2012年2月2日 星期四

讀者回饋 : 沒有固定的狀態,是名「無生」 Reader Contributions: There is No Fixed State, therefore it is call "No Creation"

我們喝的紅茶湯,不會自己產生,不是從熱水來,不是從硬硬的紅茶葉來,更不是從茶壺自己跑出來,也不是從時間來(熱水,紅茶葉,茶壺擺久了,也不會有紅茶湯)。 因為我把三者放在一起,一段時間,硬的紅茶葉因為熱水而變軟,已不是原來的紅茶葉,熱水因為紅茶葉而降溫,已不是原來的熱水,熱茶壼也不是原來的冷茶壼。三者因彼此而改變,紅茶湯是三者變化的結果。(若三者堅持不變,不會有紅茶湯)。 產生紅茶湯是條件式的因緣法,三者能泡出紅茶湯,是謂法性。

The tea that we drink does not create itself. It does not come from hot water. It does not come from hard and dry tea leaves. It also does not come from the teapot. It also cannot come from time. (Hot water, tea leaves, teapots if left along, will not create tea by themselves.)

If I put these three together, after some time, the hard and dry tea leaves became soft because of hot water, and are no longer the original tea leaves. Hot water becomes not as hot because of tea leaves, and is no longer the original hot water. Hot teapot is not the original cold teapot. These three things changes because of each other, and tea is the result of the changes to these three things. (If these three things do not change, there will be no tea.)

Creation of tea is the result of the conditional Nidānas. It is their natures (or characteristics) that allows these three items to create tea.

諸法不自生,亦不從它生(除非改變),不共(除非因彼此而改變)不無因,是故知無生(石頭不會變成馬鈴薯)。[Translator's Note]

Phenomenons do not create themselves.
Phenomenons also are not created by other phenomenons (but can be changed).
Nor by combining them together (but can be changed due to each other), and not without cause.
Therefore we know that phenomenons are not created (rock cannot be turned into potatoes.)

[Translator's Note:]諸法不自生,亦不從它生,不共不無因,是故知無生 is from Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. This is my translation of the phrase. Text in parentheses are comments added by the reader.

1 則留言:

元, Yuan 提到...

ang5 said,

Tea is great! So lemonade is as well. So is egg fried rice...the pleasant musics, the success and failure of work, the happiness and sorrow, all these are like the tea that we can use to practice.