看到非洲某些國家狀況的人們,不必再問地獄到底在哪裡? 答案很明顯,在有些人生存的環境裡,那裡的人們像似被綁著一樣,想為自己爭取一點什麼? 那怕只是一小口水,一小口麵包,都像被詛咒一般,求也求不來,還有兇惡的獄卒把守,百般被摧殘,可見只要條件符合,就會出現地獄的現象。
When we see the living conditions of certain countries in Africa, we don't need to ask where hell is. The answer is obvious. It is in some people's living conditions. People there cannot even get a drink of water or a bite of bread even when they beg and pray. It is like they are tied up in jail. They also have mean jailers, who abuse them in every possible ways. It is clear that if the conditions are satisfied, the appearance of hell will appear.
According to Buddhist teachings, if a person's certain behavior achieved a specific level of energy, the fate that belongs to this energy based on the person's behavior will be manifest itself. So some people go bankrupt over night, like falling from heaven to hell. Other people who become wealthy over night should feel the bliss of ascending to heaven.
懂得這些理論就知道,真該畏懼的是自己的創作力,其餘圍繞在自己身邊的,不過是隨著自己已開拓的路線在產生罷了! 有修行經驗的學者,會去看到【自己行為還沒出現前的想法】,假如是不好的,而你自己這個時候有能力,在還沒引發成行動前就自己摧毀它,那才是真正要關心的重點。
If you understand this theory, then you would know that you should fear your own actions. Everything else surrounding you just follows the road that you have paved. An experienced practitioner will see "the thought that precede the behavior." If the thought is not good, and you have the ability, you will destroy the thought before it becomes a behavior. This is what you need to worry about.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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