寫完了「自我愛」,想到一般讀者都不習慣思考,又來加進補充,我的意思是; 如果你想擁有你想要的,但是會有不踏實的感覺 ,因為清高論左右著你,或者你無能力獲得,而也想擁有,卻用惡毒的想法安慰自己,所謂人不自私天誅地滅。
After I have written "Self-Love" , I realized that most readers are probably not used to critical thinking. So I like to add a supplement. What I want to say is this: if you want something, but have an uncomfortable feeling because you are influenced by noble and virtuous theories. Or if you do not have the ability to get what you want, but still want, so you resort to vicious ideas to comfort yourself with ideas such as "Heaven and earth will destroy a person that is not out for himself."
These types of ideas are abundant in the society, enough to be confusing, but they are all like a ring that tightly encircles your head, causing you unable to think and breath. A practitioner needs to have the ability to choose among all these ideas. If he doesn't know what he has in his brain, how would he be able to choose a right path for himself?
這也是我想寫這個部落格的主因,就算是佛教徒一直想追求一種好的境界,也需有辨別能力,不然費一堆力氣,還不知自己身在何方? 豈不是冤枉的可以。
This is one of the main reason that I want to write this blog. Buddhists are always looking to find a good state of mind, but they also need to be able to differentiate. Otherwise, it is a waste of time, and they won't even know where they ended up. Isn't that so wrong?
After a long long time of pondering, I am able to live comfortably in the real world. Before, I was similarly lost and helpless in the waves of ideas and theories. There are 8 major schools of Buddhism in China alone, how would you know which one to choose?
現在我非常清楚實相是什麼! 意外的很這些判別後的想法,讓自己活的不錯,精神與能力具有,讀者該知道我為什麼一再提倡思考的原因了。華人一直認為思想無用,大錯! 成功人物包括修行者都是動腦袋的人。
Right now, I am very clear what the reality is. Surprisingly, after I was able to have the ability to differentiate, I was able to live well, spiritually and energetic. This is why I keep promoting thinking and reasoning. Chinese always think "thinking" is useless. Wrong! All successful people, include practitioners, all use their brains.
就算不為生活 ,佛學依然是要動腦的。
Even it's not for living, Buddhism still requires the use of a brain.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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