一則故事含有許多層面的背景,華人有句話說;無心插柳柳成蔭,沒想到後來的佛教徒從這個故事開始認真的計較起來,自己所做的布施是否是真正的功德? 也就是無相布施,其實人們去做很多的善行為,都屬於勞心勞力的,有付出有果實,也是必然的結果,真心付出的自己,為什麼不能自我肯定? 非得冠上是所謂最高等級的布施,才會心安?
A story has many layers of complex backgrounds and contexts. There is a saying in Chinese, "unintentionally planting willow, and soon willows become shade."(unintended consequences.) It is surprising that Buddhists took this story and began to seriously discuss whether their generosities have real merits or not. And what is the considerations for non-attached generosity? In reality, people's very real charitable behaviors are all results of real labors and efforts. It is obvious that if you give, you will receive the fruit of giving. If you can be sincere about your generosity, why can't you affirm yourself? Why do you need to derive comfort from the label of the highest level of generosity?
梁武帝用了近似強迫的手法,讓大臣們捐款,除了是不樂之捐,也說明了古代帝皇專權時,貴為皇帝還是不能為了他的信仰,專制的要別人拿出錢來,這也是身為佛教徒的驕傲,古代國外,含印度本身有多少的信仰是權威的可怕,不容懷疑,宗教的紛爭及戰鬥,奪去了多少人的自由與生命,連人才被冠上妖魔鬼怪的帽子,也是一個個的追殺,而這些痛苦在佛教徒身上,少之又少! 佛教徒從不為別人或與自己不合的教內思想,發動過戰爭,大規模的排除異己,佛教徒大概也不能理解為什麼要為信仰殺人? 因為佛法不是信仰而已! 還要修練的,如果說這世界上有真正的自由,那佛教的精神,該名列第一位。
Emperor Wu of Liang used coercion to make his ministers to donate. Other than the fact that it was done with reluctance, it also illustrated that even in the authoritarian world of ancient empires, an emperor did not choose to directly force other people to give money based on the emperor's belief. This is a pride of Buddhists. In other countries of ancient time, many faiths and beliefs, including India itself, have horrifying authoritarian regimes. Conflicts and wars due to religion took away the freedom and lives of many people. People are even labeled as ghosts and demons and pursued and killed one at a time. But very few of these incidents applied to Buddhists. Buddhists never started war to remove oppositions due to different ideologies. Buddhists cannot also understand why people want to kill in the name of a belief. This is because Buddhism is not a belief, it is also a practice. It there is real freedom in the world, then the spirit of Buddhism should be listed first.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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