2011年12月20日 星期二

自我愛 3 Self Love 3

我們能不能避開這些不實用的言論? 答案是可以,所以要檢討自我的內容,自我的內容釐清了,道德的不當要求,惡毒言論的伐害,都會有力量抵擋。

Can we avoid these impractical and unreasonable remarks? The answer is yes, by examining yourself and by understanding who you are. Once you are clear, you will be able to resist improper moral standards and malicious remarks.

從前我認為自己是好人,但得到的是不好的待遇,所以也會懷疑因果 的說法,不太相信,後來弄清楚所謂的好人,是普通定義,社會認為的、或自己界定的,只要外表沒做傷天害理的事,就認為自己是好人,搞得自己滿腹牢騷,後來我弄清楚思考的方向,要有好的待遇是果實的問題! 好的果實吃完了,當然就沒得吃,天經地義,跟自己是不是好人,根本不相干,所以一大堆看似堂而皇之的言論,都沒切中重點來說,想要再有果實吃,要再耕耘,就這麼簡單。

Before, I always thought that I was a good person, but always encountered bad deals. At that time, I also doubted Karma. Later, I understood that the so call "good" was either general definitions of the society, or personal delineations. It is a concept of "good" that says that if you never did anything horrible and wicked, you can be called a "good person." This definition of good made me disgruntled. But once I figured out how to think and had a clear direction, I understand that "getting a good treatment" is a matter of the fruits of your own labor. Once you ate all the good fruits, you will have nothing left. It has nothing to do with whether you are good or bad. All these seemingly grand remarks never talked about the main point: if you want to have fruits to eat, you need to plant fruit trees. It's that simple.

因為愛自己,捨不得自己吃苦,耕作是很累的,能不要就不要,那果實從那裡來? 也因為無法真正面對自己,才會讓一些根本不能用的想法,在自己腦海亂飛,有一大陣子的歲月,認為不食人間煙火的論點,至為崇高,等清楚因、緣、果後,才知道什麼樣的理論才能稱為圭臬。

Because people love themselves, they don't want to suffer. Cultivation and farming is very hard work. If you can avoid it, you will. But then where do fruits come from? But because people cannot face themselves, they let many useless ideas floating around in their brains.

There is a time when I thought the idea of living in an other-worldly manner is the most sublime concept in the world. But once I understand Yin, Yuan and Results (Karma), I understand what kind of theory can be called a real model.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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