當我遇上一件令人忿忿不平或不公平待遇時, 心中馬上習慣性的浮現"我試圖要....","我一定要...."的念頭
Whenever I encountered a situation that I felt is unfair, thoughts like "I am going to try to do..." or "I must do..." automatically came to mind.
在此時, 有二種心態需要自我釐清它的本質,
I feel that at this time, there are two internal issues that I need to be clear about.
一;真正的問題 (指心理層面) 好像是我自己分離了,"它歸它的","我歸我的"
1. The real issue (within oneself). It is like I need to separate myself from the issue. "The issue belongs to the issue." and "I belong to myself."
二;內心好像有個永遠長不大的三歲小孩 (暫且稱它為潛意識的我) 蟄伏著
2. There always seems to be a 3 years old in me that will not grow up, and always seems to be there, (I am calling this the subconscious-I for now.) hibernating.
我如果?...........不是如果! 不是假設 !,而是勇敢承受它,因為它本身跟我是同一狀態,(其中也無任何的合理或排斥)
If I? No, not "if". Not assume. But to face it with courage. Because "its" existence is in the same condition as "I". (which there is no reason to combine or separate "it" and "I".) [Translator's Note]
睿歐 Ruì ōu
[Translator's Note] Not sure what 它 is referring to. But I assume it is the issue at hand. The situation that cause the reader to feel unfair.
2 則留言:
很勇敢 ! 已經敢面對三歲的自己,知道自己有一個點才三歲,還怕不能進步嗎
Master Ban Ji replied:
Very brave. Already dare to face your 3 years old self. If you can know there is a 3 years old self in you, there is no need to worry about not able to improve.