2012年2月12日 星期日

三十三天 3 Trayastriṃśa 3

讀者不要誤會看見一次人群就冠上一層天的稱呼,天的稱呼,畢竟是有福報的代表,要被列入一層天,必得是那一群人有著同樣的一種福份,才能集合在一起,所以可以聚集在一起,並不是一件容 易的事,印度人把沒有在現實發展的行動,都拿去觀察這些世界,不是透過方程式,也沒有去做假設、實驗、直接就訓練人體達到某種異能狀態,去看大千世 界。

Please do not think that they named any group of people a "heaven" without reason. They used the term "heaven" because it represented good karma (merit). To be included into a level of "heaven", these people need to share the same type of good karma. So to be grouped together is not an easy matter. Indian took all the energies that they did not spent in reality to observe these worlds. They did not do so through equations, nor did they try scientific methods. They simply trained human body to a have a certain abnormal ability to see at these worlds.

在今日的文獻裡,可以發現佛陀當時就已經親眼看見其他世界的存在 ! (四大洲的說法) 那個時候還是西洋數學家、哲學家、在推論地球長什麼樣子的年代,很少人從科學的角度去研究佛陀看見的世界,是如何開拓的? 那不是一種神秘經驗,反而是人群透過另一層次的方法,去過他們想要過的日子。 也許你可以說 : 沉默是另一種聲音。

In today's writings, you can see that Buddha was able to see the existences of other worlds (The talk of four continents.) At that time, western mathematicians and philosophers are still debating about the shape of the earth. So very few people will investigate the worlds that Buddha saw and how he did it through scientific inquiries. This is not a mystical experience, but people used different methods to live the lives that they want to live. May be you can say that silence is another voice.

註一:佛陀修的入定方法,不只是單一的定力,祂突破印度人的傳統修法,所成就的世界更寬、更廣、而且更具有條理方法,旁人依據這些理論方法,一樣可以走到。 這是佛教相當不同的論點。

Note: The jhana that Buddha practiced was not simply one type of jhana. He made a break through in Indian's traditional methods, and is able to see bigger, wider worlds. His method is also more coherent. Other people can arrive at the same place following his methods and theories. This is where Buddhism differs.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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