2011年12月14日 星期三

修行絕不能忽略的感覺 2 The Feeling That a Practitioner Must Not Ignore 2


Buddha was also cast aside by his peers during his Practice, simply because he abandoned tapas [Note]. The reason that he abandoned tapas was because hunger dulled his brain, caused him to lose his ability to think clearly. Later, after he accepted a herder's offer of goat's milk, the energy from food regenerated his ability to think and eventually achieved enlightenment. His peers on the path of tapas thought he had broke tapas' percepts and left him. This is a story that all Buddhists should be familiar with.

換一個立場,如果你是當時的喬答摩 .悉答多,你會清楚你的身體在告訴你,我餓了! 這個信息嗎? 而且這個信息在當時環境是不允許有的,社會也強烈在執行它,不讓修行人違反苦的定律,這樣的背景下,你會選擇吃些營養食物? 還是堅持苦行立場至死不變?

If you were Siddhattha Gotama at the time, would you able to clearly understand the message of hunger from your body? Further more, this message of hunger is not tolerated by the circumstances. Because Siddhattha was practicing tapas, the society will not allow a practitioner of tapas to violate the law of dukkha. In that environment, would you choose to eat nutritional food, or keep on with tapas until your death?

很多人在看佛陀傳記後,會知道他就是這樣走過來,而有沒想過 {苦}是當時的主流派修法,被主流派拋棄是很可怕的事,除了必得忍受孤獨,還必須堅持自己的看法是對的,在還沒有被證明自己是對的時刻裡,這些主流壓力不好招架,不僅無助,還無處棲身,

Many people know this story, and how Siddhattha became Buddha. However, most people never realize that dukkha and tapas was the mainstream practice of the time. To be abandoned by the mainstream is very terrifying. Not only do you have to accept loneliness, you also need to have strong belief in yourself that your view is correct. Before you can prove it, the attacks from the mainstream are difficult to handle. Not only would you not have any help, you will have no shelter as well.


Most people will choose to submit to the pressure. Even if your body is looking for help, you will be too afraid to pay attention to it, because you are afraid of attacks or abandonment. This is what is sad about human nature. People search for enlightenment in order to find release, but then encountered so much unreasonable disputes.

要不要選擇你真實的感受? 不是勇者做不到,理解這些就知道有成就的人,是怎麼走過來的,這只是其中一種條件完成而已!

Only a brave person can choose to accept his real feelings. If you can understand this, you will know how a person with accomplishments walked the path, and this is only one of the many conditions.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

[Note] 苦行 Tapas is a practice of self-discipline or austerity willingly to restraining physical urges. It is probably similar to asceticism. I'll use tapas and asceticism interchangeably.

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