2012年2月9日 星期四

敬鬼神而遠之? 6 Respectfully Staying Away from gods and ghosts 6

看不見的世界,有時候是一種集體的意識圖騰,類似每一個民族的代表物,這樣說似乎很難理解,舉個例子; 上帝算不算是大部份西洋人的圖騰? 就像龍是華人的圖騰一樣,一種集體意識認同的存在,這種認同也不需要具體的人物,但是被質疑的成分不多,同樣是通過意識而有的無形世界,一個廣受歡迎,一個被列入異端邪說。

Sometimes, invisible world is a group's symbol of collective consciousness, like a representation of a culture. Let me try to say it differently, with an example. Is Christian God a symbol of most westerners? Just like dragon is the symbol of Chinese? The existence of a group conscious' symbolic representation does not have to be a concrete person or things, but the existence of these symbols are not usually disputed. These are all manifestation of conscious in invisible worlds, but one (group symbol) is accepted while the others (ghosts and gods) are considered to be heresy.

當然人都喜歡冠冕堂皇的事,我也無意要引導別人去注意無形的世界,只是我一向願意把事情盡量講清楚,如果可以的範圍,鬼與神也一樣,就算祇是幽暗人口,知道它的來龍去脈,總比無知或強力排斥來得好,對鬼神存在的問題,個人也是從不相信到了解,進而願意談談它,這其中促成我清楚它的,反而是由於對人性的理解所觸發,人性深入愈多,愈能明白人群由意志、願力、所交織的世界有多麼的錯綜複雜,所以什麼事會是不可能的? 要下評斷前,得想想自己的經歷夠嗎?

Of course people all like grandiose things, and it is not my intention to lead people to pay attention to the world of unseen. I only want to explain issues as clearly as possible. Topic of ghosts and gods is the same. Even if they are the unseen population, knowing their causes is better than ignorance and strong rejection. Regarding the existence of ghosts and gods, I evolved from unbelieving to understanding to willing to discuss them. What made me understand them are due to my understanding of human nature. The more I understood human nature, the more I understand the complexity of the world that people create using willpower and wishes. If you want to judge whether something is possible or not, please consider whether you have enough experiences first.

華人世界有一句話這麼說; 未經漫漫長夜者不可與之云云,意思是沒遭受過痛苦的人,不要跟他說話,因為沒有經歷過人事的人,說了也不懂 什麼叫做痛苦! 人世間許多事大約都是這樣,人與人的鴻溝會這麼的深,是太輕易指責別人的後果!

There is a saying in Chinese culture, " Don't talk with someone who has never experienced a long night." What this mean is that you shouldn't talk with someone who has never experienced suffering. Because someone who has not experienced life will never understand what suffering means. Many things are like this in the world. The gaps between people are the result of our willingness to accuse others.


I still maintain an attitude toward investigation of all matters.

半寄 Master Ban Ji

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