2011年12月11日 星期日

當下4 This Instant 4

然而讀者不要忘了,最簡單的教法,一定是穿過千重山以後的事,不然只有簡單,假使沒有深厚的學養當靠山,是無法有火花乍現的,禪宗畢竟是反對煩瑣的教學而有的,但脫離文字太遠的結果是 {禪 }究竟是什麼 ? 變成一長串的問號?!

But please do not forget, the simplest teaching can only be applied after a student had made tremendous efforts in learning. Otherwise, if it's only simple, but without the backing of knowledge and efforts, there will be no spark. Zen avoids tedious educations, but the result of stray too far from words, made Zen a difficult concept to know and understand.

學習{ 禪 }的教學,而且是用對的方式,被指導者絕對可以產生石破天驚的蛻變。

Using Zen's method, if done correctly, a student is capable of breakthrough transformations.

而前提是你得避開簡化文字後的陷阱,很多所謂禪的教導,變成比手畫腳的無字天書,學者除了無力辨識外,恐怕連藉它培養功力 都不可能!

But first, you must avoid the trapping of simplified teachings. Many so call Zen teachings became a game of Charade, you will not only loss your ability to learn, you will probably not be able to use it to improve.

現代的教法,或人生課題的闡述裡 ,很喜歡講當下,當下就該怎樣,又怎樣!

Modern teachings, or classes on life lessons and self-improvements like to talk about "This Instant," like "What you should do this instant."

我只想問誰會使用 { 當下 }? 我們所謂的當下不過是經驗法則,{ 當下 } 如果可以強而有力的使用,那已是千錘百鍊的劍,在出鞘時光芒十足。

I want to ask who can use "This Instant." The "This Instant" that people usually talked about are nothing more than rule of thumb. The "This Instant" that Zen is talking about is more than that. If it can be used, it will be like a tempered sword, when it leaves the scabbard, it's light will blind all.


This kind of simple words usually are the hardest to express and to realize. I used to thought people who can talk about "This Instant" are all masters, so they can use these profound words to teach people. However, later, I found that I was just wasting my time.

你還想運用當下嗎 ? 可以 ! 先蹲幾年用功再說 !

You want to use "This Instant?" Sure, you should spent a few year with your Practice first.

至於我,我不會用當下,我只願意讓事情盡量不留下遺憾 。

Me? I cannot use "This Instant." I am only willing to try not to have regrets.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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