2011年12月13日 星期二

修行絕不能忽略的感覺 1 The Feeling That a Practitioner Must Not Ignore 1


In the past, when I was been taught how to Practice, there is always one constant. That is, they always taught that one does not need a body during Practice.

所有的指導都跟你說;身體是負擔,一定要去除對它的執著,我同意身體會帶來很多麻煩,但是沒有身體我怎麼辦? 指導者又說身體是借給你用的,不是你的,我也同意! 但我對身體一無所知的狀態下,要拿什麼樣的力量反駁自己?

All the instructions said: body is a burden, and you must remove your persistent view of your body. I agree that body brings a lot of troubles, but what happens to me without a body? The instructors also always said that your body was loan. I agree, but if I know nothing about my body, how do I have the knowledge to refute my own body.


I don't understand why all Practices begin with a strong denial of the body.

修行不是要學習智慧來好好活著嗎? 好好活著不是也不容易? 甚至是一個大課題,為什麼不是從教智慧下手? 身體本身無罪,不須要否決它到這樣的地步,就算把層級提升到解脫生命,也必須跟身體好好先談談,一個沒有裝備齊全的身體,你要它把你帶去哪裡? 真去了會不會因裝備不足,還沒達成修行的追求就先當烈士一命嗚呼?!

Isn't the purpose of Practice to learn the wisdom to live well? It is not easy to live well, and it is a big and difficult topic. Why don't they start with teaching of wisdom? Body itself is not sinful, we don't need to deny it like this. Even if we are elevated to the level that transcends life, we still need to start by having discussion with our body. Where do you expect a not fully equipped and functioning body to take you? Even if you really get there, would you not perish before you reached the goal of Practice because your body is not well prepared?

印度這個國家,有一個傳統思想,那就是 { 苦 } 的思維,苦在印度思想佔據一個相當重要的地位,研究印度修行會看到他們用很多方法折磨自己,用這樣的行式達到所謂修道! 好像身體有著原罪,非這樣對待它否則不能消除罪孽,古代很多所謂修行的動作,是想向神交待,交代自己已通過嚴酷的懲罰,是否已可以回到神的身邊。

India has a traditional idea of dukkha. Dukkha is a very important concept in India, and if you study the practitioners in India, you will see that they used many methods to torture themselves and call it Practice. It is as if the body has an original sin, and they must treat it thus in order to redeem it. Many such practices of the ancient time are attempts at confession to the gods; to let the gods know that they have punished themselves, hoping to return to the grace of the gods.

半寄 Master Ban Ji
