時間轉至今日,跟現今科學做個相互比較,依然不能懂? 印度人連微塵土都討論過,相當於最小單位的探討, 為什麼那時沒有印度人有興趣把它用實驗表現出來?
Indians had discussed the concepts of "microscopic dusts" back in the time of Buddha, which is the investigation of the smallest units. This concept is comparable with what the scientists are doing today with investigation into quantum particles and beyond. So why were there no Indians at that time even interested in the discovery of these "microscopic dusts"?
三十三天看過資料的讀者,一定會覺得我寫的好少,沒錯! 是寫得很少,關於三十三天的記載內容是非常豐富的,也許是這樣的緣故讓它顯得龐雜難懂,看不懂的讀者會把它當神話來對待,神話世界是虛構的,可是印度人的宇宙觀有很大部份是觀察得來的,所以我選擇從三十三天形成的路徑,概念去說明,有興趣的讀者可以自己找來看看,把我的說法當索引就好。
Readers who had read about Trayastriṃśa must think I have not written much on the topic. They are right. There are a lot of materials written on Trayastriṃśa already, and maybe why Trayastriṃśa seems complex and hard to understand. So people tend to treat it as a mythology. Mythologies are fictional stories, but the cosmology of Indians were observed. So I choose to use Trayastriṃśa as an example to explain how it came about. People who are interested in Trayastriṃśa can find out more about it on their own, but they can use this article as a guide.
再有印度人發現的人體功能問題,跟少林拳一樣, 有一套一定的修練程序,只是內容得加上理論配合,這些我想我們在文章裡都介紹過,沒什麼好奇怪的?!
Furthermore, the human abilities that Indians discovered are like Shaolin martial art, they both have a well defined set of trainings. But the contents of the trainings are complemented with theories. I think we have explained these trainings in previous articles, so there is nothing strange about it.
If you become an expert in this area, you will understand all these after some research.
補充一點 ,三十三天為印度古老年代就形成的一套宇宙看法,不是佛陀創造的,佛陀本身是當時的貴族兼知識份子,除了承襲印度哲學外,又加上自己的開創,閱讀世界上所有的學問一定要看到背後支持的文化架構,才能了解整個過程,也容易清楚為什麼這個學問會這麼說。
One more point, Trayastriṃśa was an established cosmological view of Indian prior to Buddha. It was not created by Buddha. Buddha was a royalty and an intellectual at the time, other than inherited the philosophy of India, he added his own creations. So when you read the knowledge of the world, you need to see the cultural framework in the background in order to be able to understand how the knowledge came to be. So you can also understand why knowledge is the way it is.
半寄 Master Ban Ji
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