him to handle the situation, he will find himself unable to face the difficulty. A person with money and power will look equally pathetic once they face a situation outside the realm of power and money.

然而我們推想一件事時為什麼不能就事情本質去看待? 為什麼非得繞著錢勢不可? 請正視! 人性的立足點是所有的人都一樣的。

But when people are judging a situation/thing/person, why can't people consider a situation/thing/person simply by its merit? Why do people must use money and power as an arbiter for every situation/thing/person . Please face the truth, the basis of all human nature is the same for everyone.

人如果活到有力量直接探討事情的本質除了可以讓自己生活品質不錯以外、在精神體誰能比自己自由? 培養出自我的選擇權智慧加能力的加持在推開迷霧後!

If a person has the ability to directly analyze the nature of a situation/thing/person. Not only will his life improve, spiritually, he will have more freedom than anyone else. Once you blow aside the fog and constantly increase your wisdom, only then, will you be able to cultivate your own choices.

半寄 Master Ban Ji
