2011年12月17日 星期六

佛法的思向 17 A Guide to Buddhist Thoughts 17


Religious rapture is the result of sincere prayers. It will be incredible if you can encounter this once or twice in a life time. However, if you encountered it, it will bring you incredible incentives on the path. But if you are always looking for it, then you are miles away from it.

世尊要弟子在修行中「堪忍」是跟「忍耐」不同的。 「堪忍」是在要越過任一境界時,須忍受習性與佛法的拉踞戰,忍受感情脫離的痛苦,能夠忍受過後,感情自能向上超越,邁入另一境界。 而「忍耐」則只是你對人事逆來順受,永遠在輪迴,重覆同樣的忍耐動作。

The "endurance" that Buddha wanted his students to "bear/endure" is not the same as the endurance that is normally understood. When you are attempting to elevate to a different stage on the path, you need to "bear/endure" the struggle between your habits and Dharma, to "endure" the pain that comes with the separation of emotions. After you are able to endure this, your emotion will be elevated. But normal endurance is how you tolerate the negativity surrounding you, which is always repeating, and causing you to always having to endure the same thing over and over.

「慈」是以平等心看待眾生。 「悲」乃同其情。 「喜」則隨喜他人的成就。 「慈悲喜」能做到,再不執著,就是「捨」。

"Compassion" is to look at all humanity evenly.
"Sorrowful" is to be empathic to all.
"Joyful" is to be happy for other people's accomplishments.
If you can be "Compassion", "Sorrowful" and "Joyful", then you are able to "be Generous."



Self Checkup

My heart/mind is too shallow, cannot contemplate the depth of myself.
My days are too lazy, always floating in the matters of people.
My eyesight is too short, only able to look at scenes near me.
My capacity is to small, only fitted for drinking from small streams.
But time, silently,
flows away right beside me.

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