For us, we have made it very clear what our goal is in the article "Science and Buddhism." What our destination looks like in the article "Liberated." We also have been very clear on how to get there.
Buddhism's important concepts can all be encapsulated in Śūnyatā, Nidānas. anicca, anattā. These are really simple concepts. You don't need to consider them to be transcendental, mystical or even divine. These are simple observations about us and the world around us using archaic words from thousands of years ago. We could have used "Programmable", "State Diagrams", "Clocked Mealy Machine" and "Self-modifying program" to describe these observations just as well. (These words probably makes more sense for software engineers.) Or we could use "Changeable", "Laws of Changes", "Changes of the World", "Changes of Self". It doesn't matter what words we use, it's all the same.
佛學的重要概念都可放在「空」、「因缘」、「無常」和「無我」裡。這些都是非常簡單的概念,您不需對它們有任何超然、神秘,甚至神聖的感覺。它們都只是對我們和世界的觀察,用幾千年前古老文化寫出來的字。現在,我們可以用「可編程式」、「狀態圖」、「同步米利型狀態機」和「自我修改程式碼」來形容這些觀察 (這些詞對軟體工程師較有意義)或用「易變」、「變的規律」、「世界的變」和「我的變」來替換,其實都一樣。
These concepts are not hard to understand, but hard to empirically understand.
Philosophy of Buddhism is unlike other philosophy in the world. It is meant to be practiced and realized in the real world. We encourage everyone to try to understand this and to live it.
At this point in our Blog, Master Ban Ji and I have agreed that we have written enough about the theoretical aspects of Practice and our views. To write any more will probably only obfuscate the simple concepts of Buddhism and Practice further.
After today, the articles will mostly be Master Ban Ji's miscellaneous notes, and my personal experiences. Unless there are specific questions, we will probably not talk too much about the theory.
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