2011年12月16日 星期五

修行絕不能忽略的感覺 4 The Feeling That a Practitioner Must Not Ignore 4

在我個人修持的經驗裏,折磨身體只有兩種答案 , 一、身體有基本生存慾望,當它感覺到生存有困難時,會強力掙扎,就算你給它現在在修行的命令,也沒用,因為它是活著的器官,需要有食物補給,才能維持運作,很餓的時候像有枯火在體內燒,是一種乾裂的痛苦,這個時候才驚覺身體是很多個體,一旦出現一個不舒服,全體都跑出來抗議。

In my personal experience, tormenting your body only has two answers: 1. Your body has its own survival instinct. When it feels that it has difficulty, it will struggle forcibly. Even if you order it, the order will be useless. Because it is a living organ and requires nutrient in order to function. When you are very hungry, you will feel like there is a fire burning in your body, causing parching pain. At this moment, you will find out that your body has many components, when one of them is not comfortable, they all come out with complaints.


2. At this point, you can give your body a strong order, wishing it to quiet down and giving it no hope of getting any energy and nutrients. After some struggle, it will quiet down, but in exchange, you will find yourself brain dead. The brain shut itself off when it has no nutrient. You can accept no food, in exchange for a numb brain.


Many practitioners have a deeply held mistaken view. They thought that their bodies belongs to them, and can do to their bodies as they please. These people, if they had spent some time looking at patients who are too sick to move before their Practice, will have a drastically different view of the body. At least they won't think that they can control their own body.


A healthy body is the best partner of a practitioner. A healthy body will make practitioner smarter, more motivated, more energetic, and many many other benefits. There are always news reports of people who had nothing to eat and the consequences of not eating. Everyone has this knowledge, but once it is cloaked with Practice, it all become reasonable. So reasonable that we are not allowed to be skeptical about it. Domestically and internationally, many people have a mistaken notions that denial of the body is a condition of Practice, so they accept it without question. The fundamental of a practice that rely on wisdom to reach enlightenment is the development of critical thinking abilities.


Practice is not Shoalin Martial Art. If you want to win using physical force, of course you will need to train your body to the extreme. Practice is looking for freedom, for liberation and we need to start from the Truth.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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