2011年12月18日 星期日

自我愛 1 Self Love 1

「自我愛!」 佛陀講解修道法門時,常會用到的詞語,簡單解釋就是 「愛自己」,佛陀認為我們太愛自己的結果,導致無法修道。

"Self Love" is a phrase that Buddha often mention in his speeches. Simply, "Self Love" is "love oneself." Buddha thought that as the result of our love for ourselves, that we were not able to Practice.

剛開始看到這樣的經文,一頭霧水,愛別人很容易理解,愛物質也是,或者是愛自己養的寵物,這些都不難清楚,但是 「愛自己」 得想想,怎麼個愛法?

At first, when I read this type of Buddhist Texts, I cannot understand how one loves oneself. It's easy to understanding loving other people, or things, even to love one's pets. But myself? How do I do that?


We live our lives by satisfying ourselves. We habitually satisfy whatever the body needs, whether visible things, or invisible ideas. If you take some time to think about it, it is true that we love ourselves the best.

假設你有修行經驗,用冥思方法知道自己的心念 ( 冥思 :就是安靜的想自己修學的內容 ,用打坐姿勢,或只安靜的去想都是,唯一不同點是個人修的法 門不一樣) ,你會很清楚知道 , 自己很多想法繞著自己轉,雖然冥思是在想自己修的內容,但繞著自己的雜念多到數不清,這裡面除了還不熟悉修法外,最多的還是在捍衛自己。

If you have any experience with Practice, you probably have used meditation to know your thoughts. (Meditation is quietly think about the content of your learning. This can be done by sitting, or simply be calm. It's all the same, they only differ in detail.) You will know that there are a lot of thoughts floating within your brain, and these thoughts are mostly about yourself. Even thought meditation is about be mindful of your learning, there are always countless number of thoughts surrounding you. Some of these thoughts exist because you are not yet familiar with your method, but most of these extra thoughts are there to uphold yourself.

比方說 : 你冥思前跟人吵架,一靜下來整個思緒全是吵架內容,想移開都辦不到,有可能你是對的但吵輸了,有可能是錯的但不想承認,這些情緒沒過去以前,是不可能想修學的內容,以人性正常的觀點看,沒什麼不對,假使你想進步,來看看自我愛的內容。

For example, before meditation, you had a fight. When you have a chance to be calm, all your thoughts are going to be about the fight, and you can not even remove it from your mind. It is possible that you lost the fight, or that you were wrong but would not admit it. Before these emotions have passed, it is impossible for you to Practice and work on your learning. This is normal. It is human nature. If you want to advance, you will need to know what is "Self Love."

半寄 Master Ban Ji
