But we can get a glimpse of the Zen teaching in the conversations that were written down from that era. At least, we know that when a student had exhausted all his abilities and was still unable to progress, the master taught the student the key breakthrough that the student needed. This is the crux of Zen's teaching method, of course, you still need to find someone who is a master in Zen first.
We can use words that is easier for us to understand to explain this teaching. We can say that the Zen master wanted his student to give up all his familiar emotions and feelings, his understandings, and the words and thoughts that he had ever had. He wanted his student to face his master naked, and he would even deny the student's habitual reactions and behaviors, such as secular rituals and the usual arguments. I think the student will probably go crazy or even beat up the master, unless he has a lot of strength within himself.
用現代眼光來看這些教法,更顯它的偉大,因為他採取特殊教法教育他的學生,他告訴學生,解脫的過程中,有沒有去蕪存菁的能力很重要,那代表你是不是已貫徹全懂了所謂修行。假使你讀遍了佛教經典,依然無能力替自己做些什麼? 在禪者的眼裡不能忍受! 所以他用打的,燒的,怒罵的,也要告訴你,你是很會讀頌經典,但是你沒有任何成就。
Looking at this method with a modern view point, we can marvel at its greatness. Because a Zen master used a very special method to teach his students. He told students that on the path to enlightenment, the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff is very important. The student is consider to have fully understand the so called Practice only if he had the ability to discriminate.
A Zen master would not be able able to tolerate his student if he had read all the Buddhist Texts but was still unable to do something with it. Therefore, he would hit, burn, yell, and curse at the student to just let the student know that he still had not accomplished anything.
世界上所有的教學方法,沒有一種教學法跟它一樣,用逼迫的方式去掉多餘的存在,思想的,經驗的,直摧你靈魂深處,喚起你生命最大的轉折,突破生命中看似不能再起變化的大變動。 唯有禪宗! 他的教學辦到了。
There is no teaching method like this in the world. This method forced students to remove extra and unnecessary ideas and experiences, all the way into the depth of your soul to arouse the biggest turning point in the student's life. Only with Zen's education can one make breakthrough in one's life when it seems further changes were no longer possible.
半寄 Master Ban Ji