2012年2月11日 星期六

三十三天 2 Trayastriṃśa 2

在很多佛教的文獻裡(大藏經)類似的討論不勝枚舉,不僅是罔顧現實而已,重點是應該在討論內容中佔第一位的人不見了! 這些需要人去遵循 實踐的、方法、戒律、竟然不需要考慮人體能承受的範疇,彷彿人已成仙了,人世間要有的飲食、醫藥、都可以非常非常簡單、可是諷刺的很它又是針對人所做的規範,既然生活已被降到最冰點,還有熱量可燃燒嗎? 沒有熱量的結果,再好的理論都自然凍結!

There are many similar discussions about this topic in many Buddhist Texts (Dàzàngjīng, Great Treasury of Sūtras). Not only does these discussions ignore reality, it also made the most important thing in the discussion irrelevant, and that is the people. These methods and precepts that wanted people to practice and perform did not consider the tolerance of human body. They seem to consider people as gods. It is ironic that these rules are focused on people, because people need food, water and medicine, even thought these needs can be very simple. If life is reduced to absolute zero, is there still any energy left? The result of no energy is that all theories will freeze as well.

發展食物理念,比較容易產生的修法是入定,入定以後肉體消耗的熱量很低,因為強力的定力讓身體處於不動狀態,所有肉體的需要就不是問題,常處於入定的人某些能力會轉強,但不是去思考,所以大腦不須要用力,只需要眼睛去看就行。眼睛能看到的也是很多,坐著不動卻可以看見這群人在幹什麼 ! 那群人又是在幹什麼! 一群一群的人所組成的世界,一個群體是一層天的代表,一直往上疊。

This type of treatment of food is the result of the practice of jhana (meditation.) Once a person is in jhana, his body will use less energy. Because strong jhana let body be stationary, and all the needs of the body will no longer be a problem. Also, a person who spent most of his time in jhana will increase his ability in certain area. But that area is not reasoning or thinking, so it requires no efforts from the brain. He just has to look with his eyes and see a lot of things. He can sit there, without moving, and see what these group of people are doing, and what that other group of people are doing. He will see the worlds created by groups of people. One group represent a "heaven" (world), and pile on top of another.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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