當下,這個詞很廣泛的被應用,人到底能不能在當下做些什麼 ? 來討論一下。
"This Instant"[Note] is a widely used phrase. Let us discuss whether a person can do anything "This Instant".
最近賈伯斯的往生,激起很大的討論,討論的內容多會指向他所修學的佛教,特別是{ 禪 }的教導。
Recently, Steve Job's passing invoked many discussions. Many of these discussions talked about his Buddhist learning, especially in Zen Buddhism.
禪宗說了很多當下的應用,但是因傾向不立文字的教導,內容究竟是什麼 ? 常讓學習者一頭霧水。
Zen Buddhism talked about the application of "This Instant," but because Zen Buddhism tends not to teach using texts, the content of its teachings can be nebulous to the students of Zen Buddhism.
想一下 ! { 當下} 如果可以被使用的人應用,那這個人背後練過多少功夫 ? { 當下 } 可以被使用就代表自己很熟悉,很熟悉於不須要思考的反應,而又是對的做法,想那樣的使用功夫,當然得先看看是怎麼練的。
Think about it, if a person can apply "This Instant," can you imagine the efforts and practices this person endured? If you can do things "This Instant", it means that you are very familiar with it. You are familiar enough with the issue to be able to come up with the correct action without thinking.
通常人在面對一件事的時候,會有幾種反應來處理事情: 一,父母的教法, 二,社會的看法,三,自己的經驗,四,同儕的做法。這些都反應完了還是不能解決,才會再去想其他能用上的方式。
Often, when faced with a situation, we usually react by 1. using the teachings from the parents, 2. adopting the view of the society, 3. acting based on our own experiences, and 4. utilizing methods used by our peers. It's only when none of these reactions is able to resolve the situation that we will consider other methods.
用這麼多條件去面對事情,照理說 : 取得了相當的優勢,應該已可解決事情,但也因為佔據了太多經驗法則,人能進步的空間遭到擠壓,事情是處理了,但相信很多人會常常有事情不盡完善,如果可以還想重頭再做一次的感覺 !
It might be reasonable to say that since we have so many methods at our disposal, we already have significant advantageous and should be able to resolve many issues. However, it is because there are so many methods, there is no room for progress. We might have resolved the situation, but I believe that many resolutions are incomplete, and many of us to would often like to have the chance to result the situation once again.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
[Note] 當下 means instantly or this moment. In Chinese, it can be used as a noun or a verb. But I'll use "This Instant" regardless of English usage.