2012年2月7日 星期二

敬鬼神而遠之? 4 Respectfully Staying Away from gods and ghosts 4


The souls that I talked about in the previous parts are all typical souls. These souls have families that they can rely on. Families worship them, so even if these souls still have obsessions, these souls will not do anything too outrageous.

然而人群中有一大塊區域,處於流離失所的狀態,這些人往生的靈魂也會彼此互相取暖,好一點的變成乞丐,四處搜求,不好的跟地痞流氓沒兩樣,到處打劫,佛經稱它們是精魅,比鬼更有力氣,也具有腦力,可以在人旁邊說話,也可以讓人產生幻覺! 它們為了食物[人的力氣]使盡本領讓人甘心為它提供食物,人氣愈多養出的它力量愈強,反而可以回頭操控人的生死。

But there is a large parts of humanity that are the displaced and the lost.When they depart, these people's souls will help each other. The good ones become beggars, the bad ones become gangs, robbing and attacking everywhere. Buddhist Texts call these devils, and they are more powerful than ghosts.[Note] Devils also have ability to think, and can speak to people and cause people to hallucinate. For food (which is the energy of human beings), they do everything they can so that people will provide food for them willingly. The more energy it acquires, the more powerful these devils will become. If they are strong enough, they can even dictate the life and death of men.

無形的世界有這麼強大的力量,真教人難以相信,但是許多時候我們可以看見,有些人確實被無形的世界掌控,以致於刀劍入侵都不覺得痛,更可怕的有一轉眼一個人變成另外一個人,他們一樣有神經系統、肉體,為什麼會不覺得痛? 為什麼可以轉變得這麼快? 答案在於看不見的那雙手,被一大群力量入侵的身體,神經系統被把持,不痛了! 一大群力量擠進人體,人體對它們而言不過是一張道具,想怎麼擺動隨心所欲,令看得見的眼睛目不暇給,想多精彩都沒問題,因為是一大群人在表演。

It is hard to believe that the invisible world wields such a strength. But we can clearly see that a lot of people are controlled by the invisible world, such that they don't even feel the pain of being impaled by knifes and swords. Some are even more terrifying, they can change a person to another with a blink of an eye. These people still have nervous system and physical body, why don't they feel pain? Why can they changed so fast? The answer is the invisible pair of hands. A body that is invaded by a powerful force and the nervous system of the body has been controlled, it will feel no pain. Human body is nothing but a prop to these forces, it can be easily manipulated. It can be as exciting and outrageous as one can imagine, because there are a lot of people involved.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

[Note] 精魅: I translate this as devils, but I am not sure if they are the same types of devils that the west is normally familiar with.There are a lot of specific names for invisible beings in Chinese culture, while there are very few words for these beings in English. So there might be some translation mismatch here.

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