2011年12月24日 星期六

佛法的思向 18 A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts 18

訓練踢掉的心(踢掉什麼? 囉嗦的自己,很愛自己的自己,不抽象吧!),定慧雙進│可很快消除心頭粗昧相。 (粗昧相,就是不知道自己在做什麼! 像習慣發脾氣,習慣了就不會清楚自己,算修行的大忌諱)

You should practice kicking off parts of yourself. (Kicking off what? The nagging self, the narcissistic self, not too abstract, right?) If you can make progress in wisdom and concentration, you can remove the ignorance of your heart/mind. (In the original Chinese,
粗昧相 literally means rough appearances. In here, it is further clarify that "rough appearances of your heart/mind" means that you don't know what you are doing. For example, the habit of angry outburst is a sign that you don't know what you are doing, because once it is a habit, you won't know you are doing it. This is a big taboo in Practice.)

First, you should use thoughts and behaviors to control emotions and personality. Then you can progress from control to becoming second nature.


A flow can only bloom with one form. If there is no obvious trend, how does it show that it is special?


Think about yourself.
Not enough experience in the world.
Not enough bravery and courage, so you haven't spent the effort to figure it out.

Not knowing the seriousness of the matter, because your mind is too narrow and can only contain yourself.


Grasp "now", because time doesn't come back. You need to face responsibility at any moment. If you have any thoughts of escape, you will be farther away from the path.


You should raise your emotions to touch and feel Buddhist Texts and Dharma.

修行是當下先按捺你的感情。 過後真過不去,再找不造業的方法去渲洩,靜下來,拿佛法與之對抗。 這是沒力量時的做法,功夫要做到當下,就能清楚自己感情的不足,馬上拿佛法來銷融它。

Practice is to restrain your emotions, instantly. If you really need to find a release for the emotion afterward, use a method that does not create bad deeds (or bad karma). Once you are calm, you can use Dharma to fight it. You do this when you do not have enough strength and ability. You need to progress so that you can do so at the moment, instantly. As soon as your emotions start to flare, you need to know what you are lacking and use Dharma to vanquish it right away.

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