2011年12月22日 星期四

自我愛 5 Self Love 5


In part 1, I talked about meditation after an episode of anger.  But since then, I have supplemented it with a lot of other talks that readers might think I have digressed.

而我的想法是不會,需要那麼多的說法,只想點出一點,你在冥思時候生氣,到底要繼續生氣,還是要把事情想清楚再說,如果這時用自我愛當標準來衡量自己,是要覺得太愛自己才引燃生氣? 還是要覺得應該釐清內容才是?

I don't think that's the case. I said all these to raise a point. When you are meditating, and you are angry, should you continue with your anger, or should you try to figure things out first? If you use self-love as a criterion to judge yourself, do you think you are angry because you love yourself too much? Or do you think you need to figure out why you are angry?

在我過去的觀察了解裡。 打坐時出現的情緒,常會讓學者不知道該怎麼辦? 總覺得現在在冥思,為什麼無法專心? 想專心又無法克制情緒,在修行與情緒間掙扎不知如何是好?

Based on my observations, emotions that came out during meditation often cause confusion in a practitioner. If he does not know how to handle it, he would not be able to understand why he cannot concentrate in meditation. He wanted to concentrate, but cannot control his emotions, and cannot figure out what to do between the struggle of Practice and emotions.


If you normally read a lot, you will have plenty of information to help you understand how to face your own emotions. The more you know, the better you will be able to decide how to face yourself. You will be able to take many theories and ideas to find something suitable, to see the disturbed emotions, and clearly see how you should see yourself. Is your self-love becoming an obstacle for you? Or is there some other reason? Personally, I use the phrase "Love Myself too much" to criticize myself when I was not able to make a breakthrough, but then use the same phrase to comfort my exhausted self. I try to find a good rhythm in Practice.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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