2011年9月22日 星期四

佛法的思向 1 A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts 1

A Guide To Buddhist Thoughts
半寄 撰述
Written by Master Ban Ji


The concept of Śūnyatā is Buddha's ultimate idea. We can even say that this concept is the essence of Buddhism. Whether a Buddhist is a true follower of Buddha can be determined from his/her understanding of Śūnyatā. If one doesn't know Buddha's concept, one cannot be called a Buddhist. This is not an overly rigorous view of Buddhists. This is because Śūnyatā is of the utmost importance in the world of Buddhism.

拿佛教與其他宗教比較,想要判斷佛學跟其他思想、行為有什麼不一樣的地方?「空法思想」為個中翹楚!「空法思想」的確立及認識, 有助於宗教的辯別及宗教各式不同思想的確定(許多人認同萬教同源論)。

From the points of views of other religions, Buddhism's concepts and modes of practices are complete at odd with them. As a concept, Śūnyatā still standalone at the top. Establishment and knowledge of Śūnyatā is helpful to separate religions from one another, and this difference confirms that different religions have different thoughts and patterns. (Many people think that all religions came from the same source and are basically the same.)


But Śūnyatā tends to be considered to be theoretical, mysterious and incomprehensible. Except for academic studies, Buddhists normally distance themselves from it. Here, I will try to help you look at Śūnyatā from different angles, and maybe I can contribute my meager efforts to expand the acceptance and understanding of Śūnyatā.

論及空法,緣起法的了解,為首要條件!除一般熟識的十二因緣法外,龍樹菩薩所著中觀論中八不中道的演練,亦一重要課題!在此不拿經、論點逐一做比對、或逐一演說(可參閱印順導師空之系列書籍),比照前面說法,從另一些觀點、 想法、做法提供參考,不是學術,也是學術,希望從中找出具體一點的實際修法,卻又不致背離「空法」之義太遠!

Before we can discuss Śūnyatā, we must first understand Pratītyasamutpāda(Dependent Origination)! Other than the familiar Twelve Nidānas, discourses in Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā's "Eight Negations of The Middle Path" [Translator's Note 1] are also important. However, I will not do point to point comparison or discussion of every Buddhist Texts and books on this topic. (You can look at Master Yin Shun's books on Śūnyatā. [Translator's Note 2]) I want to propose Śūnyatā from different angles for your consideration, not academic, but somewhat academic as well. In the process, I hope to find some concrete methods to practice and understand Śūnyatā, but also not stray too far from its ideal.

[Translator's Note 1]: 八不中道: 中論云:『不生亦不滅,不常亦不斷,不一亦不異,不來亦不去』 I have chosen to translate 八不中道 as "Eight Negations of The Middle Path." From Mūlamadhyamakakārikā: "Not created and not destroyed, not continuous and not broken, not the same and not different, not coming and not going"

[Translator's Note 2]:I am not sure if these books are available in English yet.  I am not able to find them.
