Self love and Greed are similar in that they are both hard to find a balance. If you want to use it cleanly, you will need to understand the correctness of your thoughts. This is why I raise some of the ideas proposed by Chinese intellects in part 3 of this series.
Except for our primitive nature, the behaviors of all people are influenced by ideas. People absorbs ideas that they like, and these ideas affect their entire life. Ideas can impact your fate, and control everything about you. So you need to have clear and coherent ideas.
佛陀曾用琴弦表示修行的張力,太緊與太鬆都無法拉出美妙的節奏,我想該愛自己到怎樣的界線? 用這樣當譬喻是最恰當的,我不願違背人性太多去談修行,那樣的結果只會導致更極端的說法出現,儒家也提出中庸的見解,但這裡面如果無法清晰的知道該怎麼用 ? 總會徘徊在是與非的選擇題中,不知如何是好!
Buddha used a string to illustrate the tension of Practice. If the string is too tight, or too loose, you cannot play beautiful melodies. I think how much a person should love themselves is best illustrated this way. I don't want to go against human nature too much when talking about Practice. The result of that will cause even more extreme ideas. Confucians also raised the idea of "The Mean" [Note]. But if you are not clear on how to do it, you will always be back and forth between the choices of "true" and "false". You will be unsure of what to do.
所謂修行是個人願意再多花時間,去探討生命的意義,就因費時費力,更要緊抓其中的節奏感,不需要一談到人性就心虛,不知怎麼在其中處之泰然?! 反倒該用清楚筋骨結構的架式,幫助自己快一點登頂。
Practice is all about the desire of a person to spent some extra time to investigate the meaning of life. But because it takes time and effort, it is important to capture the right rhythm. If you keep avoid talking about human nature, how would you be able to live in the middle of it? Instead, you need to know the framework and the structure of human nature to help you reach the summit faster.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
[Note] 中庸 is translated as "The Mean" here. Please consult Wikipedia for explanation.